WHEN The SEC Comes After Your Stables…

By | February 15, 2023

The SEC is going off the stake what Happens now if you take all the money That is sitting in usdt usdc and busd You've got over 100 billion dollars Sitting in those if the SEC attacks all Stable coins then people are going to Have a few options redeem all the stable Coins get out of the crypto Market Completely I don't think people are Going to do that so what will happen is That they will trade their usdc their Usdt and their busd and they will put That into primarily Bitcoin and ease it Will pump the price of Bitcoin and ease People are going to flee the government Control and they're going to say look The government is controlling usdc-based Stablecoins I have to get out of this System and where they're going to move To they're going to move to the next Best currency which is BTC and people in Crypto will actually start using Bitcoin As the base currency
