By | February 21, 2023

Welcome back guys it's Tuesday and if You are a Bitcoin bear listen carefully Because I'm very worried I'm very Concerned honestly very concerned for You why because on the monthly time Frame you are facing a massive falling Wedge extreme falling wedge the biggest In bitcoin's history which is a bullish Pattern and we are right now breaking Out and not not only are we breaking out We've also tested it right here as you See we went down we tested it retested And we're going up to the upside right Now on the weekly time frame you still Have some hope as we still haven't Broken the 200 week moving average the Weekly moving average so in case we get Rejected here Bears may get their Heyday And we go back to 20K but overall it's Not looking that good why because we've Actually broken the 50-week moving Average and we only have the 200 week Moving average left this is key looking At the daily time frame the Bears here Are struggling as well why because we do Have the ascending triangle and it is a Bullish pattern if this ascending Triangle breaks the upside all of the Other time frames are gonna follow to The bullishness to the bullish upside as Well and Bitcoin really wants to go to 25k right now you see the strength Basically is testing 25k each and every Day and it is forming this fantastic

Ascending triangle it's so good to see So listen guys if you are excited Smash Up the like as soon as possible as you Can see we're still not in our studio we Are at an offside with our team at Morales approximately 40 50 people were Here it's fantastic but this also means That these updates are gonna be in a Different format I'm recording I'm not Live streaming but we're gonna be live Streaming soon enough on Saturday we're Back as normal so smash up the like and Let me know what you're drinking as you Know as always we drink black coffee no Milk No sugar first and foremost let's go Into the markets let's check how the Oaklands are doing as Bitcoin right now Is a two percent up 25k very good to see Fantastic to see I love this if a 0.4 BNB flat xrp 2.4 all in all quite flat Market but Bitcoin is pulling it's Pulling the market Coronas man Chronos 13 very good to see what is interesting Though is that when you look at the Weekly weekly gains we do have quite a Lot look at Falcon 73 weekly gains this Is why I'm telling you the bear Market Is coming to an end these things don't Happen in the bear Market we have things Having 500 pump on a weekly scale like For example conflicts or 100 uh 43 pump Like Stacks Also let's look at hex Because people are telling me konyaku

Doesn't show them properly let's see Actually how well they've done if They've done something like that as well Or how are they doing well in the last 30 days they have 160 in the last seven Days they have 40 so all in all a lot of Coins are coming back stronger than ever And that's so good to see also whenever We're looking at these Cycles it's very Key to understand that if you just have Long enough time frame you will be in Profit this this is the nature of these Cycles whenever you look at a Bitcoin Profitable days all days in business History whenever you bought are Profitable except for these red ones and This is between December 2020 And June 2022 so during the past two Years if you bought Bitcoin you would be At a loss but normally if it is the case That you buy and you hold for more than Four years then you are in a profit so The magic number is four if you buy and You have a time Horizon longer than four Years it doesn't matter where you bought Most likely you're gonna be in the Profit and I say most likely because we Don't know the future in the past has Been 100 likely that you are in the Profit and as as soon as Bitcoin goes to 30k suddenly this thing shrinks a lot Suddenly a lot of days will be green Very very quickly despite this by the Way despite this we do see Regulators a

BSI International settlements coming out and Saying that most retail investors in Bitcoin lost money in the last seven Years and they want more regulation this And that and by the way I don't disagree With them I'm pretty sure that people Who have not the psychology to be in This market although if you if you zoom Out and you look at this you see that We're mostly profitable if you think Long term you will be profitable but People don't think like that people Think that they buy they buy something And then they needed to be in profit Tomorrow okay and if it goes below then They sell they get worried and this is Sometimes what I hear people asking me Hey Ivan what do you think Bitcoin may Go still to force NK 10K they're so Worried they're so worth they're so Concerned oh man have you seen this Prediction I saw a new prediction it Says that it's gonna be vikov we're Gonna get wrecked by Wyckoff back to Forcing I'm so worried man I'm so Worried or oh man it's gonna get banned It's gonna get banned it's gonna get Banned I'm selling so you see all of This All of these concerns and and some of Them are valid by the way but the reason Why it's not not good to have so Short-term concerns in case you know oh

Wyclef distribution to a Wyckoff Accumulation in this case to the Downside where whales want to accumulate More so they push the prices down who Cares have long enough time perspective Don't don't be this guy on edge all the Time oh man oh the boat is the boat is Sinking as soon as a small wave hits you Oh man we're sinking this is this is why People get wrecked that's exactly why So be calm and maybe you can call it Groundedness that you're grounded you're Grounded in your beliefs you're grounded In that you believe in the space you're Not worried that the boat is going to Collapse because of the smallest wave so Be grounded in your beliefs believe in Something and if you don't believe in Something learn more learn more Experience more and um and don't go all In that's another thing go slowly we Just had this discussion with our team Here at the offside that because we have Some guys who are new to crypto and uh We were discussing like is it good to Buy crypto first or should you buy some Apartment first and maybe then you get Into crypto and I think it makes sense That you buy for example an apartment First if you don't have an apartment buy That first if you're if you've earned Money because This is something that has helped me When you have real

World real physical real touchable Assets you know that you can be more Digital whatever happens in the digital World you still have your apartment Let's say and this is good psychological Shift because if you have all in like You you don't have all your money is in Crypto then you're gonna go oh man oh Why go to the downside we're gonna go to 14K yeah man we gotta break down we're Breaking down right you're you're honest But let's say you have an apartment Let's say Um okay you know whatever happens in Crypto you you're good you're good your Life will not change your life will not Change whatever happens in crypto so you Gotta find your way to be grounded That's just one way of doing that maybe For some people it's something else let Me know in the comment section if you Have that experience but the data is Probably right like they say most people Lose money in crypto why because the the Mindset is wrong they're thinking too Short term they're too worried they're Not grounded as soon as something Happens they they freak out and this is How money moves from inpatient to Patient that that's the that's the full Full function of the markets so it's a Very very important thing to understand Now moving on to some other news I want To highlight this thing with global

Global market Global regulation Global Business where in case something happens In the US we need to understand that It's Global so whenever people are Worried about what's going to happen Here what's gonna happen there Um there's always going to be some Country that will love bizcom business Encrypted business and this is why when You are on a global level on a global Scale it doesn't really matter what Individual Regulators do we've seen it With China China has banned and unbanned And banned crypto and and Bitcoin just Goes up over and over again so that's One way to address this worries some People have once you get banned man it May get banned it may not get banned Some countries have already banned China Has already abandoned and unbounded and Then banned it so Crypt is by definition Global and you cannot ban crypto you can Ban yourself out of crypto like the Internet you cannot ban it you can ban Yourself out of the internet everyone Else will be using it so anyway that's That's some good important important Insights before we continue guys if you Are watching on YouTube Smash Up the Like subscribe check in the comment Section and in the description you will See a link to buy bit you sign up you Get a big nice juicy bonus you can go Along you can go short you can trade any

Altcoin most allcons at least and also You can trade spot So whether you want to do long or short Or spot sign up on buy bit you will be Supporting the channel and also check Out the uh the top app uh below as well So tap up is more for buying spending Crypto using the MasterCard also they Are supporters of this channel so thanks A lot to them let's move on to another Important metric which is all about who Is right now Active in crypto who is right now uh Buying crypto and you do see this in Huddle ways this is a way of seeing how Different types of people act in crypto So whenever you see the orange and red Parts go up this means that retail is Buying like never before this young Addresses are coming alive because what This chart really really says is that Whenever the blue and and light so light Colored addresses are big big portion of The chart this means that the old Addresses are active so this is Basically that the whales and the Long-term Believers are accumulating and Whenever you see this red orange and And hot colors so cold colors are Basically long-term hodlers and the hot Colors are short-term colors as you can See whenever the bull market comes Whenever we really start to pump that's When you do see an explosion in this

Short term investors and Market indicator because you see where The bottom is as soon as we start Turning around and you can argue that Right now we are starting to do that That's a perfect time to get in just Like you could get in right here when Bitcoin was just uh you know 200 bucks Or you could get them right here one bit Was just 3K Right now it's kind of similar where Bitcoin was 15K or so but still the Price right now is good as well it's 20 25k ish is still very good price Um and looking at all kinds of these Indicators you quickly understand that This is time this is time guys to get Back and this is time before everyone Else gets back as well and also looking Overall At the fear and greed we will have a Portion so we will very very soon enter A portion of the market where we're Greedy for quite some time as you can See we've been feared for quite some Time we've been fearful for quite some Time here basically the past year and as Soon as we exit that it is a good chance That we're gonna see something like this Where we're greedy for quite some time Or something like this where we're Greasy for quite some time so normally When you have a long period of fear it Does Follow by a long period of of grid

And I think this is what we're entering Right now on the on the Bitcoin chart Another important thing is the pi cycle Top indicator so this one is very good Seeing tops and bottoms and as you can See we're very close to the bottom right Now and this is all about looking at the Bitcoin price and looking at how the Price has evolved uh in the past year Versus how it is right now you can say And uh they've made it they made this Calculation but on a big picture level This is what it means how is the price Now in comparison to how it was a year Ago with some Transformations and right Now we are close to the bottom whatever Indicator you open here On look into Bitcoin which has a lot of This Market cycle indicators whatever You open here you will see we are at the Bottoms like you can open any any let's See golden ratio uh we're at the very Bottom some charts were even below the Bottom Like golden ratio we're like below the Bottom rainbow chart I thought this is a Joke by the way by Eric wall but some Websites like this one has it as a Serious indicator but without below the Bottom here as well so looking at Everything this is the generational buy Guys the I think this is the Generational buy do what you want with It this is my view a short update today

Will be back tomorrow as always each and Every morning I come to like a baker This is what I said last time it feels Like I'm a baker I'm waking up early Massaging the market just like the baker Massages the dough and then checking out The news and then cooking a fresh market Tablet hope you appreciate Smash Up the Likes you all very very soon and goodbye Guys goodbye goodbye goodbye
