By | February 10, 2023

And we're live guys welcome to another Episode of good morning crypto here Online I've done Tech we're dumping guys We're dumping heavily Bitcoin is losing All kinds of games we've had over the Past weeks as you can see and we have Been speaking about the Burj Khalifa Scenario that will look something like This but in reality this is the least Likely scenario of the ones I have the Most likely one is that we go to this Zone and we pump from here you remember We were speaking about this for quite Some time and the reason why it feels That the floor is falling out is because The SEC is coming after crypto gas Coming quite heavily after Kraken coming Quite heavily after coinbase they're not Very happy the SEC and I mean it's funny Because they're going after the big Players but then they release like funny Videos about it I don't know if you've Seen this but Gary Gessler actually made The video on a stake and he makes all Kinds of jokes it's quite interesting Let me see if I can play this for you Right now if you look here I mean he Just made a I can pay 30 million bucks And then he jokes about steak and steak You know let's see steak you hear this The Sound Works That's S-t-a-k-e not S-t-e-a-k

What the hell he just he just got back Into 30 mil and and he makes this joke Meme video in the crypto markets there Are various ways to validate data stored On crypto ledgers called blockchains And one of these ways is called staking Anyway I will show you this video more What he's speaking about I just thought It's hilarious because he jokes in this Video all the time stake this and that But all in all they're coming after Exchanges there is some good in this I Mean Believe It or Not There is some Good in this and that's that they're Pushing everyone to self-custody he is Actually saying in this video not your Keys not your Bitcoin and he said this Staking providers they may collapse and Lose all your money so in a way I kind Of to 50 agree with this video but but I Don't like the the US is so hostile Against crypto business but I do like That because of their hostility everyone Is forced to met the mask everyone is Forced to go into the self-cast idea so In this video yes we're going to be Discussing the current regulatory Crackdown we're going to be discussing Bitcoin all what the hell is happening We're going to be discussing why in my View actually this is bullish believe it Or not but whatever is happening right Now with Bitcoin it's very bullish we're Retesting we're retesting the previous

Breakout we're gonna be going into your Q a we're going to be doing everything You want in terms of information and all Kinds of alts whatever you want that's In the Q a welcome everyone who is Watching live Smash Up the like if You're watching on YouTube let me know Exactly where you are tuning in from This fantastic Friday morning and let me Know today what you're drinking we're Drinking black coffee no milk no sugar Like every morning And as you can see we've made the Lighting more cozy as the live chat Recommended us to do in the last episode So on that on that note let's go Straight into the crypto markets we do See the following situation Bitcoin is Down it's down three percent three point Six percent we are seeing if down 5.2 BNB down 4.8 percent uh xrp down 1.8 a Lot of holes have crashed a lot except For Rocket pull which is pumping a lot Why again it's all about the Gary it's All about Gary because Gary said not Your keys not your not your crypto Listen here to them there's an Expression in crypto not your keys not Your crypto you see you're basically an Investor in their platform if it goes Under and we've seen plenty of that Recently you end up in line in the bank And listen it's true that's why I cannot Really hate a lot on his video I I find

It weird that he's happy like Bankrupting people left and right for Doing business in crypto in the UI yes I Hate that but what he's saying it is Correct and Rocket pool as you can see The it pumped the most today on this News is the way people can stake with Their wallet in a decentralized way Where you can pull money together on Chain in a smart contract and that's More contract then Stakes everyone's Assets and then you split the yield Fully transparent fully Unchained fully Decentralized so I hope that protocols Like rocketpool grow even more with the Recent events now in terms of Bitcoin Guys you know that on the weekly on the Weekly we are right now in a very good Position to retest this uh these prices Right here at 20K I do have my limit Orders at 20K and a bit above 20K in Case we get front run but listen This may not even go that low we may Just stash 21 and then pump from here All in all this is the scenario we've Been speaking about on this channel for Quite some time and it is playing out And it's just that we gotta be patient We gotta be patient with what's Happening but personally I'm not really Worried about What's happening because the macro Environment is Shifting it's shifting so Heavily you've never seen a shift like

This the FED is realizing that actually Inflation may have been transitory This is crazy but this was happening Right now so they said inflation is Trans transitory in 2020 they said Listen don't worry about inflation we're Gonna print all this money it's gonna be Fantastic and then inflation started to Go up And they said it's transitory because It's copied supply chain and all of that All of these issues they push up the uh The prices for goods and services Because of the supply chains not working Smoothly this and that and it's gonna Pass Then they became worried because Inflation is not going away and for the Past year they've been hiking rates and Today actually not today but this was a Few days back a week ago approximately We did see Kathy Wood coming out and Discussing all of this in a video Big Ideas 2023 I do recommend you to watch This but listen at what she says listen What she says your over-year basis still Because of what happened with monetary Policy last year so we're in a risk on Market uh and you know nothing goes Straight up and we don't want it to we Want orderly markets but it sure is nice To be Um to be on the other side of what we Believe

When history is told uh will be a Mistake on the part of the fed this Inflation was Transit territory and we Do believe that interest rates uh will Start uh coming down toward the end of This year Um now on to Big Ideas yeah listen I Mean it was very interesting she Discussed in this video that inflation Actually actually will start coming down Way faster than anyone expects it right Now and the reason is because the FED Overreacted and inflation was to a big Extent due to the supply chain issues During the covet but People in the FED did not see it far Enough they saw that the inflation is Going up they hope that it's going to Come down sooner quicker and it didn't And they panicked so this is the thesis That she's going with which I found very Fine very interesting because the market Is starting to shift towards that this Is becoming kind of the standard view More and more and more where people say Listen it seems that the economy is Doing quite okay it seems that the job Market is doing quite okay Um we were reasoning about the layers But actually you look at the data there Are no layoffs everything is doing Fantastic so anyway we're gonna see What's gonna happen with this obviously Bullish for crypto in case the FED has

Overreacted and now has to catch up in The other direction we will be hearing This more and more right now it's still A bit um it's still a little bit weird To say things like this it's still a bit You're kind of a contrarian when you say Things like this it is not the accepted View today that you can say that Actually listen inflation was transitory And because of the overreaction on the Feds part we may be accelerating into This inflation and then maybe deflation Especially if they change the way they Measure inflation which will happen in Four days on February the 14th we will Get the new inflation report for January With a new way of measuring and that's Probably going to show that the Inflation is lower because at the end of The day everyone wants to go back to Decreasing interest rates everyone wants To go back to easy money again because The whole economy is like a drug addict The whole economy cannot handle this High interest rate it doesn't work then Nothing works with high interest rates You have that based economy which Obviously cannot handle interest rates That are increasing because things will Start breaking so everyone wants this to Go down the president wants this to go Down he has election next year do you Think he wants High interest rates Everyone getting wrecked no he wants it

To come down to come down so that Everyone is happy he gets reelected so I Feel that right now we are in a Switching switch teaching point from Risk off to risk on and most people Still have not understood the switch the Switch is coming and that's why whenever I look at Bitcoin I think that this is This dump is transitory guys not Financial advice but this dump right Here in my mind it is transitory and We're gonna see if it pumps right here But that's that's my number one plan but As always it's all about probabilities We may see the Burj Khalifa scenario Unfolding then we're gonna do something Like this anyway we will be keeping a Close eye on this but currently my plan Is to load the bags at this level this Is the drop-off point or what do you say Rendezvous point when your dry powder Needs to meet the kryptos and here is Where where they have Rendezvous where Dry powder is gonna magically transform Into crypto and as you can see it's a It's a range here because it may be that We dump here and then we pump and it's Not good if you have your buy orders all Set here and you miss the entire dump so It's a range here so range from Approximately 20.1 20.2 it all depends How greedy you are like how much you Want to wait because this price is at 21k it is cheap for Bitcoin Bitcoin is

Going to go to a million it's it's no Question in my mind that we're gonna be At a million bucks within the next five Years in crypto and in Bitcoin and the 20K is fantastic price but it's all About how great you want to be Personally I am a bit greedy I don't Want I feel that you know this pump is It's been so quick and uh I just don't Have this um this routine of following Into pumps I I don't do that so whenever We see this you know crazy pump and I Feel listen I don't want to chase it I Wait for for a pullback and right now It's a respectable pullback it is it is A good pullback here so buying here it's A perfectly legit strategy in my in my Mind and I I have some dry powder always From the uh from the recurring revenue From the businesses from the salaries And that's important you gotta you gotta Deployed a sooner or later and whether It's going to be at this levels or you Wait a bit longer it's up to a person Personally but all of us have some kind Of dry powder and that will be nice if Dry powder did this magic in the in the Next bull market which is coming and all In all I'm not worried about dump let me Know what you think whether you agree Whether you disagree or whether you Think we're gonna get down to 15K again Let me know in the comment section uh And it's everyone may be correct here no

One knows really was gonna happen but It's all about probabilities and it's so Nice to be sharing these days with you Guys in this bull market that we're Coming back into because it's quite Special we share the same kind of Concerns we share the same kind of each Interest and it's only on the internet Where we can meet in this kind of groups Where we can discuss crypto in this Fashion where we share the allt we share The alpha we share everything we share All of the regulation stuff you cannot Discuss this normally with normal people At your work you cannot discuss it in Many cases even with your family they May they may not be into crypto so it's A privilege to be sharing these times With you whether we pump whether we dump The most important thing with crypto is Actually all the friends and connections We've made it's a bit romantic saying so To speak it's a bit how do you say Spiritual or something but it is true And I've been thinking about this so if We on this channel can can make your day A bit better you you go to work you Drive to work you take your kids to School uh listen to this listen it's Every morning listen to it instead of Listening to the news a b c c and BC all Of this garbage just remove all of that And listen only to this because this is The true Alpha that can change that can

Really change the situation uh for many People if you learn about crypto if you Get into crypto anyway I I I I I I've Been thinking about this listen it's so Nice to be to be having a nice uh group Of people where you share the interest Now the Kraken CEO Jesse is obviously Not very happy with what's happening Right now he's saying that Congress must Act to protect the domestic crypto Industry and U.S consumers who will Who Will now be going offshore and listen uh If I would be in the US I would be a bit Upset and the reason is I mean what the Hell why is the U.S citizenship such a Handicap because because you cannot do Anything in the world in terms of Finance you want to open a bank account In a foreign country you're not allowed You're not allowed because no Bank wants To deal with the U.S regulation and when You accept U.S clients Suddenly It's Like a mountain of extra regulation and That's why I don't know if you've tried But if you are in the US you go to Europe you try to open a bank account They're going to tell you now where You're not allowed unfortunately and Whenever I open a bank account anywhere It always asks me are you a U.S citizen And if you click and if you say yes on That question you're not gonna get Anything you're gonna be told gotta get Out of here okay if we don't want

Anything to do with that and so I mean I Would be very upset if I was an American Because it is a handicap it's a massive Handicap in the world of Finance where U.S citizens don't get any benefits from The Global Financial Market outside of The US while everyone else like in Europe we can still trade on a Stock Exchange in the US which is the biggest Value of the U.S financial system that You can buy and sell stocks in in in the New York Stock Exchange on NASDAQ I mean All of that is quite special that the US Has but it's available to everyone in The world while if you are an American Yes you have Nasdaq all of these Financial markets but you don't have Anything else I mean that's the problem You have you have stating you don't have Anything else so I find it so weird that We don't see more Rise Up from the People in the US but I mean obviously Rising up how do you do that you go Protest in your local Town against SEC Like how would you even do it I don't Know I don't know guys but There should be something like there Should be this game maybe Tom emmer can Unite uh you unite everyone because this Guy is from From the government your house majority Whip I don't know what that means like Whip like whipped cream or or whipping Uh like whipping whipping a horse anyway

He's not from the government but he's From the house so he's connected to the Government I guess husband father hockey Fan and con okay he's Congressman four Minnesota's six districts and he's Saying to be clear Staking enables more people to Participate in the building of the next Generation of the internet Gary Gangsters regulatory perjury strategy Hurts everyday Americans the most Leaving them in the dust while these Opportunities are accessible offshore Hundred percent And also you see crypto is Is I mean many people in the Western World don't understand crypto because They don't get it like why do I need it I have my venmo I have my this I have my PayPal but you see yourself you are not Allowed to do anything in the Traditional Finance you as an American I Find it quite interesting because I Think many people in the US think that They are like financially Advanced the Most Advanced Financial market and it's True like the financial Market is the Best in the world no competition with The stocks and bonds is the best in the World uh but Are you as an individual actually you Are kind of like there there is more Similarity just to an unbanked person Without a bank account in in developing

Countries and an American citizen they Are more similar than an unbanked person In a developing country with the European that's less similar because Again here you don't have any access to Anything in the US you don't have any Access so there's more similarity if you Are European you have most access to Finance in in most countries wherever You are so it's quite interesting so Crypt actually helps Americans more than Helps Europeans it helps people in Developing countries in the US so maybe That's the best way to explain it listen You want to do something Outside the US as an American citizen in Terms of Finance you can't I mean you Can't with crypto you can't so anyway Guys let's see how this changes I I hope That it changes It's gotta change It's Gotta change the SEC is gonna change the Way they operate because this is uh it Doesn't make sense and there is this Whole debate right now or discussion not Debate more rumors about operation choke Point 2.0 so this is an interesting Blog by Nick Carter where he discusses The fact that the US government wants to Have a widespread Crackdown against the Crypto industry and they want to do it In a similar way where they when they Banned the poker and they do it Basically through all of this banking Rules or or they put pressure on the

Banks so that Banks don't serve crypto Companies so this is just last few weeks On December 6 Senators Warren Kennedy Roger Marshall sent a letter to crypto Friendly Bank silvergates causing them For providing services to FCX and Alameda signature which is another Crypto friendly Bank also Had issues in the past in the past weeks We do see all kinds of actions you can Read yourself I don't I don't want to Read each and every one but as you can See they are mobilizing they're they're Mobilizing and they Crackdown on crypto Is Gonna Come via the banking sector and This is what binance already seen they Suspect they suspended U.S Bank Transfers uh so we're gonna see what's Going to happen but all in all uh it Seems that they really try to do Something negative towards crypto here Maybe as a follow-up to FTX but the good Thing and what I really love about Crypto is that it's Global it's Global Things may get worse in the US but it's A global industry and Ryan Sean Adams Says a good thing here uh Congress does Gary Ganser speak for you on crypto will You let him drive the most important Technology of Our Generation offshore Time to speak up Reign him in tag your Representative and you should do that Guys go to this tweet wrench on Adams And tag your representative for if

You're watching this from the US I mean Do it do it but that's that's the Simplest way to to do something because I think that it's it's horrible what's Happening and uh that's why we see this Dumb but at the end of the day the dump Doesn't really the dump is partially Because of that but also you see the Dump is quite small like it's partially Because of that but uh not really the Dump is because we pan so much and we're Overextended our sign is to reset Everything is to reset Also let's just Needs to reset and of course the fact That you have this bearishness coming Out it is contributing a bit but on the Big picture it doesn't matter why Because it's Global Crypt is global That's important Warren exactly is Elizabeth Warren after us again chasing Us chasing us chasing our cryptos Um and it I mean it's also the way that This guy speaks creating with them are They coming the investment look look I Just don't like the demeanor I mean he Speaks to me like I'm uh underdeveloped Mentally like my mental capacity is not Good enough look here the way that that Gary speaks with the protections of the Federal Securities laws that means you The investor you know the Investor basically you you cannot think Enough but yeah so we're here to uh to Spoon video stuff okay should receive

Important disclosures for example What do they actually do with your Tokens man the Twitter knows it Twitter Twitter does more research than the SEC When it comes to all kinds of Disclosures this and that when you look At what SEC has done not a lot in crypto Have they stopped FTX now have they Stopped anything in this space that is Negative no they're only stopping the Positive things Kraken They removed the Staking Library which had a non-scam Project for video they they went after Them and Twitter does way more research In real time about all the different Discrepancies than SEC because SEC often Reacts like five years later you hear Something they do it was for a case five Years ago what the hell I mean this is Uh yeah man it's it's not good it's not Good are they really staking them are They Landing borrowing or trading with Them are they co-mingling them with Their other businesses where do the Rewards come from are you getting your Fair share and it would be nice if this Was Uh opt-in let's say what the ideal thing The ideal thing is this that you have Opt-in the SEC can either have a Certificate or some kind of thing that You as a financial institution can get Where you can say listen we're cracking For example we're fully SEC uh certified

Or someone else can say listen we're Working on it you can still use us it's Your risk but we're not fully certified Yet Um if this needs to be freed up because Crypto is freeing this app crypto is Freeing up the financial market so Tradify will have to catch up with the Free crypto markets and there needs to Be some compromise made here because the Way it works right now can also continue It will just drive everyone like uh Ryoshan Adam said offshore or to Self-casted it because once you are Self-casted now you can speak to the Blockchain directly you can do what Whatever you want so you cannot beat Draconian anymore as a regulator in this Space because what will happen is that Just Abram will will go ahead okay give Me my wallet I will log in via my let Them do everything anyway you the Investor yes You the investor needs to be protected By us okay guys some updates I don't Know do we have any people in who have Donated to pulse because I have so That's why I'm watching this up this Closely from from Richard he's the Saying bag slaying doing all of these Different uh clients and someone noticed Somewhere here I don't see it now in the Picture but someone knows this I saw in Some tweet that they have basically

Synced the entire the entire blockchain Someone saw some block number here and Compared it to is it is it maybe this is The one yeah probably this is the anyway So this is the current let me actually See if that if that's the thing I saw Um I'm waiting for my PLS to do something To do something what it will do I don't Know I hope it does something so I have A bit of an interest in in following This uh so yeah let's see Could this be the block number yeah That's probably a block number uh we're Racing we're waiting for for uh Richard And his team to sync everything and and Just release release the thing pulse Helped my family exactly exactly maybe That's the rocket we need let's see I Don't know guys it may go to zero also It's uh a fully fully dubious Speculation some updates from radzix who Have released their Academy for devs so You can basically go here and read about Crypto we will actually publish a Radix Course ourselves in ivanotech academy And uh let's see because we are working Together with with Radix and probably They will share some of this content With us as well but just you know if you Are a casual member there is going to be A Radix course coming and to us warm up You can check this one at their own Academy

And finally I want to end this this rant Sorry guys I want to end this rant with A bit of tech news so non-crypto Tech News as you know Microsoft has invested In openai chat GPT and they've been Killing it they've been killing it and Google tried to have their own Presentation the other day which failed Barred they announced Bart but Bard gave A bunch of wrong information so their Stock actually fell and now the CEO of Microsoft is going completely completely Rogue not Rogue but how do you say it He's he's a Savage he's a Savage look Here with our Innovation Um they will definitely want to come out And show that they can dance and I want People to know that we made them dance And I think that'll be a great day Um they will want to come out and show That they can dance and I want people to Know that we made them dance and that Bam I thought first this is a deep fake But just like someone commented this is Real I mean this is real so he's saying Listen Google we we want you to come out And dance and when you dance we will Know that we made you dance what the Hell I mean he's not kidding around and I I Like it I like it you know why because We all like an underdog and poor bing Bing has been the joke of the internet For the past 15 years everyone

Mockingbing everyone mocking what what Was happening with um uh with uh Microsoft search engine you know Bing is Bad being a score oh you use Bing are You are you a grammar what the hell why Do you speak so all of this is now Turning around we're Bing man it may Kill Google let's see what's happened What's gonna happen but it's interesting And basically what Microsoft is saying Is that they're gonna Crush Google Now Okay they're gonna Crush Google they're Not even hiding it they're saying like This Nadella the CEO of Microsoft is coming And saying that he's willing to accept Any demonetization of being 11 billion Uh search business to eat into Google Why why is it so Well because Google has just one product That search they cannot make it cheaper For advertisers they can I mean that's Where their business is they don't have A lot of uh playing room while Microsoft Has many businesses and search is just One of them and this means that they can Really make it so cheap for everyone to Advertise and remove all margins they Can demonetize the entire thing make it Free for everyone and still survive and Starve Google to death especially now That they add all of this Ai and and Chat GPT integrates into Bing man this Is a Savage move this is this is a

Savage move oh yeah I mean I mean Google Have Google cloud platform this and that And so it's not only search you're fully Correct but it's a smaller part let's See how many percent of of Google's Revenue is searched how many percent of Google revenue is ADS let's see uh ads Ads ads Google uh earned nearly 81 Percent of its total revenues from Advertisements 81 so 81 is basically Based on search uh and let's say that They start cutting the margins uh their Revenue is going to fall so much their Stock is going to go to very very low Numbers because it's going to be seen in The bottom line so you see This is where this is where we may see Some interesting interesting Tectonic shifts with what's happening in In Search and yeah Microsoft man I I Really I see we've been discussing this Yesterday where I personally really like This uh disciplined Innovation where Microsoft also have been working for a Long time without any big Without any big uh announcements or you Know without any big Fanfare just for a Long time building building And then and then suddenly You have something that that clicks and Uh bing has taken them over a decade uh To come to this position where it's it May be seen as a true competitor uh to Uh to to Google okay is it taking them a

Decade so uh yeah good to see let's see Let me know what you guys think have you Tried Bing maybe it's time time to Bing I will try it now more well let's see Bing okay Ask me anything Okay okay I mean I have a lot of Feedback already it looks like garbage What is this see I mean the thing Google Made which was great is they remove all The crap There is so much crap here already Before Google you know you had Yahoo you Had all of these different internet Portals at that time portals were big You come to your website it didn't have One feature it had search email news Games it was like a massive portal And it was so heavy listen I just want To go and search something I need to go And watch all of this heavy things and Google fixed that by just having a Search bar nothing else and listen Bing Why I I get back to the to the early 2000s like what is this You you bring back the ancient portal It's not good it's not good but maybe That's uh that's coming into fashion Again you know all new things are really Forgotten all things so maybe we're Gonna move into internet uh portal again Okay ask me anything let's see what Should we ask uh

What is Bitcoin Let's see is this nice result well they Have the picture I haven't seen this Kind of picture in Google Uh let's see so actually you see in the Swedish krona the Bitcoin price is quite Bullish because uh Swedish krona has Been kind of collapsing on its on its Own What is bitcoin okay I mean listen the difference is probably Not that or maybe it is yeah anyway I I Cannot give you my opinion by using it For 10 seconds here on the stream but Bing is coming back stronger than ever Uh if the next in the next season of uh Of the uh browser Wars Is okay guys let me know in the comment Section is hexa scam or not a scam let Me know Google results have become so bad it's a Joke Gcp has nine percent market share so It's decent but you are right though Yeah I mean listen gcp is great but it's Not it's not this thing that is Really great you know Google it's like Another level there is no search engine That is even close before being now Having the chat GPT potentially With gcp you have Amazon you have Microsoft's Azure like the difference is Very little actually and that's why the Margins are also very small there so

Revenue may be big but the margins on Infra is is normally not uh not massive Because it's a very Cutthroat Composition like for example gcp is is a Telling us all the time on Morales Please move to gcp and listen we uh we Can't just move like it's a lot of stuff To just you know take and move Everything we cannot just move so they Are fighting very hard for each business And while the revenue may be big The margin I can imagine is is not uh Ginormous on that because it's cut Throughout man it's Cut Throat whatever They have Amazon also has in AWS And Azure also has Microsoft undercut Everyone in security market and only had A half-baked product to deliver but We'll see how search engine goes with Chat GPC integrated they didn't actually Create chat GPC to be fair Let's see so you say they have Half Baked product yeah I mean that's the Problem with Microsoft as well it's it's Most of it is Half Baked like uh you Want to buy something on Xbox you go to Some 90s Microsoft page where you sign In with Hotmail I'm like bro what the Hell like I I haven't used Hotmail since Since I was nine or something but I have To use Hotmail to log in to manage my Xbox stuff like what the hell it's um And and then the windows of course it's It's the Half Bake of the century but

You see it's a Half Baked with good business and good Product Um product management not this not Actually not fully finished but as long As the product solves the problems and It's a bit baggy I mean people still use It that's that's kind of the story of Microsoft Yeah it's just rough when you have to Use their products to manage security Yeah I mean as long as they sell it into The organization that their job is done It's sold that that's the problem I know It's a hell I worked at Ericsson as a Developer six years back or so and Listen uh all of this like laptop with Windows uh what the hell uh you you You're getting used to nice stuff yeah If you use a Mac you get used to it then You come back like this Windows like Lenovo what the hell super slow Um Uh hanging crashing it's yeah it wasn't Great Mario loves Windows yeah I mean listen If you like Windows you like Windows I Also actually I switched to Windows for A while Why did I do that because uh yeah Because I want like more hardware for Cheap but the problem was the big Problem was that their camera stuff is Not great you can only use camera One

Camera in one app so for example if I Use I don't know if it's still the case But I had this problem because I'm Streaming so I need like my camera to be In many different apps but I I as far as I remember that was uh that that was a Problem so yeah I I didn't use it for Long Uh Ah you do the other way you use Mac for Work and come back to Windows it's home I mean probably Windows now is good like If they have so much time to improve it And the operator is no one cares about The operating system now I mean that That's another thing probably today it Doesn't really matter which one you have Because you only use the browser anyway So as long as it can run Chrome it works Like what the hell else you do you game I don't game I just stream so as long as My streaming stuff works and as long as It works for browser stuff is the same It's the same so that's why you know the Marginal differences is probably minimal But browsers are becoming Uh quite heavyless and quite heavy it's Uh you open a Chrome tab man you better Have some Ram I can tell you that you Better have some nice Ram When it comes to development it's better That It used to be but yeah I mean for the Value you need the Mac for development

You need the Mac 100 or Linux but uh Um but yeah I mean it's it's it's I Don't want to start the war you know Man it's so funny this uh people who Don't develop and then I tell them Listen I use a Mac for development They're like oh you your developer you Use a Mac I thought developers don't use Mac my what the why did you hear that Everyone is using Mac like everyone's Sitting in coffee shop with all the Sticker syndrome Oh I thought you were a real developer You're not a real developer you're using A Mac and pro what the hell I I I sometimes I have these comments on My stream like I thought you would have all respect Lost respect loss you're not a real I'm Like bro what the hell It's funny I thought you gotta use Linux If you're a real developer otherwise You're not a real devopra Let me know if you if you've heard that Oh I never got into hex because I didn't Like Richard Hart It was the biggest mistake I made I mean Listen you you make mistakes you make You make good decisions bad decisions And uh yeah I mean don't worry too much And more pumps will follow Bro no Linux shame exactly exactly Crypto poop you're shaming for no Linux

Real devs uh code on calculator it's Funny because with Mac you can run all Yeah I mean with exactly with Mac you Can you can use parallels which is like The best VM I've used better than like Virtualbox all of that perilous man is The best is the best I've never seen Anything better than parallels that you Can use on on Mac you can have a your Mac will be like Windows like it's it's Not even that you notice it's a virtual Machine it's it's like it's like Windows Parallels you boot up this is freaking Windows it works exactly like Windows And you can drag and drop files from Macs to Windows it's crazy so yeah and Then on on Windows I've used like you Know VM few like you Eric says V and few But no no no like you you need to try Parallels if you haven't because it's a Big difference like using this VMware Like UI not great like that is a VM it Feels like you're using a VM it doesn't Feel feel like you're actually running Windows it really feels like okay you're Booting up some fake Windows here but With parallels man on Mac it felt Exactly like Windows like I didn't even Notice any friction and you can share Files it that it didn't feel like a VM That that's the big win for a software That wants to be a VM where you re you Completely forget that it's a VM The only thing that I needed perilous is

Like in case I want to try some game and And do gaming but I don't really do a Lot of that but there is one game I want To try I got recommended it yesterday by Our team I don't even remember what the Hell it was called like Destiny Something what is this destiny Destiny Oh man I don't even remember what else Was called it's like a man I don't Remember at all what this was called It's uh Oh but I I did visit steam let's see Does steam room oh Divinity yeah see Steam remembered what the hell I was Searching divinity Sin or or maybe I don't need yeah it Supports Apple here okay good Have you played this I guess recommended It yesterday The critically acclaimed RPG because we Were see I was speaking yesterday we're Having this figure times at our work and By the way if you want to work with us And you like crypto and you like crypto Backend like decoding on-chain stuff if You're watching live you see this link Back in Deb's wanted if you are watching On YouTube go to And then you're gonna see this page and Then you can go here on the left you see Backend devs wanted go here and apply if You like like decoding on chain data and Stuff like that

But anyway so each each Thursday we have This speaker time where we play games Hang out we're fully remote and so I think that what the hell the gaming Sector of today is so bad it's it sucks It's so bad why because number one there Is no split screen nowadays you know When I played console back in the days It was always split screen so you can Play with your family you can play at Home it's split screen it's fantastic Multiplayer at home multiplayer today It's dead you always need some account Like Xbox Live what the hell like I just Want to play locally why do I need to Log in the 5 million times to play Locally so that that that's horrible Another horrible thing Is that the type of games kids play Nowadays and I know I sound like a Grandpa but the type of games the the Young Generation plays it's so bad it's Horrible it's horrible now they play Fortnite you know this quick shooting Back and forth this and that you know in My time we played RuneScape and World of Warcraft at least there and I know I Sound like a grandpa yelling at the new Generation but listen with RuneScape and World of Warcraft you had real Learning like learning to such an extent Which you cannot compare to this lower You know low brain required the shooting Which is right now important with

RuneScape man you had to read learn English you you had to like understand The whole thing you have to you have to Plan how you're gonna level you gotta Really use your brain there and most Importantly it's a lot of reading it's a Lot of reasoning listen my English when I was nine it's like uh it was uh insane It was not very good by the way but for Nine-year-old it was and reading not Speaking because speaking and reading Actually you learn it differently Speaking I I was not good until I Started YouTube but the reason man I Could read anything I can read weird Stuff like deposit withdrawal you know As a kid when do you say deposit Withdraw you don't even have a bank Account well if you played tibia tibia MMORPG in order to withdraw your gold Coins from the bank you had to type with Draw deposit it was you were typing the Commands into the into the game and I Was remember I was like eight or Something I was like typing withdraw I Don't know what the hell this even means But I need to type it to withdraw anyway This is um We gotta go back to that MMORPG guys we Need to bring it back by the way also RuneScape has 3K more daily active Players than modern warfare really Ah That's good see that's a good sign That's a good sign but those guys that

Are playing RuneScape is it the new Generation or is it still like my Generation like those guys who are still Stuck you know I left RuneScape at nine Because I got hacked I got hacked and then I started to go Into development and I I got rid of my Addiction to RuneScape but I know some People they're still playing they're Like 30. now they're approaching thirsty They're still playing RuneScape so do You know stats on that is it new is it New Gen okay it's New Gen and there's a Lot of see I had a problem there with RuneScape Because I I was I I mean I was like a Kid I didn't understand anything I Didn't know what the hell I was doing Like I played it wrong I should have Gone and leveled slaying instead I I Don't know what the hell I was like Cutting trees for too long or something I was if I had to go back in time I Would buy a lot of Bitcoin in um in 20 2008 and also I would change my strategy Up a bit in terms of how I would level Uh let's see uh I man RuneScape was the It was it was very good yeah back in the Good old days kids had to navigate Getting scammed exactly exactly so RuneScape actually taught me everything I need to know about Krypton number one The fact that you can never trust anyone People gonna come to you they're gonna I

Mean it's crazy you know in RuneScape And for all of you guys who are not in RuneScape don't worry just think about This online game where you have your Sword your Shield like you go and you Fight monster do quests so anyway you Have an expensive asset there like for Example your Shield you've been working Very hard for it for months and months And months you've been cutting trees Trying to buy it slaying monsters trying To get loot them a scammer comes to you I swear to God it's the same like in Crypto a scammer comes to you and says Listen I will make your Shield Gold-plated okay give me your shield and In one minute I'm gonna give you a gold Plated version I'm gonna make it look Nice and of course you give him the Shield he runs away But right now it's exactly the same People are getting scammed right now for Their board ape because a website tells Them that connect your wallet with your Board they are gonna make your board ape Animated and they show examples okay Here's your board babe it's stuck and Here it is like you know dancing and People connect and they lose their board Ape it's exactly like in RuneScape Another scam Man I feel that the scammers came from RuneScape in the crypto because of Course there was a big scam where you

Could give money and they would double It like the double scam let me see if it Still runs I I know many people on YouTube RuneScape double gold Scam Double yeah see I mean I mean this is This is coming from RuneScape man I feel That it is the same kind of people that Have leveled up this is from uh this is Listen guys this is what was done in 20 To 2008 the scammer will repeatedly say Things like doubling money until the Victim comes up and trades and um so Here is an example of a exact chat Scammer doubling money the victim trades The scammer 1 million scammer trades Vixen was Back 2 million so see actually In these days the RuneScape scammers Were smarter because you give them one Bitcoin they would give you two back They will actually double your money Because they want you to give to to for You to give them to bitcoin and maybe You give them back you see They were a bit smarter back then Because they made they made the system Work until until you trade a lot like You you trade 25 million scammer logs Out Oh man it's funny it's funny and also Pump and dump don't don't forget in in RuneScape you have pump and dump all the Assets in RuneScape have market price So When you buy a bunch of dragon hide

Because you want to do some Fletching or Some yeah some stuff some clothing you You have to kill Dragon get the dragon Hide then you need to you know convert Dragon hide into the uh what what the Hell is it like you had this uh Fletcher This archery stuff with uh dragon Amy And so let's say You want to level your your uh not what The hell is it is it crafting anyway That skill where you where you make Close you want to level it okay so you Need to buy dragon hide because it's Quicker than to go and kill dragons so You're gonna push up the price of dragon Height when you when you buy and of Course people start to abuse that where They know there's gonna be a few not a Lot of supply of a certain asset so you Can pump up the price and dump it on the Market so this happens in RuneScape man And right now what do people learn Nothing nothing they played the simple Ass games simple games or yes it's a Family friend let me go back they play The simple games Where you go around shoot some stuff Like what the hell do you learn nothing You don't learn anything you build stuff It's all about being quick like I'm and I I am very bad at that you know I tried Fortnite I don't want to be to play this Game where it's about quickness because It doesn't develop you what what do you

Get out of being super quick building This you know buildings in fortnite zero You don't get anything out of it Anything and instead you're missing out On the greatest game in the world which Which is RuneScape and maybe World of Warcraft but I never get into in World Of Warcraft but I I I I imagine it's Quite similar A good game of chess No no no man no chairs no chess it's Boring man I love chess though I love Chess I like I like it but um uh if you Compare to RuneScape it's like chess on Sarah I like chess and sometimes they Even go into and Play a bit but it's not gaming like it's Not it's not gaming we're here speaking About gaming chess it's more like you Know social activity let's play some Chess One second one second one second one Second one second let me let me pull up Something one second Foreign See you see I even have decorative Chests because I like chest listen I can Play your chest all day long it's gonna Be fantastic but this is not gaming this Is social activity gaming is different Gaming is when you I mean wow on the Picture it looks so nice whoa in real Life it doesn't look this nice but on Picture what the hell wow you see crazy

What should I maybe I should put it so It's it's in the picture let's see Yeah in real life it kind of looks like This Is the light guys it's the light when You shine the light on it like this yeah Yeah damn yeah damn with the light crazy Looks very nice Anyway guys Damn On that note we're ending the Q a it Became a bit weird today but listen you You get what you you don't know what the Hell you're gonna get in this in the Stream it's it's crypto it's uh Foreign Guys see you tomorrow 10 a.m Central Time why because Saturday Monday Friday 8 A.M Saturday Sunday 10 a.m Smash Up The likes have a good day and goodbye Guys goodbye goodbye goodbye
