BITCOIN FOMO STARTS NOW… (Be very careful)

By | January 15, 2023

Holy smokes guys do you see what I'm Seeing do you see what I'm currently Looking at because right now Bitcoin has Said to the world that it's enough it's Enough of bearishness it's enough of Getting wrecked each and every day we do See right now A change in the seasons And seasons is the most important word In this sentence it's all about the Seasonal change when we go from Winter To Spring it's not like you wake up one Day and now it's sunny and now there's No snow and now it's all birds and Sunshine and everyone is super happy Butterflies fly flying around it doesn't Happen like that instead it's a seasonal Change you get one day bullish one day Bearish one day super bullish one day a Bit bearish just like in March Especially here in Sweden you get some Sun and then snow again what the hell Then you get a bit more sun again ice Snow come fully wrecked and then in April it's kind of the same but it gets A bit better and then in May you truly See Sun Sun bullish bullish bullish so The same thing right now I'm seeing in The crypto markets we are in a seasonal Change so right now we're kind of in March where yes we have broken out this Is likely the start of a massive Bull Run let's see what happens but at the End of the day it's all about likelihood We may also dump from here who knows but

Likely this is bullish and this is Bullish for the coming weeks and months At least And so will it be instant we're just Gonna go to Ulta high no because again It's kind of like March we're gonna get Some ice tomorrow we're gonna get some Snowfall this may still happen that's Why you don't really have to feel Fama If you have too much on the sideways the Way I'm doing it right now is that I'm Putting my dry powder as buy order at 20K as remember I had some buy orders Here at 7K in case we would mega mega Dump and now I move those buyers at 7K To 20K instead because chances are we're Gonna get the pullback we may even go to 19k this is very important and you Remember that we've been saying for the Past months and weeks that the bottom is Likely in but just in case we had some Buy or just here at 10K at 15K and a 7K Right now the chances of these things Happen happening are very loud they may Still happen but very low so I'm keeping Just in case buy order at 15K another One at 12K but I'm removing the 7k1 and Instead puts in here 20. because listen What may happen is something like this Okay something like this may happen Where we get a nice pullback and you can Accumulate because this is kind of like In March when you do see a week of snow Which happens here in Sweden let me know

Where you're from and if this happens to You Um or we may see like it was here here It was a bit um uh smaller but still as You can see we did weak down quite Significantly and so for you to follow In right now it may not be the wisest Choice of course you do you you know Your own risk profile but the way I'm Thinking right now there is no way to Hurry it's important to note that the Season is changing now guys it's Important to know that right now we're Ensuring a new paradigm but from day to Day from week to week uh take it easy Take it easy we may pump straight up This is what happened in 2019 by the way In 2019 we did not get a lot of back and Forth so actually if you miss your Chance you missed your chance and that's Why I hope you accumulated if you're Watching this channel we've been doing That for the past months but look here In 2019 we just went like this super Super parabolic super super strong just Straight straight to the to the upside And if you look here and you copy this Let's see if we can let's see what Happens if we repeat something like this From the uh from the Laos uh so if I Take this this pattern what happened and Then I bring it over let's let's imagine If we repeat something like this uh it Would look something like this yeah well

The break let's actually do it from the Breakout because here is the breakout uh I mean obviously there's no science to Doing this this is a bit uh winging it But here was the breakout uh last time And as you can see we were a bit of Sideways let's see if this is this yeah Here we were a bit of sideways here uh So for the coming weeks we may see Something like this if we repeat the Exact story and then bam all the way to 50K and if the story continues like last Time you know that from here we actually Went down to like 20 20K if if I would Translate the prices here we went down To like almost new lows if you look back In 2019 we went to 14K and then we went To like 3.8 so this would look something Like this with the current prices and of Course history doesn't repeat itself but It does Rhyme so who knows this is Something to keep an eye on this is what Bitcoin can do when everyone is super Bearish when nobody believes in Bitcoin Bitcoin can surprise you we can do Something like this but always keep your Downside be very careful especially if You are tracing by the way if you want To trade this to the upside use buy bit Use the link below you get a big nice Bonus and you can start as soon as Possible it's important to learn how to Use platforms like buy bit in these Times because opportunities are massive

Both when it comes to the upside and Downside because we can make money in Both directions especially if you know How to trade on buy bit so I recommend You learning it at least but be very Careful of course what's important here Is that markets really surprised Surprise everyone that's why when people Tell me Listen the FED is bearish everything is So bad I don't really care a lot about That and the reason is no one knows when The markets Are Gonna Change they can Change a year before fed changes they Can front run the Fed by quite some time And the reason it works is because and The reason it works like this is because Let's say let's let's imagine that we Know for certain that something will Happen on the first Of January 2024 so let's imagine that we Know that the FED is gonna become uh Very very dovish at this date which Means that the markets will go up let's Say that we know this At this date so what will you do will You wait until first of January so this Is first of January will you wait until This date because if you wait what will Happen other people will also start Buying at the same day so when first of January arrives the prices will just Skyrocket and you will not be able to Buy and you will not be able to

Accumulate so if you're smart you will Probably already start accumulating on The 31st of December because You know I mean you know that things are Gonna pump on the 1st of January so if You buy on the 31st of December 2023 you Can accumulate all a lot of bags massive Bags and you can buy however you want Because you know that everyone will be Buying on for on the first because the News comes on the first so this is how You would be thinking but of course You're not alone everyone will be Thinking like this everyone will be Buying already the day before And you may say to yourself wait wait Wait let me be smart let me buy on the 30th 30th 30th of December instead so I can load My bags I can get everything in order I Can deploy my Capital because everyone Will think that they are smart if they Buy on the 31st but I buy on the 30th so I'm super smart but of course everyone Will do this everyone will do it Together with you so this is why Normally there is a saying in the Markets that whatever the price whatever The fair price is tomorrow it will Already happen today All right if you know that something Will push the price let's say that we Know that tomorrow some event will push The price of Bitcoin to 100K

Because we know that it will happen Tomorrow it will already happen today So We will see 100K Bitcoin already today Because everyone will be thinking in This fashion that okay let me buy the Day before but yeah then everyone buys Just let me buy a day before so already Today if you know something is going to Be at 100K all this today is going to be 100K and Let's say that because and here here's a Good example let's say that the price Today already is 90k and you know Tomorrow's going to be 100 so you're Going to buy you're going to push the Price up let's say today the price is 99k and there's still if you notice for Sure going to be 100 tomorrow you buy Today so you push it to 99.9 and then Someone comes and says what the hell is 99.9 is going to be 100K tomorrow let me Buy so so after they buy it's 99.99999 And then someone else comes and say what The hell let me buy because it's going To still be high so you understand this Is what we mean when we speak about Front running And why am I telling this Uh because what many people want to Happen is that they want to buy when the FED is right now when the FED is davish They want to buy when the FED has calmed Down they want to buy when crypto is low

Like a 10K so this is the requirement List many people have and this is what I Hear a lot when when I'm bullish on Twitter on YouTube people tell me but Ivan the FED is still bearish so the Number one criteria for these people is That the FED will become davish they Will change their tune and they will Decrease so what they will do they will Decrease interest rates okay Uh this is what many people wait for That they want the FED to become dovish And start decreasing interest rates at The same time They want the prices of Bitcoin to below So they're waiting for a scenario in Which Bitcoin is like 10K and fed is Becoming davish all right And also The recession Has already happened so many people say Hey Ivan why are you so bullish because Recession is going to happen so let's Wait for recession to happen so Recession happened Happen Ned okay English English lesson Happened good So this is what many people wait for They want this to be checked this to be Checked this to be checked but as we Just learned as we just learned Everything will get front-run as soon as The FED is just a bit dovish just a bit Dovish now people are extrapolating

They're thinking all right now they're Divish tomorrow they're going to be even More damage let me buy today because I'm Smart I don't want to be like everyone Else who Waits until the last day and Then they miss out I want to be a week Ahead a month ahead a year ahead are Going to be buying I I don't even have To wait for a session to happen because I know it's gonna happen so I want to be Buying ahead I want to be smart And the same thing of course with Bitcoin Um you think people just gonna wait for All of these things to happen before Buying Bitcoin so Bitcoin will be just Waiting for you at 10K when and and Basically the whole Market will wait at 10K and after the fed this has started The recession has happened then you can Buy and then the market pumps I mean of Course this doesn't happen so the big Question of course is when when is the Balance between front running I mean if you front run too early let's Say that you start buying crypto at 40K And 2015 game so You were but you were front running I Mean you were thinking okay I'm smart I'm gonna buy uh you're gonna buy early But at the same time You need to balance it with fear because Even if people know that the market will Turn everything is going to be bullish

At some point in the future the fear is Just too strong for people to say listen Let me buy now listen let me get in now Before all of this bullish things happen So I am fully positioned correctly so There's always this balance and this is Why it's so difficult and you know that There's never going to be a perfect Scenario where all the stars align and Everything you want is fully fully Checked for you all the boxes are Checked it's never gonna happen it's Gonna get front run but also you don't Want to be too early because the fear of The market may be too strong and you buy And everyone just dumps and wants out of The market and they dump on you so it's Always this balance and it's very Difficult there is there's no formula For this this is just something you have To figure out and and this is how you Also need to spread the risk When do you start accumulating and how Do you balance that with the with the Fact that the fear in the market may Become stronger women also have a freak Event like a Black Swan event so that's Why I'm telling you I don't know whether This is the bottom I have no clue if This is the actual bottom that we've had Here at 15 ish I have no clue but I do Have some dry powder so that I can buy Lower at 15K at 12. and it's all about Probabilities again but you cannot wait

For the perfect scenario because in the Perfect scenario the price is already 100K Bitcoin may be at 100K when the FED Finally turns it may happen because Everyone is front running anyway guys Smash Up the like Write what you think about this whether You agree whether you disagree and I see You all very very soon see you all Tomorrow let's see what happens to Bitcoin but the the most important thing Is that we're here we are living through This seasonal change the seasons are Changing no need to Farmer no need to go All in we may still get a pullback but Maybe not who knows it's all about Probabilities it can go up it can go Down it can go sideways as always as Always yes I see all tomorrow have a Good day and goodbye goodbye goodbye Goodbye
