BITCOIN FALLS FAST!! 🚨 (people freaking out – I am calm – too positive?)

By | February 22, 2023

Guys it's Wednesday welcome back good Morning how are you all doing first and Foremost look at this drama look at this Insanity on the Bitcoin chart because we Get rejected from the 250 week moving Average as you can see we never actually Close any candles above those levels we Never actually confirmed the breakout And this is the most important rule in Trading which we discussed on this Channel a few days back don't celebrate Early don't take out the cake from the Fridge before we do see a confirmation Before we do see a candle close above Significant levels which we didn't see And this is so important to understand That whatever happens currently if you Are in this market if you're watching This channel you are in a no lose Situation let me explain this is all About the Bitcoin Zen some people are so Confused when they see me for the first Time they're wondering Ivan why are you Happy if we go up why are you happy if We go down it's all about this this Notion of Bitcoin Zen is when you know That Bitcoin will be big no matter what You know that bitcoin's gonna go to 100K 200k a million sooner or later is gonna Happen and this requires you to start The crypto to beat in crypto for a very Long time to be in this space and study The global situation to see how people Are using money across the world and how

People are starting to understand Bitcoin more and more and more for each And every year you need to feel the Change you need to feel how the global Society that we are part of and as you Know countries right now are melting Together we travel everywhere we go Everywhere so when you have such a Situation you need a Global Currency you Need a neutral non-government connected Global Currency but let's leave the Fundamentals for another day and talk About the trading psychology so Bitcoin Exam is all about knowing that Bitcoin Will be big in the future so if we go to 20K I I'm happy I mean this is like a Gift from Satoshi why because we can Accumulate more we can get more Bitcoin For cheaper this is fantastic now in the Case we go to 25k and 30k guess what Most people in this industry would be Feeling if we now suddenly break 25k Most people would actually not be happy Most people would be feeling formal and Anxiety that they are being on the Sidelines this is what most people most People would be feeling but I'm not I'm Never feeling formal the reason is Because because in case Bitcoin breaks 25k okay we have now endless Opportunities in altcoins which are even Bigger opportunities and even even Bigger opportunity because in a bull Market the average return is 2030x if

You're good in all coins and of course Bitcoin is just a small part of the Opportunity in the bull market so as we Enter a new bull market all costs are Going to be the key opportunity so if Bitcoin cost very quickly now to 30k Which is still May and we may still Completely smash the resistance Especially with the news that I will be Sharing today Have to understand that we're also at a No lose we haven't lost anything we are Now positioning ourselves to be in alls So this is the best thing about the Crypto markets when you understand What's happening you're happy when it Goes down you're happy when it goes up You are enjoying you are in crypto Zen Mode so let me know in the comment Section if you've ever felt that or if You're still in this oh man we're going Up over oh Wyckoff is gonna wreck us oh Man this is gonna happen this is this That you know the boat is very shaky are You guys sure that we're gonna go up are You guys sure so let me know which one You are because too many people are in This you know they're they're not Grounded and this is what I'm preaching A lot on the channel to be grounded to Be grounded we go up we go down you're Happy you're accumulating you see new Opportunities because one thing the Crypto industry always generates is New

Opportunities it's insane I haven't seen Any industry like this with the amount Of opportunities like in crypto so let Me know in the comment section so let's Go into the overall Market before we go Deeper into the crypto charts we do see Bitcoin minus 4.6 is minus 4.3 looking At the biggest win there's no real big Winners and looking at are the biggest Losers who have some of them but also no Big losers like 10 miners this is Nothing so overall the market is Slightly down nothing too big nothing Too major but also nothing too bullish Either why is it important to be bullish On bitcoin long term well many reasons But most importantly is that the China Right now the Chinese space is Shifting In so many Direction One Direction is The fact that they are deploying Capital So Chinese Central Bank is performing Its single single largest liquidity Injection on Friday to help support the Economy out of historically depressed Levels and this is something we're Seeing across the world Japan as well so Mark moth said on Twitter while the FED Is still trying to take a hawkish stance The banks around the world are easing And Bitcoin is soaking up Global Liquidity and is sniffing this out so What we're seeing right now is that many Essential banks around the world are Starting to break down they're starting

To break down their stance on Hawkishness they cannot be too hawkish Anymore the global economies are Collapsing they gotta step step in they Gotta help out and the FED is probably Going to be the last to do so but the Markets are sitting in now sniffing it Out the markets are seeing that times Are changing and also something very Important to understand is that Bitcoin Seems to be increasingly correlated with The Chinese stock market and when you Look either on Shenzhen index it's been Quite a nice bullish trend for the past Four or five months the same thing with The Shanghai stock exchange also a very Nice bullish trend for the past five six Months or so and of course this does Affect Bitcoin why because China is Opening up shop again China is setting Up shop for Bitcoin again and they are Attracting Global Bitcoin Investments as You know Hong Kong is yet again supposed To be the Hub we covered this a few days Back but Hong Kong is now doing Everything in their power to attract as Much crypto as possible to be as Friendly to crypto as possible and this Is a big change in China's stance on Crypto overall they need the Hub they Need the Hub between the west and the East where the crypto economy can Flourish while the Chinese government Can have full control over Mainland and

Their main territory this is going to be So interesting to see and as you see Many people are very bullish on the Chinese stock market Goldman Sachs sees China stock surging as much as 24 by the End of 2023 and right now as we're Witnessing all of this this will end up In Bitcoin because China has been one of The biggest players in crypto until 2019-ish when they banned it and then They went off the Raider and now they're Coming back and if you remember if You've been encrypted before 2019 you Know how big China was everything was Connected to China One Way way or Another so we're gonna see how it will Play out most importantly we need to Understand that Hong Kong is back Hong Kong is here Hong Kong is here to stay Just like Clark said breaking Beijing is Quietly backing Hong Kong's move to Become a major crypto Bitcoin ethereum Hub of East Asia huge news China could Be back and the reason he says that is Because he's been he's been here when China was here and China was massive yet Whenever you have a news from China it Affected the Western markets we in in The west had to monitor what's happening In China day by day by day in order to Understand the the psychology and the Sentiment and if it is the case that we See the Chinese return business is going To go to 100K sooner than most of us can

Blink I can tell you that and most People don't even see it as reality most People see it as some kind of fairy tale Why because again missing the big Conviction about crypto missing the Global big picture because let's say you Are in crypto right now why are you in Crypto if you don't think that business Is going to go to 100K because we've Been to 70k so why are you taking such Big risks on crypto when you're not Bullish when you're not when you're not Here for the long term that's a good Question to ask because sometimes I see Some people on Twitter saying oh no it's Never gonna go oh no it's never gonna Happen but it's so volatile you know Crypto support is so high risk why being So high risk if you don't believe in it I don't get it now guys before we Continue go down below and click on the Buy bit link you get very nice sign up Bonus you can go long you can go short It's another way of being in a no lose Situation in case Bitcoin gets really Rejected here and will start trending Down you can open a short if we break Out from here you can open along of Course be very careful but it's possible It's possible to really express your Will in the market on buy bit if you Think that Bitcoin is gonna go down you Can go short but be careful also if You're not into derivatives you have

Spot exchange you have all kinds of Exchanges you have Fiat on-ramp buy bit Is really end to end use the link below Sign up for buy a bit and get a nice Bonus you will see all the instructions How to get the bonus when you click on It let's continue with some important News About the Kraken because Kraken right Now is explaining to the public why the U.S Regulators have allowed the current Situation to happen with FTX Celsius and So forth the CEO of crypto change crack And Jesse Powell says U.S Regulators let The bad guys get big and blow up because It serves their agenda bad guys operate With huge competitive and Ashes they Suck up users revenue and Venture Capital that would otherwise have gone To the good guys and this is something I Recognize because This is very key when Kraken wanted to Raise funds all the VCS were saying why Are you so bloated organization you have FTX here your competitor they have a few Guys they have way more users way more Liquidity way more trading way more Success and they're just like five guys And you're here sitting with a hundred Guys you're so inefficient your gross Margin is so bad and we're not going to Invest in you so this is what happened a Lot to Kraken during the past few years Where the Bad actors stole all the light

And also set the industry back instead Of course Capital should have been Allocated to Kraken instead VCS should Have invested in Kraken but they're not Looking at the big picture they're full Of fomo and this is unfortunately what Happened and this is what Kraken Explains and he says I have a theory Regulators let the bad guys get big and Blow up because it serves their agenda Powell proceeds to name three goals he Believes regulations trying to achieve The first is to destroy capital Resources in the crypto ecosystem so This is number one when you do see this Is following into FTX Billions were destroyed billions were Completely wiped out and of course when That happens now VCS don't want to Invest in crypto anymore and this is Very bad for the jobs encrypt this is Very bad for the industry as a whole and Kraken says maybe maybe that was the Whole plan for from the beginning the Second is to burn people and deter Adoption well kind of the same but when Adjust when it comes to retail retail Tries this riddle gets burned they never Come back or they come back five years Later and during those five years we Have a bear Market I think that the Third is to give air Air to give air cover to attack good Actors like cracking for example and

They are really attacking Kraken now This is what I don't like with the Current situation FTX blew up and Kraken Who were always the good guys never Received any extensive Capital never Received any extensive media coverage Like FTX now they get to clean up okay This this is what I is really annoying Me about the current situation with what We're seeing it's so annoying but it is Life is not fair that's another thing Life is not fair that's why we gotta be In the Bitcoin Zen where we're cool with You know life being fair live being not Fair we're in the Zen Bitcoin goes down Bitcoin gets attacked we accumulate more We're in the Zen okay look Kraken boss asserted that regulators Does Regulators the bad guys are Actually on side Or what what is this English they are on The bad guy's side I guess good guys are The enemy if the bad guys can run long Enough without blowing up they might Just kill the good guys for you very Interesting the bad guys can always be Jail later bad guys operate with huge Competitive Advantage suck up users yeah Exactly what we read In another tweet pal content on how Regulars often seek more funding from From Congress in order to regulate Crypto finding is the obvious scapegoat If we had bigger budget we could have

Caught it so yeah this is what we're Seeing to unfold I can't tell you how Infuri racing it is to have pointed out Massive replies and obviously legal axis Regulars only for them to ignore it and Then Get back and wreck the good guys yeah They said they're offshore it's complex We're looking at everyone for years then To be used as their example man man it's Rough it's rough this space is rough It's full of opportunity full of Fantastic people full of fantastic Things but in some some ways it's very Rough as well like we're seeing with Kraken and I do agree with Jesse look It's it's so weird why don't they act Earlier all these guys are on TV all These guys are being flagged and Now they're coming now they're coming Hard what the hell I don't get it but it Is what it is we can only control what We do we cannot we cannot be victims too Much we just need to build back build Better and move ahead that's the only Thing we can do and then if Regulators Don't want crypto in the US listen China Is now opening shop in Hong Kong we're Gonna go to Hong Kong we're gonna we're Gonna get our expedition to Hong Kong or To Dubai or to UK who is also now Proclaiming that the one crypto business So let's support the position the Countries that support us if you are in

The US find out who is your local Congressman Senator however whoever is Elected tell them about crypto and ask Them do you support crypto if not tell Them you're gonna vote for the Competitor in the next election who Supports Bitcoin All in all I feel that this video has Captured the Zeitgeist of this industry This is what I always want I want to With each new daily video I want to Capture the Zeitgeist what is happening And the Zeitgeist is as follows Bitcoin Is rejected From the 250 week we're racing what's Going to happen next it is still 50 50. I would say 50 that we go back here and Load up 50 that we break up on the big Big time frame we do have the biggest Falling wedge in bitcoin's history with A target of 66k I think it's gonna to Unfold especially as we're seeing all of These bullishness from China where they Are supporting Capital deploying Capital Forcing all other essential Banks to do The same because this is the thing with Global economy when one Central Bank Does something significant and others Don't they may be forced to do that Because now China may be getting Advantage now they may be getting their Industry up and going while everyone Else is not because now their currency Is cheaper for and it's cheaper to pay

The domestic salaries because when you Sell things you get more of your local Currency and domestic salaries are then Cheaper so whenever this happens it's Normally it normally is a chain reaction On that note guys Smash Up the like Smash the Subscribe button see you all Very very soon see you all tomorrow and On Saturday we're back we're back from Our offsite here in Spain but the team We're like 50 people here it's so nice Uh and I'm but at the same time you know I like home I like I like being home I Like being in in my normal habitat I Like being in my studio I like being Where I'm normally at so it will be nice As well while I like doing things Sometimes uh I also like uh my normal Routine and this is what I'm looking Forward to my normal routine which I I've been missing since Saturday so it's Not even a long time but I like my Routine let me know if you like your Routine in the comment section okay guys See you soon goodbye goodbye
