COINBASE LAUNCHING OWN CHAIN 🔵 (50x gains in altcoin season) rumours examined

By | February 23, 2023

Welcome back guys it's Thursday and Today is a big day it's a massive day Today potentially a life-changing day For this entire industry because Coinbase is launching something look at This they posted yesterday this video This teaser that today on the 23rd of February 2023 there's going to be Something there's going to be something And of course the speculations run wild Coinbase have been involved in many L2 Developments coinbase has been involved In the development of optimism so we are Going to be discussing all about that And most importantly we're going to Connect it to our portfolio because Allcon season is not here all things are Not pumping as much as they would in an Alcon season and of course when we are Looking at coinbase and a potential Layer 2 You understand that such a thing can Start talking season such a thing can Really get us going and I will explain To you what all consistent means but for Now you just need to know that this is Where we make 10 20 30 50x and by the Way we make it in several coins and this Is where the industry really goes nuts It's kind of like defy summer in 2020. Let me know if you experience that or Kind of like when magic went from a few Cents to a few dollars It All Happened Here we covered it all live so it's

Possible if you are new to this channel It may sound weird to you that we have Such insane games it may sound like some Kind of scam you know how can you have a 50 30X 70x gain but this is script is High risk High reward this is very Volatile this is very insane industry But we're here for that we're here for Those games this is why we study it Every day the problem with an all-con Season if you're not prepared for it if You if you've not studied it if you're Not addicted enough to crypto is that All consistent will just make you feel Bad if you are not in the industry if You don't have the core direct bags you Will just feel that you missed out on a Bunch of things and things pump every Day but your things don't pump because You just have Bitcoin and a few big alts And that's it but if you know what You're doing all consistent is the best Guess we're going to be discussing all Of that I love vocals when we're Speaking about oaklands on this channel That's my favorite topics Smash Up the Like if you're watching on YouTube let Me know in the comment section if all Coins have changed your life in the past Bull market let's see how many people Have a real true life-changing Experience in all coins and of course Let me know what you think today today I'm drinking black coffee no milk no

Sugar as always and We're still we're still not in the Studio this is the last day of our Offsite and tomorrow I'm going back to Sweden and on Saturday we'll be back With normal live streams we're here 50 People in um in Spain and it's been this Insane days but there's no good Insurance here so that's a big problem That's why we're not live streaming now Let's look closer at the situation as You can see they posted just this blue Dot and many people instantly started to Connect them to Um optimism because optimism is known For the Red Dot and the coinbase have Been involved a lot with optimism and The researching and developing so Scott On Twitter is saying this let me Translate this picture Columbus is Launching a roll-up using optimism Software they are airdropping a new Token hopefully and we may see retail Spring something like an all-con season Hopefully if you go and you look at the Top gainers today you will see that Optimism is one of the top gainers so There is a lot of connection here and People are expecting coinbase to do to Do something with optimism as you can See by the results also we do have Flocking as one of the top gainers flock Is something that we've been monitoring On our dashboard here in morales money

Because when you look at the best coins Ranked by the buyers we've seen flucky For the entire week on our lit on hourly Chart on uh on day daily daily filter And now on weekly it's clear that They're they're top together with blur But it's a massive Marketplace so many People want to be in blur Then you have x-month and sudo which are Pseudo swap as you know connected coins You you stake X-Men you get sudo And hex extremely strong coin uh Shiba Shibashiba together with bone so these Are connected as well because Shiba has Shibarium Which is an evm and a bone is the is the Coin for that then you have flute oh X2 Y2 which is an empty Marketplace so as You can see a lot of these coins uh have Strong fundamentals and you can see them Using Morales money if you click the Link below and you can check them out You can find coins like this on Different chains on ethereum and binance Polygon arbitrum and so on so forth We're gonna add optimism soon as well And if coinbase blockchain comes out Today you can bet we're gonna add it Because it's all about being active in The space it's all about being Interested in the space it's all about Whenever a new technology comes using it Or whenever you have a lot of Opportunity you ensure that you have the

Exchanges for that so if you are not on By bit use the link below sign up on buy Bit do the kyc and you can get a nice Sign up bonus if you deposit and do kyc And you can go long you can go short Whenever opportunity arises you have a Platform to trade this is so important Because most people don't even know how To go short in this industry or to order Go long so using the link below sign up For buy bit you have contracts and Derivative trading if you do the races Be careful so you know what you're doing And all in all this is one of the Prerequisites to help the trading Platform trading Avenues ready to go so One Insight is that they are potentially Launching a roll-up basically a layer 2 Solution so of course if they do that uh Probably is going to be connected to the Coinbase exchange so everyone who uses Coinless game withdraw into coinbase a Chain or whatever it will it will be Called And of course now this new chain needs All these Services it needs the decks it Needs the other clone it needs this it Means that it needs like a full full Spectrum of things that other Blockchains and ecosystems have and of Course each and every one of these coins Is massive opportunity insane Opportunity it's kind of like when you Bought pancake swap early on or when you

Bought quick swap on polygon this were Life-changing opportunities so you don't Have to be a genius to figure this out And this is where the opportunity set One one set of opportunities arises if They actually do a blockchain kind of Like optimism kind of like arbitrum then Another view is that they're actually Not doing their own chain but they're Gonna do some kind of kyc Zone on Optimism basically a blockchain you can Only enter if you have coinbase account And they are handling access via chain Link node so that chain link can Communicate to the smart contracts that The user is kyc I don't know why they Would make such a buzz about it because It seems like a super boring thing you Know it's like kyc chain and then I mean It's not what we're here for at that day At the end of the day you do a kyc chain Okay it's like a Walled Garden then it's A world Garden where Some people can participate some not World Garden that will not get the Benefit from the worldwide adoption of Crypto and Innovation that's happening On crypto now I can still see the Benefits I mean the benefit is that if You are creating a D5 app and you want To really ensure that no Um North Korean user or Iranian user or Russian user uses you you can go to Coinbase and launch there but at the end

Of why the hell do you then need to Build on blockchain it becomes very Small benefit the only benefit then is That then you can copy paste the same App and launch in the public it's the Same technical standards it's the same Tooling it's the same asset standards It's the same asset interfaces like I Can understand that but all in all I Wouldn't make such a massive hype for a Thing if it's just uh yeah I mean if It's just like some kyc chain so I hope That this is not it but we'll see it Could be it but I hope it's not it Because that would be super boring it Would be disappointment uh Max bronstein Is saying why would coinbase launch Their own layer 2 sequencer fees the Thieves operating the sequencer for Arbitrum and optimism are collecting Hundreds of millions this is not true by The way because a lot of this is um Is a if this but they are making a few Million uh arbitrum and optimism in Annual recurring revenue and here is Some examples have been doing a lot with Um uh with the roll ups uh with EAP uh Four eight four four and this is Something that we're looking at when we Are assessing the situation the fact That they are very involved in optimism And this blue dot they posted could be a Some kind of connection to optimism Because optimism is a red dot anyway

Let's see guys let's see guys overall Coinbase is struggling right now Volume is falling I think they lost like 70 percent of the revenue since the bull Market uh so things are not looking that Great right now but it's all about the Long term can coinbase create some kind Of layer 2 that changes the the uh the Space for them that changes their Situation significantly it would it Could be it could happen absolutely and If it happens the first thing you should Do is to try it so I'm giving you some Some homework if it is the case that They release a blockchain the first Thing we all need to do is to go and try It so we know how it works we know what Is it is it evm is it not evm is it easy To use how do you transfer assets having Hands-on experience is the most Important thing it's kind of like you Know reasoning about the bike and then Biking it's totally different you can Read about the bike all you want you can Watch videos about biking all you want But then when you try it it's a whole Different thing it's kind of like when People read about crypto and have a Bunch of opinions about crypto but they Have no assets they have no they've Never done any transactions they've Never done any trade on the on D5 They've never done anything really but They have so strong opinions this is

What I call zero assets zero trades zero D5 massive opinions massive opinions you Don't want to be like that hey you want To be actually trying things on that now Guys we're wrapping up the episode this Is the last episode away from the studio We're going to be back on Saturday so Traveling tomorrow hope you enjoyed hope You learned something that the most Important thing Smash Up the like we're Looking forward to the Oakland season And see you all very very soon
