BITCOIN BREAKOUT WILL LEAD TO MEMECOIN FOMO… Shib and Doge pumpamentals explained by programmer

By | February 5, 2023

And we're live guys welcome to another Episode of good morning Crypts on here On an iPhone Tech we are of course Broadcasting live straight out of stock Of Sweden and today we're going to be Speaking about Bitcoin and meme coins Because listen while Bitcoin is breaking Out from this falling wedge you look at Some of the meme coins the performance Has been amazing look at the ship for Example Shiba Inu many people are Laughing but the ship holders are Laughing by walking to the bank okay They're cashing out the gains of 80 you Look at something like baby Doge by the Way this thing I don't really know what The hell is happening here except that It's pumping it could be some kind of Scam maybe yes maybe not you let me know In the comment section if you've been Holding this I haven't been holding this But I I know that it is mooning okay That I know I know that it's been Mooning and in the past 30 days it's Moving 250 percent and then of course Our good old our good old Dodge grand a Real OG is up 35 only but still it is Significant moves in the meme coins and Right now meme coins are transcending They're going from being jokes to being Infrastructure plays I will show you What's happening with Shiba and how They're building out their blockchain Now their evm chain I will show you

What's happening with doshkan as well at The end of the day what is interesting Is that for the longest time a lot of People have been laughing at these coins Basically spitting in their faces like Chris from mm crypto would say but at The end of the day bear market after Bear Market bull after a bull market After bull market these coins are coming Back it is very interesting and we're Gonna dive deep into the mimology Mimiology of these coins in this episode We're gonna look into Bitcoin we're Gonna look into it we're gonna look at The scenario in Bitcoin which does look A bit scary many people have been asking Me about this look here right now Bitcoin is repeating kind of what this Uh Wall Street cheat sheet psychology Has been showing you know this chart Right here where we go from Euphoria to Complacency to anxiety to panic to anger If you look carefully you do see quite a Lot of similarities here after the anger Stage where you do see this pump where You do see this fake out and then you go To lower lows we're going to discuss all Of that listen guys if you like this Content if you like these topics if you Like crypto if you love crypto you smash The like as soon as possible and also Comment I love crypto and I watch every Day go ahead in the comment section Write that I love crypto and I watch

Every day so I know who is on our side And who is not on our side who loves Crypto and who doesn't love crypto Listen we're very cult-like in this Space listen if you are here and you Don't like crypto I don't know what the Hell you're doing you should love crypto If you're here you should love coins This is is what we're all about guys Welcome everyone welcome well it is Sunday you know every day we go 8 A.M on Saturday on Sunday we go 10 exactly 10 Right on time and let me know exactly Where you're tuning in from as you know Stock on Sweden here and we're drinking Black coffee no milk And no sugar let me know what the hell You're drinking guys I want to welcome Everyone who is watching live I do see Mr chunap welcome crypto poopy Obviously a trade crypto puppies here Bernard welcome Bernardo is here Malik Guys welcome welcome good to see you Um I do see a hex as well oh yeah the The the who how do you pronounce your Name man I don't know vid hex very Welcome Very easy it's from Denmark I don't know How the hell to pronounce it but uh big Welcome everyone And also what is key here is that the Bull market is coming I I do I do see That the bull market is coming one of The key metrics that I know of that most

People don't know of is the subscriber Change and believe it or not all Channels have been losing subscribers Even if you do fantastic content Fantastic predictions you're still Losing subscribers but that's changing But that's changing you said it right Exactly vid vid okay good good welcome Welcome but that's changing now Subscribers are back positive again I Mean this is so interesting because the People who are in this market for the Short term they all exit they don't want To see crypto you know I publish a video They unsubscribe instantly that's that's What's been happening for the past maybe Four months for because last four months It was the first time when my Subscribers actually went down I was Thinking what the hell is this because We're pushing content we're doing Fantastic work everything is very good But it doesn't matter because people who Are burnt unfortunately by the bear Market they don't want to hear anything About crypto and now it feels that we're Coming back we're back positive which Means that everyone who was scared Enough to sell and and basically exit This industry they have exited and now We can rebuild we can continue so what's Happening right now with Bitcoin is as You can see with the following wedge we Are breaking out we are retesting it and

Now is a big question what's going to Happen next main people are pointing to This chart and even the creator of this Chart said that he created this mostly To show us that the downside can happen And by the way I agree with him downside Can absolutely happen we could revisit 15K it can absolutely happen but then he Also said that at the end of the day he Doesn't think it's probable because so Many people just blindly started to Believe this when he published this but It doesn't matter what matters is that You're prepared you and I were prepared For anything that's going to happen we Can go to 15K we can go to 10K even as Richard Hart is predicting 10K it can Still happen absolutely but it's all About probabilities what is more likely What is less likely and for all Currencies the same if Bitcoin has now Reached the bottom we are likely gonna Do amazing returns in meme coins in not In D5 coins in all kinds of coins but if Bitcoin has not reached the bottom and We go lower alkins may still get an Another 70 haircut from here so the risk Is high but that's also why we are in This industry you can either make a lot Of gains or you can get absolutely Destroyed and that's why I want to turn Your attention to meme coins in this Video because meme cons if anything is Digital gold it and I'm not kidding I

Know it sounds ridiculous it sounds not Very smart to say that but it is Absolute truth it's absolute honest Absolute transparent truth meme coins Have been performing very nice very nice Against Bitcoin and against other Alternates we'll get into that before we Do that let's check the overall Market We do see Bitcoin plus 0.4 percent if Plus one percent BNB plus 2.3 we do see Xrp plus 0.5 we do see Dogecoin our good Friend doshin which we are going to Discuss today plus 3.1 percent I mean You even see it here doshin is bigger Than polygon the polygon is 1.7 Dodge Coin is bigger than Solana which is Minus 0.2 ship is soon Gundam be bigger Than Solana because ship is up 7.9 so Overall the meme coins are really doing Doing strong and as you can see baby Doge is now in the top hundred it's top 90 and it's pumping 54 so this is the Key we have to understand meme coins It's not a joke anymore and the sooner You understood it the better we've been Discussing it already for a few years That Dogecoin in the bull market will do Very well we were talking about this in 2020 and this and it's done very well Let me show you what I mean here and It's time for us to all uh understand it Because most people still think it's a Joke not even to be considered but I Think that this thesis of is a joke that

We just leave to a side has been Disproven over and over again if you Look at the Bitcoin valuations of Dogecoin and then you zoom out and you Look what's happening overall overall Through Time Dogecoin has been doing Better than Bitcoin okay And there is a lot of jokes to it of Course is Dogecoin is the meme coin Elon Musk has been pumping but right now We're looking at valuation in Bitcoin Let's say you put a bunch of money into Crypto in 2014 and you bought Bitcoin You should have bought those guys Because Dosh is now way higher in Bitcoin terms than it was here way way Higher in Bitcoin terms and even in the In the bear market so in 2021 we started To go down in terms of Bitcoin Valuations but as you can see we didn't Even come down to this hype right here This was The Tick Tock hype I think yeah You remember here in 2021 all tick Tockers were pumping Dosh and it seemed Insane right here that Dosh is going up So much it seemed like some kind of joke But we didn't even go down to those Highs when we when we went back okay so This is the power of meme coins they're Not a job they're kind of a joke but in Price performance absolutely not and I Think most people are now understanding That you are missing out if you don't Look at them at least don't look at them

And don't consider them now you don't Have to hold them if you if you think That it's uh stupid or something but at Least look at them and understand that It's way more than offs the same thing Is ship you know ship sounds like some Kind of scam what is this dog what is This dog coin like a copy of Dogecoin But then you you think for a second You're like what the hell look at the Bitcoin valuation from 2021 hype it Didn't even go back there okay it went Down here a bit into that area into this Area of 2021 hype it did dip down here But as you can see it's been holding Very strong it's been holding these Highs extremely strong so it is higher Now in Bitcoin terms in 2023 than it was In 2021 and by quite a big margin I mean This so it was Zero man there's so many Zeros it's so difficult to see but let's See it was 146 500 and here it is so It's like six six or five x in Bitcoin Terms since 2071 okay this is the meme Coin this is the joke everyone is joking About and you see the performance now For the longest time it's been all about The community it's been all about Keeping the meme alive all the jokes Fantastic but now you are seeing Something interesting the fact that all Of these different uh meme coins are Starting to become infrastructure plays So for example with Shiba you have

Shibarium have you heard about shibarium Well now you have so shibarium is their Scaling solution so instead of Programming on polygon instead of Programming on buying a chain instead of Programming on arbitrum and optimism you Can program on shibarium okay Man what the hell is this but it is true It is true so they are going going from Just meme coins for trading now to Actually infra place so this is what's Going to happen sheep's goal has always Been to welcome new crypto users and Educate them on the development process Of a ground up project all right and in Order to achieve this they are creating Their their blockchain our goal is that Upon the release of the test and our Community will have a good understanding Of the key Concepts simultaneously Addressing some of the most really ask Questions about how shibarian beta phase Will function so listen they have this Bone bone coin bone is the native token Selected to pay for gas transactions Okay and let's see how the bone is doing I mean this is one of these coins that Has been quite hyped already But good to follow along because uh Let's see so this is Shiba Shiba swap It's been doing oh actually it's is this The correct Bond though one second one Second yes this is Shiba swap but is it The correct bone I guess is the correct

Bomb And this one is something else yeah Never mind So bone is the native talk is paid for Gas with the total Supply let's see is This this one I'm still not 100 I think It was the 200 Yeah yeah okay it is this one it is this One it is it is the cheapest one bone Can currently be obtained throughshiba Swap and other decentralized yeah there You go Uh the key what is the key the key is to See that whatever doesn't make sense in Your head can still pump a lot I think We all learned that with nfcs that it Took a few months for everyone to Understand that this jpeg monkeys are Pumping like never before and then The market could continue and you could Participate if you understood that this Thing that doesn't make sense is still Pumps so just participate without Understanding it if you are in this Market as a Trader okay so this is how I've been thinking because in many cases Like it doesn't make sense how is it That a meme pumps like it doesn't make Sense but it still pumps so I rather be In the game than outside of the game of Course not betting the farm but by Participating in the game you kind of Start to understand it you cannot start To understand that the community is

Crazy in this meme coins so when times Are tough the community sticks together Just like in Bitcoin most people they Try to understand it just yesterday I Was at a board game night yesterday we Were playing Nemesis this board game and There was one guy who was very nice but He works as a developer in banking and He he was a bit skeptical towards crypto But I explained to him the best I could Everything that I know about crypto and I told him you gotta try it you gotta Try it like you don't understand but buy A bit buy a bit so you can touch it Because it doesn't matter how much I Explain to you theoretically about Contracts about this about that about Dexas about all this fantastic world you You can study fundamentals forever You're still not gonna understand it Until you don't patch it so I feel it's Kind of like that with all of these Trends and crypto that initially don't Make sense I've made the rule for myself That even that's if something looks Completely stupid okay completely stupid I'll just buy a bit I'll just buy a bit So I touch it okay I touch it I join the Telegram I see what the hell happens Maybe I will understand it who knows Maybe not so this is how how my Psychology has changed through the years Because I think in 2017 when I joined Crypto full time as really you know

Going crypto full-time full-time Full-time investing and all of that when I quit my full-time job and went all in Crypto at that time I was also a bit Like what the hell like this doesn't Make sense but since then I've grown a Lot in that perspective so shibarium is Is an infrastructure play the same thing Of course is happening with those chain Where doshin is launching and basically Adding all of the capabilities of D5 to Doshine so this is layer 2 for Deutschman and if you dive in you see There is a bridge there is an Explorer Let's see if you go here you see that You explorer that don't show and that That dock so you you can figure this out You can start exploring but the key Thing to understand is that This is the new frontier is for Developers this is the New Frontier Where developers can now build on these Things and it's no longer just uh a joke Okay it's still a joke but that that's a Feature not a bag I hope it makes sense In terms of baby Doge to be honest I Haven't heard a lot see except for the Price pump okay the price pumps it's Quite in many uh in many watch lists Let's see if this is a scam you guys do Your own research does it have some Infra player or not baby swap anyway Many exchanges let me know guys if you Hold some baby Dosh and let me know by

The way if you agree with this mindset Of a digien because it is digital Mindset you try first you understand Later but it's the only way to be in Crypto you're either a teaching mindset Or you're never gonna get into it you Will never even buy Bitcoin if you are Not digital mindset you gotta have a bit Of vision mindset to even be in this Industry Uh I see a question about the chat so Guys as you know we are live streaming Every day on live and yes the Cookie is from twitch you gotta accept Those twitch cookies and soon we're Gonna move away from the twitch chat uh Let's move on guys let's move on to the Big update that may happen to ethereum Within the coming years because at the End of the day we need privacy and we Just we're discussing privacy Last stream yesterday well I think Bernard asked me about the privacy and What I think about it and I discussed That there are no good Solutions yet There is Aztec there is secret Network There are a few of them coming out but There's nothing that is really Mainstream there is nothing that is Really usable in an easy way for the Average ethereum user now vitalik has Come out And propose the solution to this and I Think this solution makes sense he

Basically proposed a solution where Every ethereum holder can have a public Key a public key which is not like your Public key right now which used to Receive assets but the public key which Anyone can use in order to generate Secret addresses okay so here's an Example imagine that Alice was to send Bob an asset this could be some quantity Of cryptocurrency or nft when Bob Receives the asset he does not want the Entire world to know that it was he who Got it Rising the fact that the transfer Happened is impossible But it is possible to hide who the Recipient is and that's what he proposes And also one of the requirements that Vitalik proposes is that it should be The same workflow so when you use your Stealth address it should be the same as Using any other address so this should Be instantly compatible with all wallets So this is how it will work stealth Addresses work in a way where you Generate whenever you want to transfer An asset you generate a stealth address And you do that by looking at the Recipient's spending key so every Recipient if you want to receive this Secret assets you will have a public Spending key so when you have a public Spending key that's when you will be Able to receive these assets and when Someone wants to transfer the assets to

You then they use your public spending Key in order to do so and they can Generate the stealth addresses and and This is how it works that it's basically Another layer on top of the current Ethereum ecosystem without adding too Much and without changing the ethereum Too much and he proposes the scheme that Is looking to be quite easy to implement By the way guys I see my mouse stopped Working one second let me get back I do Some push-ups I will get back with Another mouse this is the problem with All this wireless wireless things all These Wireless things you need to charge Them what the hell I cannot even switch My mind I cannot even switch to my Camera you need to charge them that's The thing that's why I actually have Stopped using airpods because what the Hell I don't want another thing to Charge listen leave me alone I don't Want another freaking charger I just Want to use this the things without Charging them why is it so that you have To charge even your headphones you the Mouse you have to charge everything is Freaking charging I'm not the charging Station I don't want to go around with 500 adapters charging everything on a Daily basis okay So listen let me figure out how the hell I will charge this thing and I'll get Back I'll get back do some push-ups guys

Claim the beans and uh entertain each Other in the chat one second one second And of course when you charge your mouse You can of course not use it okay And let's see is this thing connected Man Connected come on bro There you go there you go Jesus man I Don't like this Wireless World they Called me a call me a grandpa but I Don't like it let me hear Let me switch This my I I get upset why is it so that Today in 2023 I need to charge Everything like everything is charging It's another stress level in my life I don't want another stress level I want To decrease stress I want to decrease All the energy I have needs to go into Crypto not Chargers let me know if you Share this this um this frustration but It's kind of been collecting for quite Some time you know you you you pay Expensive money for this you you pay Expensive money to buy the good Headphone like I have this apple thing Airpod Max I have this thing see this Thing No battery no battery why because I I Use it I forget to charge it then I Forget to charge it for like five days Then I forget I even have this so you Buy it you pay expensive money you you Completely cannot use it and what's Worse is that each thing has its own

Adapter For phone it's one adapter for iPad Another adapter for uh for watch another Adapter this is around for a computer Laptop another adapter what the hell Anyway yes let me I need to fix some Things here Foreign That's why I mean the only thing that EU Has done which kind of makes sense is to Tell Apple to use USBC we have the Standard for this we have the standard For charging stuff don't give you know Don't have 500 Chargers Foreign Okay guys where were we we're discussing The stealth addresses I have an info Works exam Exactly exactly I mean they are bringing Out my inner Alex Jones when I I get Disrupted Midstream there are some Things that make me very angry and That's when we have some kind of Midstream Interruption and I've made it Way longer now sorry guys we're gonna Get back into crypto soon So a Midstream interaction we've had Several cases through the years the Biggest case which I really hate is the ISP exit scam I I don't have these Problems anymore I mean I hope we don't Have any of these problems anymore but I Remember in the early days uh sometimes The ISP goes down I'm like what the hell

Bro I was streaming have you seen we Have people watching we're streaming ISP Fully down now these things uh exactly EV cars you also gonna charge them and Now these things are a bit newer all of This Wireless I just need with the cable I have my keyboard with the cable but Anyway guys getting back so stealth Addresses will work that you use your Wallet to use now you don't need the new Wallet you don't need anything new Whenever you want to send something to Another person you generate an address Based on their spending key so this is a New Azure that address that has never Been used before and you you can this Way send them assets and what they will Have to do is to basically have a small Adjustment to their wallet in order to Discover this stealth addresses so you Don't need to do any adjustment to send Asses but if you are receiving this this Asset you need to know if a new key was Generated from your spending key and you Discover that and you do it Mathematically so the changes to the Wallet should be minimal and I like that All in all when will this go live it Should be quick I mean this should be Quick it shouldn't be a long process Unfortunately Things take time encrypt even the easy Things like for example login with Ethereum takes a lot of time in order to

Formulate a standard in order to make Everyone agree and so on so forth and I Guess that's good in a way because we Take it easy we take it slow we ensure That we just don't push things into Production and make a standard that Doesn't make sense but although Technically this shouldn't be long Technically you can probably get this Out within six months but from a Practical level to get everyone in Agreement that's very difficult to Predict so let's see but this would add A lot of privacy and Bitcoin by the way In a way Bitcoin has this already Because when you use a Bitcoin wallet You can always generate a new address That you then can receive assets into so In a way this re this reminds me of this A lot the fact that you generate so Instead of you generating the address Whoever wants to send you the assets Generates a new address that you only You control Um and the big problem that is still Unsolved with this is that in case you Do receive erc20s or in case You do receive nfts you need to fund Your wallet with eth in order to Withdraw it so this secret addresses you Will have to fund them so this is what Vitalik says that you could Theoretically use a ZK snarks in order To transfer it secretly but it will be a

Lot of gas okay so that's the problem They need to figure out to iron out but All in all privacy will be on it it's a Question of time as you can see we do Have things that work we do things we do Have things that theoretically can be Implemented in a few months this is not Difficult to do so privacy it's a Question of time so when it comes to Scaling when it comes to privacy when it Comes to extra features that people are Saying that are not present now and then Everyone says oh but yeah crypto will Fail because we don't have this you Don't have that you don't have ABC we Have it listen we will have it we will Have it theoretically it's possible it Just takes a lot of time to get it to a Production grade level Where it's uh it's uh agreed upon the Whole industry has buy-in and we can we Can make it big So that's in terms of privacy uh in Terms of this Market breathing again in Terms of this Market Ivan Xanax or maybe Valium exactly but I Don't know I don't think anything any Kind of Xanax or volume it will not help Against this Midstream interruptions Especially if it's been building for a Long time like all of this freaking Charging things I don't see I use this I Use this instead of charging I've Already I've abandoned all the airpods

I've gone back to this but the thing is You kind of forget the bad things of the Things you used in the past you get this Romantic view of how good it was to have This wired headphones but now I have Rediscovered the problem with them and That's that at some point something Happens in this cable that one of them Stops working so actually now I I I mean Only one of them works okay and I Remember I always had this problem with This wired stuff okay and I kind of Forgot about this I thought oh fantastic Now we go back to wired super stable the Cable is super stable nothing is Charging but now what the hell one of Them stopped working let me know if you Had this issue when one of the Headphones and also another problem You bend this thing so you have it in Your pocket you bend it and it does Commands it's like pauses music and Unpause music so this thing I need I Need another thing but it's like the you Choose the list of the of the evils okay And for now this is the the list of the Evil okay No I don't I don't need noise Cancellation you remove it I don't I Don't need glass translation I want to Hear things that happen when I'm outside I don't understand if you go like you Know with these headphones you have Noise cancellation you can get hit by a

Car I don't buy any of that in the Airplane I understand in the airplane Noise cancellation is fantastic but when People work work with noise cancellation Outside in the world and not hearing Anything I'm not really into that okay I Want to hear kind of what's happening so Anyway getting back to this Market Uh to this Market breathing we do see uh Nfts coming back so nfcs right now are Coming back in a way that is very Interesting that for the past months the Volume is increasing openc is still Number one but blur has been very strong Since November it's a new exchange then We do see oh this is quite good guys X2y2 because I bought some stuff in Their Ico and and it's dumped like crazy I mean this XY xy2 it has dumped like Crazy but now I actually see that They're not they're not really that in Fact they're growing what the hell look Look at here Bam Bam this is growing That's very nice here they shrank though But now yeah see it's good And then we have looks rare quite small Crypto punks I wonder where gigamart is Uh do they track a gigamart I hope they Do because this is uh Elios project Gigamart and still uh openc is uh more Than half okay and let's see what's Gonna happen I hope that some of these Other changes can gain more market share So we have more of this diversity of of

Markets in or in nfcs the problem with Nfcs right now is that Open Seas number One and it's not open source like uni Swap it doesn't give this industry the Same kind of innovation and the same Kind of uh contribution that that uni Swap does because especially with units Of version 2 the license like we Discussed yesterday was such that anyone Could use it you could use it on any Chain and that's brilliant now anyone is Allowed to decide how they license their Software so if uh the way the openc has Done it works for them fantastic but I'm Just saying for the best of this Industry it would be nice if we had open Standards for nft marketplaces that can Be taken across different chains and Create the next bull market because Without the uni swaps where you had uni Swap on all different chains I don't Know if it would have the same Interesting bull market as we've had Last time without pancake swap on buying A chain which only existed because Uniswap allowed it because they had a License that allowed it without a quick Swap on polygon all of this without Sushi swap I understand that as a you Uni swap Creator you don't want Competition and you now they got a lot Of competition like pancake and sushi so That's why their version 3 has another License so version 3 cannot be used like

Version two but but I feel that it has Contributed so much to the space this Contributed a lot and in in nfts we Don't have such a nice open source Standard for markets oh and that's why I Want this to Uh I want this to continue that we do See more and more of these different uh Different uh Solutions different NFC Marketplaces taking place I have a few More topics guys before we go into q a We have this news about farm so this is The person this is lazy what is her name Carolyn fam so Carolyn fam is a good Example of what's happening on the Regular regulatory front let me show it To him On the regulatory front we are seeing The celebrities you can say regulatory Celebrities like Carolyn Farm she is on All the conferences she's speaking about Crypto she was by the way speaking to SBF and she said that she doesn't regret Meeting him because he she asked him a Bunch of questions and she was public With missing him missing him and he was One of the biggest figures in the crypto Space and since the FTX meltdown uh what Is different with her from many other Regulators is that she is still Supporting she still supporting she's Still active and I think more and more Regulators more and more politicians Most importantly is gonna do like this

Because Is all about the Young Generation The Young Generation likes crypto the Young Generation wants to see Regulators Politicians that like crypto Yang Generation doesn't Trust Banks Young Generation trusts crypto and this is Just gonna be more and more important Because right now the biggest wealth in The world is controlled by Baby Boomers And they don't like crypto most of them Don't even understand it but as the Generations change as the wealth will be Passed on from the older generation from The Boomers to the younger generation so Will the preferences so whoever controls The most funds has the most power in the World money is power 100 So as this this money changes hands so Will the politicians so will the Regulators and the early regulators and Politicians that we see they are the Ones that understand this early will Have the most to gain so no one wants to Be first to to embrace crypto because It's still a lot of risk like for Example with FTX you take a picture with Sam now you're in a big big trouble if You are a politician but no one wants to Be last as well no one wants to be first No one wants to be last because at the Same time it is a big opportunity of Course no matter what happens in the Short term in the long term it's a

Massive opportunity and finally guys Before we go to q a We do have some interesting news from 21 Shares this is important because many People don't want to buy real crypto Because the tax issues you know there Are so many things you need to Accounting to report it's it's very Difficult by the way and an easy way to Do it at least in Sweden is to buy Crypto via certificate so you log into Your bank you buy a certificate and it Follows the price of Bitcoin or whatever And right now there are more and more of These different certificates so Kathy Wood Has backed 21 shares and they do a bunch Of the certificates and right now they Did release a new one which is like Staking staking one which tracks the Performance of uh of proof of stake uh Cryptocurrencies like binance cardano And my understanding also is that it has It has this uh oh this interesting Winter did I invest in them maybe not This is an interesting company in Sweden Who does the who does index because Index and the issue needs to be Different but I don't think actually I Invest in them uh although I spoke to Them like two years ago so it's good to See them uh to see them grow they have No coin it's just a equity play But that's good to see so yeah why is

This important because a lot of money is There okay a lot of money is in the Banking space and how can we reach them The easiest of course we would love them To go and buy real Bitcoin but the Easiest way is to just show up in their Banking app and you can buy and then Indirectly they buy Bitcoin because all Of these etps with this financial Product is called ETP exchange Trader Product They need to buy the the backing so Whenever someone buys this 21 shares uh Tracker 21 shares needs to buy the Actual crypto so indirectly is good Indirectly this is the way to to more Capital but of course if 21 shares if Something happens to them like with FTX It's not going to be good so I hope Nothing happens to them that's the Problem if you buy not real crypto it's Not it's not your keys not your keys not Your not your Bitcoin and not your Crypto that's that's the ideal world but Uh we're living in a gray grayscale World where you cannot get everything You want Foreign S are ideal Something some things are less ideal now Guys I want to give you also an update On our Token Explorer so as you know we Launched this token Explorer where you

Can find new coins so for example you Can say you only want tokens that were Minted in the last day so you can say Days since minted needs to be less than One you search and you find then you can Say okay I also want another criteria That holders in one day should have Increased by at least a hundred and then You can narrow down your search So since Today We've made it so that we track more Coins so we added more exchanges most Importantly we added the units of Version three so uh what board is this Yeah you need to be careful with with The coins here because some of them may Be scams uh we're not verifying them We're just we're just showing you Everything we find where where that that Meet this criteria let me remove it by By doing like this ah man I need to Remove it by doing like this Um Oh wait that's interesting look here Maybe we have discovered the scam in Real time you see here holders have Increased but the liquidity has Basically rug pulled so you can also see Which coins are rag pulling let's see What the hell happened here Um Okay but liquidity is still 70 million But you see I mean this is a danger Thing because why the hell would they

Lose 7 million in liquidity it's weird And this is something where we will be Able to set alerts so for example in the Future you can set that you want the Liquidity in uh let's say one hour like In this case to decrease by by at least One million let's see if this shows up Um so you see oh yeah this is some kind Of uh spoofed spoofed price this is a Lot of these prices can be spoofed by The way because if you have you can have If you if you don't have any liquidity Then the prices are fake but you see Here for example Um This you will be able to set an alert on So when you have all of these different Criteria soon we're going to add that You can set an alert so that in case you Have a coin and then you see that it Enters this list of losers where they Lose liquidity in the last hour you know About it and then we're gonna see how we Can connect it so you know we have this Where you can search your your own Address or any address You can see your profile and we will in A way connect it so that all the coins You have we can set alerts on them Automatically so that in case they Answer any of this bearish lists let's Say where liquidity in one day has Decreased by at least you know 5 million Or something you know about it so that's

Coming so a lot of things are added to The Token Explorer This is going to be one of the most Important tools in the bull market to Find new coins at least that's our Ambition on that note guys let's go to q A today today was a bit longer we did Some coverage of Bitcoin meme coins Uh we did coverage also of uh what's Happening on the regulatory front front With the nfts with stealth address is Actually quite a juicy stream quite a Juicy stream and you got a nice rant Guys let's go to q a but first a small a Small Musical pause a small musical Intermission Foreign Oh yeah Check check we're back guys okay let's Go to q a I saw a question about uh flucky flucky Flucky it's another one of the of these Meme coins and do they have some Infrastructure play or not Because I I haven't seen yet at least That they're gonna do into that they're Gonna move into uh more infra infra play What do you think about cardano with the Launch of listen good good cardallo Needs more project I want more projects On cardano they need more projects and They need more of this fun projects what Is fun on cardano well when will we have

This Community Driven ecosystem where Things are launching things are pumping Things are doing well liquidity is going Up trading is going up I mean that's What I want to see I want the community I want the I want the fan of crypto to Be on cardano that that's what I want And that would be so great for Carolina Let's see because I mean one way this Can I know they they're missing with all Of the governments this and that but I Mean the community is not going to be Part of those use cases okay it's going To be great but uh okay what what am I Gonna do with that use case like African Government use case uh or or Central um Asia government use like what am I gonna Do there can I trade something can I buy Something can I take something okay this Is what I want to see on cardano where You you as a community we can actually Do something so let's see Um But it's good I mean listen all the Projects are good the more adoption the Better the better Why don't you stream on Saturday TV go Decentralized um maybe I should try I Don't care which uh which streaming we Have here on our uh on our site as long As it works as long as it's perfect uh Latency as long as I don't need some Coin to to use it because switcher 3 I Just signed up at Theta is it free can I

Just you know press a button and the Stream and everyone and there is it Works perfectly uh I mean if it is like That fantastic But how do they do it because streaming Is expensive you know it's it's uh it's Not uh it's not it's not cheap okay so On Twitch it's a bigger it's owned by Amazon so they can handle that uh if Theta is the same where their Network Can handle that fantastic have you tried It is it good Maybe we can do like a test stream and Try But you know I get very annoyed in case Something breaks me stream you you see How annoyed that I got at this mouse Because it disconnected imagine if Theta Disconnects man if if if if you can Promise it doesn't disconnect me stream Okay I may need some Xanax if it Disconnected mystery Midstream uh but Listen I haven't tried it maybe it's Fantastic maybe it's fantastic I'm just Joking it it's maybe it's good I will Try it I mean if we can do something More essential it's fantastic Um Ivan you used to be a fan of maker Well maker is fantastic it's uh is it Pumping is it dumping let's see Maker it's one of the key projects in The space the center is stable car What can be better 30 in the last in the

Last 30 days so it's still down 88 so It's still man the if this Market is Going to come back maker is going to Come back there's no I cannot see this This Market come back without maker Going to all-time highs there's no way Alkan's gonna go to all-time highs Without maker there's no way in my view Not Financial advice but the only Problem is in case something happens to The die stable coin but is I think it's Proven itself quite well now because It's been handling all of these dumps And and downward Mark is very good but The problem with that is that it is Partially backed by usdc as far as I Know and that's that's a problem what if Usdc gets all assets are seized what Will happen to all the Uh to all the die is it are they going To survive I hope so Um What do you think about pulse eggs being Deflationary by burning itself if it Pumps good I hope it pumps I mean Everything that will make pulse X Pump Fantastic And especially pulse Will will it pump pulse vid or not Because if it if if it pumps pulse Fantastic then I'm even more happy can I Use Morales to my own project Development I found this expensive for a Single user but we do have a free plan

Fabric fabric nodes but if you are I Mean if you are if you have a real Project then you will need the Pro Plan But if you're just building yourself Then you shouldn't even hit the the Limits of the free plan Uh let's see Ivan from Morales money it Is awesome on chain and I'm working with New project Launchpad but I see a lot of Them decide to list on Central's Exchange first do we get any data uh not Sure what you mean so you mean that you Want to launch a project in morales Money except of Sanchez Exchange I don't understand Why people would do that nowadays that They launch on centuries exchange first Maybe because in the bear Market all of The essentials exchanges are begging for Coins they don't have that many coins to Launch but in the bull market it's gonna Change because at that point you're not Gonna get into Essentials exchange Easily they're gonna get too busy so I Think it's just short term and also Because essential exchange is probably I don't know why they do that maybe you Can ask them why is that because it's Easier to just do it on chain maybe they Want more of this uh people that don't Know how to use a wallet and connect to A website and claim from there so yeah Ivan do you think Paul coach is falling Behind other layer one Solutions not at

All I mean there is not a lot to fall Behind to be honest like no one is super Is doing super well it's all early no It's impossible to fall behind it's Everything is better everything barely Works but that's why we love it okay you Cannot fall behind there is always new Layer one layer twos like shibarium Doshine you cannot fall behind now it's Um still too early it's kind of like Asking did Alta Vista fall behind Yahoo Search and then Google came in their Number one search so no one can fall Behind right now it's too early and in Terms of polka dot what do we have there We have Moonbeam which is the one I'm Following the most and then to be honest I'm not following a lot of other ones Which ones do you follow on on apocalot I follow Moonbeam because it's evm and Uh it's it's usable with metamask the Problem is is that Oh also I follow polka decks a bit but The problem I think is that we need People to understand how to use the Polka dot wallet and this you know Polka.js I had to learn it the other day In order to interact with some dabs but It was a bit of a friction because it Wasn't I mean it wasn't as nice as using A metamask and it wasn't as nice as Using a phantom wallet within the Solana Ecosystem it wasn't as nice as using Kepler wallet within the cosmos

Ecosystem Have I missed some wallet like is there Is there some wallet or something that What what is the Kepler wallet of Polkadot is there some some wallet Because if there is no such wallet I Would see it as a massive opportunity to Build it because if you build the Biggest wallet on polka dot it's Fantastic I mean it's massive it's going To be a massive project very successful So someone should do it why has not Anyone done that because on Cosmos the The the best thing with Cosmos which Makes me uh which makes me bullish on it Is that it's so easy to use the Kepler Wallet it's very nice it's kind of like Metamask you can jump across chains and On polka dot I haven't seen that yet But Also it's an opportunity someone will Build it because it is an opportunity You know um we're speaking with VCS now And then and they say that When it comes to wallets the best Investment the best bet is on a new Wallet that wants to become the biggest In the new in the new ecosystem that's That's the best bet because you will not Out compete metamask most likely it can Be very difficult you're not gonna Out-compete Phantom in Solana ecosystem But if you start on polka dot it's Actually very likely you can do

Something because as you can see polka Dot is crying for a wallet Um and uh there is no we have polka.js What the hell I mean is that how you use It maybe I misunderstood it because I Had to use polka.js uh and uh it was Weird Do you think crazy Sports will be the Best wallet or some other solution like Liquidus Ping Costa will get more Adoption so Radix wallet will probably Be the best wallet for Radix because It's built by the Radix team so Easy says the biggest problem is the Wallet yeah I mean in general it is the Wallet yes the in general in trip to the Problem is the wallet because the wallet Doesn't tell you if you're signing Something that will take all your money And it doesn't tell you if you're doing Something that will completely scam your Whole uh your whole wallet okay you but Whenever you sign to like for example When you sign To log into our website here And then you sign the message I mean it Looks similar it looks very similar if Wallet should fix that that's why I am Pushing for for the ethereum ecosystem To adopt sign in with the theorem so That when you log into your website it Should be totally different UI in the Wallet than if you are signing something Where where the assets are gonna move

Because right now in metamask they look Kind of similar it should not be similar Because of course the phishing sites use That they prey on the fact that when you Want to log into a website or when you Wanna transfer your assets is the same You want to sign the message or it's Very similar UI so the way it will be in The future is that when you want to log In to your website the wallet should Should show you like you are now logging In and it should now that actually You're logging in you're not sending Assets it's possible if we follow Designing with ethereum standard And Wallace seem to adopt it that's That's kind of how browsers work Nowadays you know browsers protect you If you have a bad browser you will not Be protected all your cookies all your Jwts all your secrets that need to be Kept securely they're kept securely by The browser the browser is the is the Software that ensures that if I have a Website I cannot read cookies that you Have that other websites put into your Browser browser ensures that there is Separation between websites and that Data from one website cannot be read by Another website and you are relying on That if that's why if you use some weird Browser that doesn't do the security Well it will mean that okay I built the Website and now I can read your data

From all other websites but if we've Been is this this has been sold like 15 Years ago or or more that this security Protocol of how browser protects you as A user so in Webster we need the same in Webster we need the wallet to protect The user by basically saying what's Happening by by saying listen now you're Logging in assets are not going to move You know that for sure okay now you're Signing this thing assets are gonna move And in in this way wallets they can Contribute a lot to the space and they Should be doing that soon yeah Uh needed to to turn off oh yeah we use Brave browser you you half of the Internet may not work because they block Too many Scripts Polka wallet is decent but the website Version is okay uh Polka.js is too much for noobs yeah I Mean Poker JS it feels like a a Dev Thing it's uh it needs to be but Metamask is also you know it's not for Noobs but it is for noobs but it's bad That it is for noobs that way that our Level of metamask is uh is uh is so Difficult to to use it takes quite some Time to to figure it out guys on that Note smash up the lights uh we are right Now at 53 minutes good being here with You again this fantastic Sunday as you Know we're here 8 A.M on Monday Friday On Sunday we're here at 10 on Saturday

We're here at 10. have a good day enjoy Your Saturday see you all tomorrow at 8am Um write in the comment section what Kind of topics we should discuss outside Of the markets which we do every day but This uh other topics outside of the Markets we can choose so write your Suggestions have a good day Smash Up the Likes and goodbye guys goodbye goodbye
