BITCOIN – ON THE EDGE OF A CLIFF… (Dump scenario explained)

By | February 6, 2023

Everything ready to go now we go and We're live guys welcome to another Episode of good morning Crypt only here Only on Ivan on Tech today we will be Discussing the fact that Bitcoin is Dumping and many people are a bit Worried many people are a bit scared you Look at the chart this may be the Burj Khalifa chart where we just go down from Here as you can see this is the run-up This is the body of the building and Then this is the other body if we go Straight down to 16k but in this video We'll be discussing on a more realistic Level the different scenarios that will Play out we do have the CME Gap that Most people have missed but there is a Significance me gap which I will show You we do have of course the cross right Now on the daily with the 250-day moving average so we do have a Nice juicy cross happening right here There is also another important level to Watch which we potentially were rejected Of this 200 week moving average all in All we're going to be discussing what's In for Bitcoin in the coming days in the Coming days in the coming week because Guys as the dump is happening we went From 24 to 22.8 and many people are Starting to become concerned and this is Where we step in and we explain what the Hell is going on because looking awesome On the top market cap we do see the

Following situation we do see Bitcoin Minus 2.6 minus 4.3 percent over the Past 24 hours we do see if minus 2.5 we Do see B and B minus 2.6 and there is a Whole fight right now about BNB and uni Swap which we will cover today as well Because some people want to launch uni Swap on buying a chain and a16v and some Other players are heavily heavily Heavily opposing that I will show you Soon what's happening is it pretty Interesting because this is the web 3 Politics right now we do have web 3 Politics I will show you the a16z wallet And as you know a16z is a massive VC in The space and they control approximately Or not approximately exactly 15 million Uni tokens as you can see here in Morales money I will link the the Address in the chat here so you can Check it out for yourself and the good Thing with Morales money as well is if If you go to history you understand What's happening because if you scroll Down here you will see that they are Actually not voting I was looking at Their address and I didn't find that Voting for the proposal to integrate Into binance chain and that and then I Went into Morales money and I scrolled And as you can see we decode we decode Everything that happens on chain and Here on March the 6th they called the Delegate function and if you open this

In etherscan you will see that they Delegate that you look here at the logs You will see that they delegated from This address which is where they hold The assets to this address and if I open Up this address now in morales money Because this is what I saw when I looked At the voting I saw this address voting And you can see here the cast the vote Against the the integration with binance Chain so this is the kind of power we're Looking forward to bringing here with Morales money up where you can actually See what function calls are being called In plain English so for example here is Cast vault in the other one you saw Delegate this is the power of decoded Blockchain because on etherscan is Difficult I mean ethers can handle Information but it's difficult to use Anyway getting back to the the market we Do see cardano taking hit doshin taking His polygon Solana but all in all we're Still up when you just zoom out a bit Some of the coins performing quite well Is a singularity The Singularity net the Graph dydx Leo Tolkien and the biggest Losers in the top hundred let's see Aptos Phantom Radix Loop ring truss Wallet so the Biggest Loser is only 10 It could have been worse in this space And we were joking before the start of The stream guys this may be for us Okay This may be for us there is a rehab

Center guys in Spain so book your Tickets now which is right now Which is right now added which has sorry Guys right now they added crypto Edition Crypto tracing Edition my English is Still sleeping it's Monday crypto Tracing addition so if you are addicted You know where to go if you're addicted To crypto nowhere to go this Center is Called the balance it's a Switzerland Founded Wellness Center which is located In Mallorca in Spanish island of Mallorca we may need it especially as we Should the bull market we may we may Need it but in all seriousness trading Can also become a bad addiction so be Careful guys or always take it in Moderation if you feel that you're Feeling bad you go to the balance in Mallorca and also I do see it now in the Bear Market it's kind of funny where my Conviction about crypto is higher than Ever so I can imagine that some people Think that I should go to this rehab Center like I told you a few days ago I Was having a board night game with some Friends and one of these friends who I Just met by the way it's a new person That I met he was working in a bank and I was telling him business is going to Go to a million and this was crazy I Mean he looked at me as I'm crazy and It's kind of like when you look at What's happening right now with Tesla

It's a bit unrelated but you know that They are releasing the Cyber track the Cyber truck is going to be released this This year and I was saying listen this Is this looks amazing many people said This looks horrible this and that but I Think the difference is that we're Looking in different time scales I'm Look talking how this is gonna look when We go to other planets basically when Elon Musk vision is is accomplished like This is this is the perfect machine for Space Explorations when I look at this Machine I'm looking how we're gonna Travel on different planets maybe you Can install a machine gun here at the Back and most people look at this just You know go shopping and pick up the Kids back and forth from school and this Is kind of like with Bitcoin as well you Gotta be a bit out there a bit crazy to Think that Bitcoin is going to go to a Million but right now in the bear Market I'm super super super more certain now Than before as we do see the network Survive miners survive everyone is Super Active in the space just look at Twitter Look at Twitter how active it is and the Network is just growing it's crazy it is It's very interesting how the bear Market changes your your perspective and Also it changes your view on time Because in the bear Market when you've Been through a year plus of suffering

You understand that listen one two three Years is a short amount of time and if If this space is going to continue to Grow we're gonna be in in at a million Dollars very quickly for most people 10 Years is a long time for us in crypto After everything we've been through 10 Years it's not a long time so this time Perspective is also quite interesting in Crypto anyway looking at the CME Gap we Do have right now a gap here at Approximately 20K which corresponds Perfectly with the with with the uh Chart withdrawn where we are expecting Us to go back and retest the 20K level Let me see if I can pull it up oh yeah Here's this this one where we are Expecting us to go back and re-test this Level around 20K remember withdrew this Line uh last week we were saying that as This pump right here is coming to an end As we are dying off in momentum we may Come back to this area of Confluence and Revisit it because here is where the 200-day moving averages here's our Reduces the Golden Cross there is a lot Of support right here so listen this may Happen and it will be perfectly fine This is the kind of things that worries People so much we went just look at Where we came from a few weeks back here In January we were at 16k okay we went All the way to 24. and now that we go Back to 20 most people are so scared I

Don't get it don't be scared because This may happen and in fact it's good That it happens because so many people Have their money on the sidelines still You think everyone has deployed their Capital now many people are looking at 20K as another chance as an as another Chance to get into the space and that's Why I do feel that the support there is Going to be strong because many people Who who are on the sidelines they did Follow in maybe that is what created This pump right here as well and on this Channel we were saying listen don't Don't worry don't follow too much Because chances are we gonna revisit It's not just gonna be you know we break Out and that and that's it and we're out Of this bear Market most likely we're Gonna release it but don't count on it As always don't count on it because Bitcoin doesn't owe us anything what is Bullish though and why I think that 20K Level will hold or at least the Probabilities are in that favor is the Fact that the uh percent when you look At the percent of addresses that hold Bitcoin for more than five years is Going up so you have different people in The market some people are only here for The short term they hold Bitcoin and Then they get worried and they sell and Some people are here for the long term Where they just huddle they huddle they

Huddle they huddle nothing happens now Some of these hodlers they are turning Into short-term sellers when the market Changes when the pump a lot from a Dumplings some of these long-term Holders they convert into short-term Holders but right now as you can see The percent of these addresses that are Holding Bitcoin and the their their last Activity was five five plus years ago it Is going up like never before and this Is good to see because this is strong Hands this is strong hands so whoever Wanted to sell probably they're out Already and so combining what we're Seeing right now on the charts number One they see a mean Gap normally these Gaps fill also we cannot count on it but Normally they do fail and by the way Also we now have a small one up here but To the upside it's gonna get it's gonna Get covered sooner or later anyway but To the downside is the big question Which of this Gap will we cover to the Downside because there are a few other Ones uh but the one that is interesting To us right now is is this one right Here and if we go down here it's going To be 20K so corresponding quite nicely To everything else and then let's see if The long-term holders are ensuring that We are staying above this 20K line Because as the true Diamond hands are Holding and reducing more people

Deploying their Capital around 20 okay Because they see it as a new chance to Get in that's fantastic that's what we Want to see also switching a bit towards Alts and towards dexas it is good to see The growth of Osmosis you remember Osmosis we did discuss it a few weeks Back when we spoke about the cosmos Ecosystem and the fact that Cosmos is Growing quite a lot so when you look at Osmosis which is like uni swap on Cosmos And you look at the number of daily Active users it is right now catching up To UNI Swap and also you can imagine why It is because uni swap is the gold Standard of dexas on ethereum is where Everyone is tracing on eth but the Problem is high fees so it's not very Inclusive it's only for people that have Money that want to trade and especially When there is there are a lot of Transactions and network is overheated Overheated it does become quite Expensive and that's why that's why it's Good to see osmosis as the alternative Runner-up right now which is by the way Totally different when you look at Uni Swap which is an evm based amm and then You look on osmosis which is basically On Cosmos connecting all the assets from All of the different customer chains to One chain where they can be traded that Is the most important infra play for Cosmos to become big that you have a

Nice place to trade this is where we Need to see more action from for example Polkadot what we're just discussing Yesterday about polka dot versus Cosmos And how polka dot is doing so polka dot Actually needs a nice decks and I know There's polka decks there are a few Other ones but there is none as big and As active right now at least as osmosis So look at the big important Fundamentals in a chain you need for Example to have a DEX that is active Otherwise there's not not going to be Any default you need to have abundance Of stable coins so that you can actually Have D5 without stable cons D5 is Difficult because all of these Landing Positions they don't work if all assets Are pumping and dumping like normal Cryptocurrencies are so stable coins are Very important either algorithmic or Backed by uh by an entity whatever it is Some stable coin is needed and of course We are we are preferring the algorithmic Ones and number three which is key as Well is the oracles and this is Something that I need to study myself How the oracles are looking like on the Cosmos is for example is chain link on Cosmos are they providing any Information maybe you guys can let us Know in the comment section because Having chain link in particular not just Any Oracle but having chain link in

Particular I think is key because it's Not about trust oracles are in searching Real real world data into the smart Contracts so they are basically Responsible for billions of dollars Because if you insert the wrong price Let's say you are inserting price from Binance and other census exchanges into Smart contracts which is needed smart Contracts need to know the trading price On SEC on Central exchanges and and this Is the function of of Oracle so let's Say an oracle is corrupt or Oracle can Manipulate this price it's very bad Because how on chain assets are released And how on-chain assets are kept in Smart contracts maybe maybe predicated On what the real world prices are doing On what real world numbers are looking Like for different things for prices for All kinds of things so of course if Oracles are not trusted it's going to be Very very bad and chain link is the gold Standard if chain link is in a in an Ecosystem you know that most likely it's Gonna work out and most likely you as a Developer you don't want the Responsibility of having to build an Oracle or having to choose an oracle Because it's a long long due diligence Process for you to choose a nice Oracle And chain link is the gold standard so If you are a Dev you just integrate Chain link you you don't try to mess

With it because it's so critical so Whenever a new chain is coming along They need to get chain link and another Thing we should see is more Alternatives While chain link is the gold standard It's not great that there are no other Big alternatives for oracles that people Trust because there are not many there Are not many there is banned protocol There a few others but not in the same Trusted league as chain link so that's Very important so for polka dot for Cosmos this is this is The Primitives we Need one good decks at least one good Decks at least one good trusted Stablecoin which is really reliable and Nice oracles Um and uh ideally chain link So this is in terms of what we're seeing With uh with osmosis with Cosmos now Let's switch gears a bit and go back to What we discussed with units for because This is so interesting what's happening With uni swap as you know binashean Right now does not have uni swap they Have pancake Swap and uni swap has not Deployed and right now we are looking at A16z portfolio and as you can see they Have 15 million uni it's a lot it's a Lot they control quite a big portion of The of the voting pool and there has Been this discussion which is quite Interesting and you can go to governance Forum in uni Swap and you can read it

And they're discussing in great detail Why they should or should not deploy on Buying a chain and there are many Different players here there is Penn State University there is Hardware like Look here pen blockchain there are so Many interesting players involved in This discussion and there are two camps And it has to do with Bridges so in Order for uni swap to deploy they need a Nice Bridge the nice Bridge of assets to Buying a chain and one of these bridges That a16z wants to use is called layer 0 And they did invest a lot in layer 0. And then there is another camp with Another Bridge called Wormhole and they Are discussing here what is better Wormhole or layer 0 should we use layer 0 or should we use Wormhole and this Debate became quite heated to such an Extent that the ACC basically said Listen we because you're not using layer 0 we're not voting for this this is what They said basically they they formulated It better of course they formulated it Nicer but it came down to the fact that We're not using layer 0 so you don't get Our vote and for the longest time here When you look at the voting they were Deleting no vaulter so the red line is Yes and the yellow line is no so when The voting started whether uni swap Should be deployed on Bina chain it Basically wasn't no because a16z voted

Against it but then the community came Together and as you can see now it's yes So let's see how this ends and for us in The community it's of course good that Banashank gets unusual version 3. why is It so because uni swap is maybe the best Team when it comes to dexas and so for Binary to thrive is better that uniswap Deploys a decks than some third-party Project which may or may not be serious And this is all about free market but if You have a strong quality project like Uni swap go to a chain likely they are Going to attract most liquidity then Someone trying to figure this out from Scratch and whenever you have units of Also all uni Swap all useful deployments They get all the updates in case there Is use of version 4 version 5 then Binoshin would also get it because now Banishing is quite behind East and other Blockchains where unisop is deployed for The reason that they don't have version Three units of version 3 is not on Binition and pancake swap which is the Fork of uni swap on but she's which is Deployed on on the binoshan it's not Managed by uni swap it's another Third-party team so pancake swap they Cannot take version 3 because the License doesn't allow it and that's why Binition has been now for over a year Without a nice Dex without units of Version 3. and which means that there is

Bad Capital efficiency which means that The prices can pump and dump a lot Because when you when you don't have Concentrated liquidity the capital is Not used efficiently so it's not great For the end user for the consumer that All chains do not get the best of the Tech that this industry has to offer now With version 3 in April of this year the License expires so yusub actually has Good license where it is not allowing You to do anything for a year or so and Then after a year has passed now you can Do whatever you want so this always Gives them an advantage but also it Means that the community still gets the Tax sooner or later so this is basically A debate let's say there's a new a new Version of uni swap will it be deployed On binance or will binance be in the Stone Age for quite some time so there There is this debate going on and right Now it's good that we are winning the Vote for the vote for deployment is Winning Um but it's still not over so let's see What happens there's heavy lobbying Going on there are all of these Different projects reaching out to Different token holders trying to get Them to vote for them so let's say Wormhole and layer 0 they want other Other people that have tokens to vote For them to vote for a proposal that

Includes them as an infra provider so There's a lot of lobbying going on as Well it's quite interesting how the Space is evolving from you know everyone Just having a few tokens to massive VCS Having a lot of tokens but as you can See they're still not winning it is Quite a concentrated Supply in uni Swap And that's the biggest critique that's Why Chris black is a critiquing news up A lot for this unisob just uses full Voicing way to squash uni proposal to Launch on buying a chain and he's saying That the reason is because they're the Biggest investor in layer zero and he's Saying that anti-competition cartels in D5 are real let's see let's see how this How this plays out at the end of the day This is the current state of uniswell But as you can see the community still Wins the community still is bigger than Uh than a16z although a16z contributed With uh over 100 million to to the Project let's see how this turns out let Me know in the comment section what you Think uh but the good thing is that Worst case there is always license Expiration at least with version 3 and We're gonna see how it is with version 4 And so forth guys Taking some coffee Switching gears towards Towards your questions in a second and Before we do that don't forget to number

One Smash Up the like if you like this Kind of content if you like content About Bitcoin about all about this Industry like then you subscribe to the Channel And if you want to watch live you go to live because we'll live Stream each and every day at 8am on Weekdays and 10 a.m since European time On Saturday and Sunday so we're soon Gonna go into your questions to recap we Will most likely if this dumb continues Go to 20K why because of the Gap because Of a lot of Confluence here as you can See if we do nothing to worry about we Do have growth of Cosmos and Cosmos Dex As seen by the statistics and most Importantly with Morales money you can Now see what different addresses are Doing and you can see their history in a Decoded way For example we decode even the messages But in many cases it's some kind of Promotion that's some kind of scam Message but also you see the function Calls and this is the key addition that I think we're making to this industry in Terms of History decoding because if you Look at etherscan you will still find it But it's not as easy to see so this is Something that we're gonna push more so For example our next step in the roadmap Is to add more data to something like This where you view a history item and

You don't just see the function the Function name but you also see what Happened so for example we may add that This is a uni swap delegation and we can Say okay here's the new delegator here's The new delegate C or how you call it And the same thing when you look at this History here they cast the vote in the Future we're going to have that you can See here in the history that they voted For this proposal and this is the Current state of the proposal and so on And so forth so it's going to be quite Quite interesting to see how this Evolves in terms of in terms of Transaction decoding because for us this Is key as it's quite difficult to read The the blockchain and this is the Problem you know when I started encrypt It took some time to learn an etherscan Because you go there and then you see Transactions but you don't see your Tokens and you're like what the hell Where are my token transactions and then You understand ah wait I need to go to Erase 20 transactions and there I see my Tokens and then what the hell I don't See my nfts and they need to figure out Okay there's another tab for nfcs and Then you think what the hell what does This internal transaction you got to Learn about internal transaction as well And then you look at a transaction and It doesn't even represent what you did

Because you may be traded on some kind Of protocol but then you open etherscan And you see a million of sub Transactions and you don't know what the Hell happened when in reality it was a Trade so this is what we're passionate About with this with this project that We can look at the blockchain and we can Combine a bunch of different Transactions into their meaning we can Decode them because a transaction on Chain is a very very low level low level Primitive one transaction can have 10 000 different logs especially in this High performance chain and all of these Logs can then be organized into actions And etherscan is doing it to some extent And we are going to do it even better in In our in our app with Next Step being Actions Next Step being the metadata for Each each action and so on forth so a Lot of things coming and exactly and We're going to add big boy pantos so you Can log in with your wallet here as well On that note yes we are going to q a I Will play a song about buying at the top Because we've all been there in one way Or another we've all bought the top Pomo and then we drop All and then we dropped everyone World where will we go can you tell me He said please Where will we go can you tell me he said I only buy the top

Bye guys we're back guys but this Channel 1000x go go follow him it's um One of the best channels in crypto I Don't know why he is not active making Songs again uh but he was fantastic when He did songs there's so many legendary Songs from 1 000 X check him out this is A channel The history of farming was his last Video this became big in the last bull Market when everything started farming Then I don't know what this is oh this Is also great one one coin for Another I only buy the top we listen to it right Now should I buy back of course you know The greatest hit hit from 1000x What is oh yeah in India this is Also good uh vitalik dancing also man There are many good ones there are many Many good ones How is Morales money different from Other portfolio managers well some Functions are similar but I think what We are doing that is exciting number one Is the the closing as you know but this Is going to be big where you can find Coins and then you can set alerts Whenever something happens to your coins So as you know here you can find any Coin according to parameters if you go To token Explorer and this is going to Be built using all that experience in The crypto market so right now I see all

Coins that were minted in the last one Day Then I can add another filter where I Can say that okay holders must increase In the last one day by at least a Hundred And we have a full roadmap with all of The different filters we're gonna add We're going to add buyers we can add all Kinds of stuff and then you can say that The liquidity needs to increase by at Least ten thousand dollars in the last One day and this connects things see There are no coins like that but let's Say that minted in the last 10 days Um And here you see two in the last 100 Days here you see all of this wise and Then you can do it on all chains but Listen we have been very very successful In the last bull market with coins and Especially new coins and this is a tool Which is going to be Monumental in Finding that but also you can connect in The future you can connect whatever Happens here you can say you can save This as a filter soon and then whenever Something happens to your clients let's Say you have a bearish list here where The holders have decreased and liquidity Has decreased you can then set up an Alert so that whatever is in your Portfolio when it enters such a list Which signals something bad you get an

Alert or when you have a portfolio and Then your coins enter a bullish list you Also get an alert basically whatever Filter you have you can connect it to Your to your portfolio and then what's Also important is that you can listen to Any coin that enters any list so this is The token Explorer and then we have a Lot of features as well it's basically It's not I don't want to call it a Portfolio manager because then people Compare to other portfolio managers I Think there are many portfolio managers But none of them are really good none of Them are really the cold transactions Well I go to also all portfolio managers I get a different balance and different Interpretation and we are doing our take On portfolio manager because we have a Lot of ideas how to improve it but most Importantly it is the alpha connecting Portfolio with Alpha so that's important Battery range yeah I I still have this Uh battery I had to charge it like this Upside down now it works Would be awesome to connect an alert for Another account for example my wife Address well yeah exactly so we're gonna Add all of the standard features that You can monitor and address in many Portfolio websites have it so we're Going to have it as well so it's one of The standard ones that we're gonna add But we're looking into

The alpha I mean what kind of alpha can We do and many people have many Different ideas you know add this metric Or that metric or this metric or that Metric but we don't just want to add a Bunch of metrics because there are many Websites with useless metrics like you Can go to Glass node you can go to a lot Of other metrics websites and I mean Unfortunately most of them are not very Actionable it's good metrics it's Fantastic metrics but we're not here to Give metrics Morales money is not Metrics Morales money is true alpha Actionable alpha where it's useful it's Useful in a bull market that's what it Is because I think it's enough with Metrics like doing analytics this and That is fantastic fantastic matrix by The way but it's not very actionable you Go there you get a million charts if Morales money has like a million charts Then we failed I don't want a million Charts I want few things that are real Alpha with a lot of room for your own Personal exploration I think that's Important where it's simple But you can make it quite in depth for Example here it's quite simple to add Filters but when we add more filters Like for example buyers and all kinds of Other things you can make it quite Complex with just a few things it's kind Of like the alphabet you know the

Alphabet is simple but you can make Endless amount of words and then we need To keep it like that that is nice Filters it's easy to use and it's Actionable not like a million charts man I don't want it because I've been Looking um I've been struggling with This myself sometimes you enter a Website like what the hell should I do With it and nonsense is great I love Nonsense and I think nansen is doing Something very different as well because It's more for this fans or people that Want to spend a lot of time looking into That because they also have this problem Where you log in and you're like what The hell should I do here it's it's very Good information very very amazing Information and probably useful if you Are sitting there full time if you're Really dedicated full time into Refiguring everything out and the Memorize money is not that Not at all we're here to give actionable Simple Alpha and and that's key and we Still have a long road to go by the way And we're still in the early Beginnings But you can start already to build up Your beams so go and connect your wallet And as you can see you can claim bins Daily bins daily beanies claim them Claim them claim them you're gonna need Them I'm telling you you're gonna need Them the more beans you have the better

Also your chat will look like because Soon you know we're gonna integrate web3 Login for chat you have a lot of Business it's gonna be seen I promise You it's gonna be seen Oh that's good that's good go and try it Morales money and then tweet at us at Morales money what you think And guys also Twitter does which ideas You have but when you do please explain Why it's good Alpha because we get a lot Of ideas and that's amazing I love new Ideas uh but again we don't want ideas For the extra metrics sake all metrics We'd add it needs to be super actionable Like how do I make money with this how Do how does it help me in my in my Journey to increase my portfolio net Worth is it is it useful alpha or is it Not useful Alpha and also how does it Complement other tools because again we Don't want to redo glass node and we Don't want to redo nonsense we want to Do something that feels a niche which is That it needs to be simple basically was What we discussed Beans are oh no I think you can I think You can have more than 10K so we haven't Implemented levels yet as you can see Here Um you will be able to level up when you Get to a certain number of beans you Will be able to level up but it doesn't Work now oh oh I understand why it may

Be confusing you may be thinking that it Ends on 10K but you can go past 10K it's Just that the the idea here is that when You go to 10K you should level up but You will not right now so don't don't Worry we need to add beans as well we're Kind of flying and building this ship Just like ethereum ethereum doesn't have Scaling or anything but it is working And we're kind of like that as well we Don't have the levels we don't have the Chat like we're only partially there I think the Palm bottom exactly yeah the Ideal thing would be just a big pump Button where you click unfortunately the World is not that simple talk Economist Hello hello good to see you Um what do you think about SEC and Regulation well I think it's inevitable Listen it's coming it's inevitable this Space is going to get regulated in one Way or another and there is SEC U.S There are many other countries as well So different countries will do it Differently but I think it's very clear That we are gonna get heavily regulated In the space sooner or later Will my portfolio show State yeah yeah So staked coins are coming and as we are Integrating the MasterChef contract Which is used by most of these stakers And it's going to be great it's going to Be great Is being at beans are right now not a

Token but you but you should collect Them but you should collect but they're Not a token uh at least for now Will you include all ecosystems like Luna so when it comes to including all Ecosystems There are very many of them okay there Are very many of them and we're thinking How we can open up Morales money to devs And how anyone can integrate whatever They want into it so with protocols like Different protocols we have a plan how To do that but then when it comes to Different chains like Luna for example Um I'm not sure how we should do that it Would be nice to to have something yeah Maybe like via the graph or something But we need to figure out something Because there are many ecosystems it's Impossible for us to integrate all of Them and Luna is this is it a live seal They're still building I thought they Died but maybe they're still building Something but it's an example where you Have a lot of chains on Cosmos where Luna is one of them but you also have Osmosis which we discussed and so forth So right now we're fully incompatible With Cosmos we only have three chains Right now and in a few weeks we're going To add many more chains so right now we Have eth minus polygon we're going to Add Avalanche Phantom

Basically everything that Morales Supports Avalanche Phantom and all the Other chains we support I don't I don't Remember now but we have a few more like Paul Network And a few others uh let's see Morales Change what do you support maybe I Should ask Chat GPT There you go Yeah so ethereum polygon binance Avalanche oh Chronos as well Chronos as Well as well arbitrim and optimism Exactly Love what you're doing for the space I Remember your RuneScape scam story and How you came up great work thanks thanks Yeah I should I should do more Information about myself as this channel Has grown since those days when we Discussed my my past so maybe I'll I'm Gonna do a video on that where I can Give my back story to everyone but I Think you can find it guys if you're Interested you can go to from let's see From RuneScape let's see from RuneScape nerd To programmer This was a long time ago I did the video Yeah four years ago yeah yeah you can go And check this out if you're interested You you can go here let me show it Uh RuneScape nerd to developer story of Ivanotech go check it out this was from

The last bear Market we visited four Years ago yeah crazy missing device oh Well if they're still here The Carlos are still here they're always Here they never left And now we do some triceps Exactly always remember the pump and Respect it whether it is in your bicep Or your tricep it's always good to have In the office something to pump up with Yeah many people don't know it I have a Kind of half half a gym here integrated Not exactly no water no water Hydration is important okay guys more Questions let's go to crypto do we have Any crypto questions Where would you live if you were a Trader Portugal Dubai or Singapore well I think it depends because it depends You of about your mindset if you are if You're having a mindset where you don't Want to feel like you're gonna live in The country for a long time then Dubai Is amazing but that's what I've Struggled with because like I cannot see Staying there forever I mean it's Amazing country but I'm I haven't Entered this digital Nomad thinking I I've really been thinking about it but I've never entered this digital Nomad Thinking where basically people live in Different countries they're not citizens You know they're not there for a long Time but they are living there for a

Long time So that has been the issue for me so out Of the ones you listed the one I can Think about living long term maybe is Portugal or Singapore Um because the problem with uh with Dubai is that you're always gonna be Secondary you're not gonna be their Citizen you're not gonna be fully Integrated but it's a fantastic country To live But there's something about that that I Don't like for living long term but it's Fantastic to visit this fantastic for Crypto it's fantastic for most things And just like any country They are right now changing course a bit When it comes to tax for example now They added the corporate tax uh 10 or so And they are quite successful now and When you become successful you can then Start adding taxation so in terms of the Trend Um that's why also to buy enough for the Long term they're probably going to Become like a normal country when it Comes to tax as well because they are Starting already Singapore Singapore is like that already So Singapore is like a normal country They still have nice taxes but it's not Zero so it is a normal country from that Perspective that you don't get this you Know zero zero percent on on everything

But it's just so far away it's so far Away and I know some people who like That you know go to Asia and live in Asia Um I never got into that I like being There it's fantastic City everything Great but uh there's something about That that I don't like either like Living on the other side of the world I Guess I'm not that adventurous or Something I don't know I like having my Place I like you know going to the studio Hamming my place it's I mean it it is Mindset I think so when it comes to and I think Alex hermosi also did a nice Video on it because If you don't know Alex from Rosie you Should check check him out the only Thing that makes sense if you really Want to move it makes sense if you want To move forever because otherwise you Always need to figure out how to remove Your funds from your origin country and Then how to take it to some tax paradise And then also how to bring it back Without getting wrecked on the way back And it's easier by the way to just make 30 more or have however much you're You're spending So anyway I've been thinking about that Now and then if if it makes sense but I'm just not this you know adventurous Digital Nomad person and if you are such

A person then of course Dubai is Fantastic there are many places you can Be where crypto is at the center there So go ahead but it's it's not about is That much about the profession it's more About who you are because your whole Life is Gonna Change you're gonna be in A whole different place so profession is Probably the smaller uh variable the Bigger variable is where you want to Live long term and if if that's even Important for you But the times are changing I mean I I Think future Generations are going to be Jumping uh like grasshoppers from Country to Country which we are seeing a Lot right now it's uh it's easy to Travel maybe kovit has taken that a bit Back because It feels that this globalization has Died off a bit but it is probably going To come back Hey Ivan I traded 3K to 200k in the last Two cycles thanks to your input oh That's good to hear bear Market Fox That's fantastic Uh Ivan why am I being say I can only Collect in one hour seems like the clock Is connected uh it should be 24 hours so Yeah every 24 hours you can you can Connect but a tweet tweet at Morales Money if there is some problem There may be bugs I'm telling you there May be bags we're super early we don't

Even have levels it's super early is Unizen and silica dead I haven't seen a lot on silica uh unizen I the first time I hear the problem with Silica I think is just is a bit Difficult to program we did a video Series with them they sponsored the Video series on the channel in the past For development yeah and you remember we Did like five part video series It was difficult guys it it was Difficult it is a functional programming And it has many advantages because it's Mathematically secure you can do formal Proofs which means that you can make a Mathematical proof that proves that your Program will not be hacked basically so Formal proofs is important but then when You try building it it's not smooth you Gotta be kind of a mathematician to Build on it so that's why probably would We didn't see a lot of action But it may come back listen and never Discount the project silica was pumping A lot in in the last bull market and uh That's the thing you you don't need yeah Like you don't need devs to pump it may Still pump okay like cardano you know They pump in all uh in all ways whether There are devs or there are no devs as Actually look here let's see so the All-time high it's performing better Than many other coins it's down 88 okay From the Autumn High let's actually look

Against eth is it doing well against it No so against if it's not that great It's uh trending down and becoming quite Flat against Bitcoin It's kind of flat Um but you look at other let's see how Much Ada fell from ultim high Ada fell Kind of the same you look at or current List from all time high you look at Polygon Uh oh you don't see it let's one second Or you see it look at polygon polygon Actually is doing very well so yeah I Mean it's kind of doing like every Everyone else in terms of being an Altcoin and tracing And as long as they have community of Holders that's actually by the way More important than community of Builders at least as long as there's Something there like something you can Use is gonna probably do well in the Next bull market not as well as other Things that have more more Community Devs but uh You have the proof look look in the last Bull market it did quite well uh no Question about that or at least it had Nice pumps let's see how it did how it Didn't compare to the previous cycle if We zoom out Like so Or actually you see while it did well in This is interesting it did well but it

Didn't do super crazy better than the The last one from 2017 but it did do new All-time highs and as you can see here It was quite quick and then here it had A nice pump so yeah there you go What is the conclusion from all of this The conclusion is that Tech is important But sometimes it still pumps as long as It's top of Mind as long as as long as It has supporters and people are Discussing it uh probably is gonna do Okay let's see how waves is doing it's One of these coins as well that I I don't see a lot but they do come Back in the Bull market look here This one is a better example because it Went way above the last High here and it Also dumped like crazy But you see in the bull market it works It works it will work out probably Uh hi Ivan what's your best guess on how Many people will get into crypto in this New cycle Uh well Let's see in terms of numbers what have I heard 120 million or something there Are 30 percent let's see Americans how Many Americans Hold crypto It was quite a lot exactly look here It was 16 look here 30 in some age Groups it's up to 40 so 60 of Americans Say they have ever invested in traded or

Use cryptocurrency but then when you Look at Some age groups it's way more than that In percent Here 43 of men ages 18 to 29 say they Have invested trade or use their Cryptocurrency Um so the Young Generation is already at Mass adoption it's going to be over 40 Soon sorry over 50 some so it's going to Be a majority and this is the most Important thing that I care about I Don't really care about the older Generation because it's just difficult It's more difficult to convince it's More difficult to explain and that That's why it would be good if we Focused on the younger ones it's kind of Like in sales in marketing you have your Audience and you need to ensure that Your world's best at that audience and Other audiences is going to be an appeal Battle so we don't even try and if they Come fantastic if they don't come okay As well Um but what would be good is in case we Push the this Azure from 30 to 49 as Well Um because that one is adjacent I think If we dominate this group and that group Is it's enough it's enough for crypto to Become world's uh dominating Financial Network in the coming one two decades so It's looking very bullish it's looking

Very bullish so let's see it says 43 Here and here it says 22. Oh yeah and then there's like middle Upper Uh well you can see here Asians are Trading I find it weird in the US that You have this uh race staff going it's Not very common in uh in Europe to see This division you know white black Hispanic age I haven't seen the same way But in the US there's always this uh Division you see all stats according to Is that normal in other countries I Always find it a bit weird when I see it But it is common in the US right now Anyway so what are we looking at here Here's that 43 and we're quite so this Is probably the one we need to focus on Thursdays to 49 men this needs to go to Over 50 so as long as these two numbers Are over 50 in the next bull market I Think we've succeeded and if they are Then women are just gonna follow here Until it's not gonna be as big but it's Still going to be the same Trend and uh Yeah I mean when it comes to Tech it's It's mostly men that try it first that Get wrecked first that that adopted First and uh women will also do it but It's gonna take longer time just look at The channeled web like 95 dudes watching So yeah Because the U.S is very diverse I mean Many places are very diverse look at

France look at Germany like Europe is Also extremely diverse Um but uh it's uh it's not you you don't You don't have this measurement of uh of Race in the same way How many dudes in most dudes most dudes It is what it is is the Representation in crypto I I think we're 95 dudes here overall who are active Every day in crypto 95 Plus Can you recommend three crypto info Sources you respect I don't have three Info infosource I respect I look at Twitter and that's it and then there are Many info sources within Twitter but I Don't have you know this is my Gold Standard newspaper I subscribe to Wall Street Journal journal and to New York Times and that's my news Uh I don't think the world works like That I think the word world Works more That you are on Twitter you see all Kinds of news sources and then you Decide yourself what what makes sense But you can of course tune in to good Morning crypto issue every day at 8am And I can digest it too Oh So that was about the The men women and how many we are if you Rate yourself as a Degen on scale zero To ten I don't know yes I don't know Guys I like to think I've been Definitely trending towards

Towards more digital I've been Definitely doing that because this has Been the more winning strategy in the Bull markets uh in 2017 2018 like we Discussed in the past in the past live Stream yesterday was it was uh I wasn't really that into digital stuff I was more more about the tech you know I was I was just coming out from being a Full-time developer so I was very very Uh serious about stuff it's kind of like That Banker that I met this weekend on Um on the board game night he was so Serious he was like but what are the Actual use cases how will the average Joe use it and listen it's important but At the same time crypto so much more you Cannot work in a post office and then in The 90s be be skeptical about the intro Because you don't understand how the Average Joe will use internet instead of The post how they will use email instead Of the regular post because it will not Make made sense to you because the Interface is still command line it takes Forever to send this difficult it's Technical so that's why it doesn't Really do you good to be too serious in In this in these times uh you need to Look at the potential what is happening Here well all the trading on chain smart Contracts all the use cases and then you Gotta have fun with all of the digital Stuff here because they do really well

Like they do really well well the market Has proven us that digital stuff does Really well all of these beam coins nfts So the key thing in crypto is to have Fun okay is to have fun and be active That is what is rewarded most is quite Philosophical but People who are too serious no they look But yeah whereas real real world Adoption how will this replace PayPal This and that listen listen give it time Give it time go and try it first trade It see what the hell it is try it with Your own hands and then you're gonna see How it will do it but it's not gonna do It tomorrow it's not gonna do it in five Years and when it does this one's gonna Be at a million bucks it's gonna be World Adoption then you will understand Us will everyone else and then there's No opportunity So I'm definitely I'm definitely Trending towards more digium because That's uh that's also more fun as well I Mean this industry is digital I mean it It is what it is it's all fun things Happening you know some guy pretending To be Satoshi suing everyone then There's Peter shiv just complaining About Bitcoin and pumping up his gold Company I mean it's it's so funny it's Crazy it's crazy Um Still yeah exactly exactly we do have

The course on the 14th at the Alton Course so stay tuned for that At with deck with custom columns yes I'm Actually not using tweet deck like that But I know that you can use tweetdeck on Twitter uh just Google tweet deck and You can set up custom columns and stuff I'm not doing that I'm just using the App By that time Dollar will be worthless And go to Yeah I mean it is trending down what can You say it's trending down listen guys On that note thanks a lot for being here This fantastic Monday the best parts About crypto the best part about crypto Is losing money with friends exactly That's what we're doing here each and Every day thanks a lot for being here Yet another day we're gonna be back Tomorrow 8 A.M central time have a good Day enjoy your Monday do the best out of This week Smash Up the like Smash Up the Like and see you all tomorrow goodbye Guys goodbye goodbye goodbye
