BITCOIN $50,000 TARGET JUST GOT CONFIRMED… Programmer explains

By | January 27, 2023

Welcome back guys what if I told you That Bitcoin will go to 50K already this Year in 2023 what would you think and Most importantly what would you write in The comment section you'll probably Write this is insane this is completely Crazy this will never happen please do That in the comment section tell me Exactly what you think when I'm telling You that Bitcoin will go to 50K this Year in 2023 now Imagine I told you that Bitcoin will go To 100k this year write what you think You probably will be saying Ivan this is Crazy this is insane you should be Bearish Ivan you're a Mumbo you should Be bearish because we're gonna go down Or sideways We're not gonna go up or at Least not that high that is what you're Gonna tell me and listen I do I do sympathize with you I do kind Of agree with you as well but not really Why because I know something you don't Know I have a piece of information a Piece of insight about the market that You don't know about and I will tell you In this video what it is it has to do With the US government it has to do with The US government completely changing The way inflation works okay you heard Me right they're gonna change how Inflation Works which of course will Affect the FED which of course will Affect the markets crypto markets

Answers forth let me tease you for a bit I will soon show you what it is exactly You will learn but let me do some Teasing let me know what you think about This kind of teasing I will withhold That information while we're looking at The market the market is doing quite Well this week Bitcoin is up 10 over the Past seven days with a 0.8 today is up 3.5 percent all in all quite a bullish Market we do see quite insane Performance from some coins so for Example you do have Aptos up 129 and I'm So happy for this why because we will be Integrating up to in morales so as you May know Morales is a data provider we Are an API provider we're an Infrastructure provider for developers Where we give you sdks apis all kinds of Tools were used by the biggest Applications in web3 such as for example Metamask we are one of the biggest web3 Data web3 infra provider for developers And we are integrating Aptos so whenever I see that Aptos is doing well it's Fantastic because then it means that we Made the right bet and we made the bet On Aptos y because of the move Community The move programming language and Everything around that I will create Another video about altcoins but I'm Just sharing my own happiness because I Think it's fantastic when Aptos pumps And it helps us as well to build this

Industry because if we integrate correct Things if we integrate correct correct Technology in morales we can help this Industry like during this bear market We've organized so many hackathons we've Contributed so much to the crypto Community that I like to think that Actually we have shortened this bear Market because when when devs build when Builders can create and they have Support they will do it and this bear Market by the way feels very different From previous bear markets I don't know If you've been here in 2018 2019 2020. And it is a bit different it's a bit More action in the past bear market like In 2019 it was stumbleweed it was Nothing here it was just stumble with Now it's fully different now we will do A whole different video on alts and and How the bull market is gonna evolve Subscribe if you want to learn about That I don't want to tease you anymore Guys I don't want to tease you anymore Let's go into the big juicy reveal of How the slippy Joe Joe Biden is gonna Help us first and foremost let's discuss Why Joe is actually on our team Joe Biden is on our team right now and what He's doing to Demarcus is good for us Why because Joe has re-election in 2024. By the way isn't it crazy how fast time Flies I remember Trump was just elected But this was 2016. what the hell it was

Eight years ago soon I just remember Like it was yesterday and Joe was Elected 2020. this was like yesterday And now he his time is running out Because he needs to get reelected soon Next year so of course imagine you are Joe you're entering a new election cycle You're gonna get reelected you want to Get reelected you have stock market Crashed crypto crashed housing crashed Everything crashed labor market crash Recession because if we continue in this Direction everything will be crashed Labor market housing market all kinds of Markets everything is going to be dead And you are there you're gonna get Elected Who's Gonna Give You their vote No one No One's Gonna Give You their Vote so what do you do you wanna you Wanna tell the FED to stop it to stop This horrible trend of increasing Interest rates because it wrecks your Chances of being re-elected it Completely destroys your reputation it Completely destroys your your voters and Completely destroys everything that you Want you want to be going for you you Want the stock market to do well you Want all of the people to be happy so They vote for you so what do you do you Cannot tell them to decrease interest Rates because that's the whole idea of Having a central bank that Central Bank And the government is separated it's

Very important because otherwise you Will have rulers in the government using The printing press in order to get Reelected going absolutely nuts with Printing new money and giving it out to Get elected that's why government and Central Bank should always be separated It's very important and that's how it is In most Societies in most developed Societies so you don't have a craziest Dictator that just prints it to hell you Have a separation always So you cannot do that he cannot tell the FED to start to stop increasing interest Rates and to start decreasing them but What can he do he actually has the power To change the way inflation is measured It's calculated and that's exactly what They're doing and the change will be Effective already in two weeks so in two Weeks the U.S Labor Statistics Bureau They're going to publish the inflation For January and already in that Inflation calculation they're gonna use New new way of calculating inflation so This came out On January the 12th but I haven't seen This disgusting crypto at all I haven't Seen anyone talk about this in crypto so On January 12th we did see stock talk Weekly tweet this very important thing Today was the last CPI print that will Be calculated by the current methodology February CPI print will be the first

Report based on new methodology CPI was Formerly based on two years on Consumption data now CPI will be based On a single year of data so what does This mean it means that Instead of comparing the current prices To the prices that are basically an Average over two years in the past now You compare the prices the current Prices to just one year in the past and You have a chance to also change the Weight so each and every year you can Choose what kind of goods and services You want to include in the CPI basket And also what kind of weight you give to Each of them so basically each year the Government now has a chance to come in And change and influence how inflation Is calculated because they can change The basket they can change the weights How different goods and services are Included to what extent and of course They're gonna do it they're gonna they Basically created this chance of them Coming in and changing already now in February and if you think about it It makes sense it does make sense Because the FED needs to stop and how do You make them stop they're committed to Their mission Jay Powell is very Committed he has a mission he used to Stop inflation it's going to be very Difficult to stop it because he's gonna Arrest everyone he's gonna completely

Destroy the labor the the average person The uh Joe What's called the not the Sleepy Joe but what is the average Person the John Dao or the average job By the average Joe the average Joe John Doe Jane Doe they're gonna get Obliterated okay oh fully obliterated If The Fed doesn't change as soon as Possible So this is what we have in terms of the The change this is published on the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics on January 10th where they explained that already On February 14th in in more than two Weeks a bit more than two weeks they're Gonna change the way they calculate and They explain why you can go and read Yourself but most importantly we do have This calculation right here that This change will drop CPI by 200 to 300 Basis points by the end of Q2 2023 so You see that very quickly the FED will Be at two percent inflation and even the Risk going lower because right now Inflation is decreasing even without This change so even without this change The inflation would be at like five Percent four percent but now if they're Gonna introduce the change is going to Be cut by another 200 to 300 basis Points which may actually overshoot so This is crazy but already this year we May be in a position where we have Deflation we have deflation is it crazy

Not real deflation of course but paper Deflation because they change the way They measure inflation and we may Actually overshoot in that measurement To the other side and the FED will be in A position where now it has a deflation And they don't want deflation the Deflation is the biggest fear all Central banks have they fear deflation Even more than inflation so if they have A deflationary reason what will they do Well they will say listen we gotta turn It around we need to decrease interest Rates we need to print money we need to Support the markets this is what's going To happen guys and how will it affect The Bitcoin price you think well it can Go down Econo Service as always but of Course when the FED changes its tune It's going to affect everything it's Going to affect all markets including Bitcoin and most likely to the upside Then to the downside so this is a very Very important piece of information in Terms of how we're doing otherwise in Terms of the Bitcoin price and in terms Of the formation we are seeing this cool Off right now for the past week which is Very natural I mean this school of is Kind of like this call of this makes all The oscillators calm down like for Example on the RSI so you can see we Have calmed down slightly and if this Continues this may even go down a bit

And we would still be bullish on The Daily BSI as long as we're above 21k There's still a good chance that we come Back and we revisit this 200-day moving Average it's a very good chance to Actually do that so I wouldn't be Surprised that if we come back we Revisit and then we pump from here but In the long term aka the next few months The next few quarters I'm looking at how This will affect the markets because it Feels that the markets are sensing it The markets are starting to dance and we Don't even notice it And some coins still haven't started Like for example you look at Radix Radix Is one of these coins that has some Performance but if you compare to Aptos Aptos is up uh 400 like 500 percent from The lows from December lows four almost 500 it's insane now Radix is just up 30 So this is something that is very Important to realize some coins are Still uh not where they could be if you Compare to their peers so that's why I'm Watching Radix carefully and what's Important with Reddit is that they're Also Builders I the reason I like Radix And you know that we've made a video on Radix basically saying that it has Potential to do a 30X and this was Before this 30 pump by the way so um This is now it's like most like like 25x From that from that video that we have

Left to pump because we've pumped Already uh 30 but what's important to Note here is that they're Builders I Love that they're Builders and they are Contributing to to their ecosystem they Are creating good environment for Projects to grow like for example via The grants program so if you are a Developer and you haven't tried building On Radix I recommend you to do so if you Are a developer and you haven't tried Building on Aptos soon you will be able To do that with Morales and our apis so Whenever I see a project which is up and Coming and still doesn't have the Developers still doesn't have the Community but you see the growth you see How it will be in a few years if they Continue that's what I love to see That's exactly what we saw in polygon You remember when we discovered polygon At a few cents it was insane and that's Why that's the reason why we did that is Because that's when we did see a lot of Devs starting to flock starting to adopt The technology and understand the Technology that's why personally I as a Developer look a lot at the dev Fundamentals and this is what proceeding With Bitcoin this is what we're seeing With alls and you look at other also of Course you have the Twitter question With those kind and Dodge grand may go To 11 to 12 cents like like it was

Holding at quite significantly you go Back here you look I mean basically this Area of 10 uh 10 ish if we go back we Can take out this High stride here very Important and listen Elon Musk will Probably will probably integrate it in Twitter I'm telling you it's a good Chance that Elon Musk will integrate Dogecoin in Twitter uh mark my words it May happen I don't know of course it Will if it will or not but it's a very Good chance so if we can start sniping This Heist right here and and higher and Really creating a good bot information Which I think we've been doing already For quite some months but it's going to Be so important and when the news comes That Twitter has now integrated to Crypto I do think that Dosha is going to Be there I don't know for sure but I Think that because it's Elon there's a Good chance that Dosha is going to be There and it's all about probabilities Anyway we don't know for certain Anything but we can have probabilities And right now I have a book here with me This is from Big chats big chats has Books so one book is actually behind me As you can see and his other book is Right here in front of me And this book is with quotes so I Thought that we would end this video on Some quotes So first and foremost Traders who forget to use stop losses

Magically transformed into investors let Me know if you've ever recognized Yourself in that statement where you buy Something it dumps and now you're here For the long term I mean we've all been There we've all been there many times Especially in this industry and that's How by the way many people got into the Web 3 Industry to begin with that you Come you buy at the top of course Because you follow in and then you're Kind of stuck here and then you discover It and you like it more so it's actually A double-edged sword that most people Buy at the top but then they stay Encrypted because they like crypto but Of course always always use a stop loss Always always manage risk and if you Wanna Trade go below sign up at baby to get a Nice big sign up bonus you can go long You can go short when the FED announces The inflation it may be a surprise to Many people and it will affect the Markets so how do you play it well you Can go long you can go short you can Trade any altcoin on buy bit or at least Most of them and you get a nice big Bonus if you use the link below and you Support the channel and buy bit right Now is probably one of the easiest Platforms to get started with and most Importantly they've been very stable in The operations because you look at

Coinbase for example sometimes you can Simply not even log in buy bit has been Very very good so that's why we do have Them as supporters of our Channel and if You use the link below you will be able To get the sign up bonus and you will Help the channel Listen another quote from Big chats it Doesn't matter if you understand or Agree with price action just trade it And move on this is also so important Because while we are following a lot of Fundamental news a lot of fundamental Analysis sometimes the price just does Whatever the hell it wants sometimes the Price doesn't care about macro sometimes It does and that's why we are looking at Important key levels like for example 200-day moving average like you know Like for example the BSI which is based On the market movements as well and it's Very very objective what happens here so That's why whenever BSI goes bullish Personally I get also very bullish Especially on this weekly time frame Because it doesn't matter about the Macro about what's happening outside When you have a good Trend in the chart And this is true many people confuse it That they think that macro has a higher Effect than it does and in some cases Actually there's no conflict like for Example here we did have a macro effect And this can continue to pump for a bit

And then it turned around but then you Did see BSI also turn around so whatever Happens to macro it doesn't necessarily Have to affect Bitcoin or stocks Instantly It will catch up with it sooner or later But that's also when all indicators will Change as well that's when the trend Will change as well so it doesn't really Matter because everything will be Reflected in the TA everything will be Reflected in how the price performance Is shown on the chart so I think this is Very important and just like it's Mathematically impossible to miss the Rally if you have BSI and you get in When it gets bullish it will not be at The very bottom but it will be close Enough so it's impossible to miss the Rally like if we go to 100K be as I will For sure get green way before that so You will not miss the rally and it's Also impossible to lose a lot of your Funds if you use the BSI because when it Turns red it will not turn red on the Very top but no one gets out on the very Top uh if maybe because you're lucky you Can get out but most people don't the Absolute majority even the best Traders Don't get out at the top but you will Get get out high enough like here for Example we did switch to bearish at 51k So it was quite high up and right now We're at 23k so you see this is the

Power of of trading this is the power of Technical analysis and it does not Matter if you understand or agree with The price the market does what it wants Just trade and move on on that note guys We are ending this video smash up the Like let me know in the comment section If you learned something and I see you All very very soon guys have a good day And goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye
