BITCOIN SCARY $14,000 SCENARIO 🚨 Wyckoff FUD Again…

By | February 11, 2023

Welcome to another episode of good Morning Krypton here on iPhone we are of Course rocking his life straight our Stock on Sweden and we do the show each And every day at 8am but on weekends It's 10 it's 10 and if you're watching On YouTube be sure to smash like as soon As possible why because we are going to Be discussing Bitcoin right now Bitcoin Is at 21 000 and 700 21.7 and the most important Thing is that we need to be prepared for All scenarios yesterday city of Larson Discussed a very interesting scenario Where Bitcoin May set a new low for this Cycle this is the scenario we are going To be discussing it has to do with Wyckoff this is not my number one Scenario for Bitcoin but it is very Important to discuss it how the whales Manipulate Bitcoin in a way where we Think that we have bottomed and in Reality we have but the whales can set a New bottom I will explain to you how This works also check out the video from Yesterday from CTL Larson where he also Explains how how it works in a very good Way and we're going to connect it to Alts we're going to connect it to what's Happening in the macro environment we're Really going to ensure that this Scenario doesn't miss our eye because in Crypto is all about different scenarios And being psychologically prepared for

How Wells can mess with us because this Already happened in the last uh in the Last uh High when we created the high at 60k you can argue that this was a Wyckoff manipulation as well and this is All about whales messing with our minds Where we think that we are going to new Highs when we think that we are gonna Moon and everyone just form or sin but This is the peak just like that just Like that they may create a new low so That everyone panics and sells and That's when they start pumping the price Back up this is the scenario we need to Know because there is not enough Discussion about that and and I feel That most people are forgetting the Downward scenario while we on this Channel are bullish and our number one Scenario is that we're gonna go back Retest 20K and um continue upwards we Gotta know the other scenarios because It's all about messing amazing messing With our minds also it's very key to Understand that when crypto entered the Big scene which it did now in 2020 2021 2022 big fans are involved Elon Musk World's richest man is involved you see It's a whole other game right now it's a Whole other people involved whole other Interests whole other whales that can Manipulate to way way bigger extent than In the past and manipulation is all About psychology how we as humans can

Think that the price is doing one thing But it is doing something else and That's exactly what we're going to be Discussing so if you want to know why There is a chance that we set a new low And why it's important to be prepared And not be thrown off thrown off the bus When it happens you watch this video you Smash up the like you subscribe to the Channel you're right you write in the Comment section the following I want to Be fully prepared I want to be fully Prepared because that's the only way to Survive just like most people were not Prepared for them fake out at the peak When we attached 69k and then collapse Most people if this happens if this Turns out won't be prepared they will be Standing with the pants down while we Will be equipped our pants maybe our big Boy pants and standing facing the danger Right in the eye and ensuring that we're Not kicked out kicked out from our Positions on that note guys welcome Everyone I see the chat rolling if you Are watching on YouTube be sure to smash Up that like Smash Up the Subscribe Button right where you're tuning in from And what you're doing Tuesday we're Drinking black coffee no milk no sugar And As always remember you can watch this Live every day and even on YouTube it's Every day so when you're driving to work

You're taking your kids to school tuning So you understand because otherwise You're going to be watching some garbage News ambc CNBC I mean all of these guys It's all about fear division in society That's fully unnecessary fully Unnecessary instead you gotta know about The markets and that's exactly where we Are diving in we're diving into the Market we're straight and very Confidently we're jumping in and looking At Bitcoin 21.7 minus 0.9 today we're Seeing quite flat in the top 10 nothing Really has happened Solana taking quite A hit at 3.3 but most importantly uh on The weekly minus 17. so the market is Seeing some retraction we're seeing some Pumps Mina protocol 25 budget 20 Loop Ring 18 hidera 15 and some of the losers You see right here actually the winners From yesterday are The Losers of today Like rocket pool little doll fracture Looking also at what has happened during The past 24 hours with the SEC it's Quite interesting because Uh they've come out and they've cracked Down on Kraken and Kraken is now paying Them 30 million dollars it's kind of a Cash grab I mean this is a cash grab Just Like Jesse Powell says that listen Uh this is so funny what Gary Gensler is Doing he's going around saying that Kraken did not disclose uh house taking Works and Jesse said oh man all I had to

Do was to fill out the form on a website And tell people that's taking rewards Come from staking wish I'd seen this Video before paying a 30 million dollar Fine and agreeing to permanently shut Down the service in the US so as you can See This is insane where Gary Gensler goes Around saying that Kraken did not Disclose this they did not disclose that But they also never said what kind of Disclosures are needed for staking they Never said listen crypto companies Staking is exactly like Investments like Taking money and investing on behalf of Other people and therefore you have to Disclose because this is the big debate Right now is the staking an I.T service Or is a staking a financial investment Service because coinbase is doing it Differently they're taking the fight to SEC they're not giving up so Kraken they Gave up and I respect that because they Have their own strategy they have their Own circumstances they said we give up We are shutting down staking we're Paying 30 million just to leave us leave Us alone we can sing with our business And the uscc go and do something else While coinbase is saying listen listen SEC listen SEC we are not shutting down Anything we're not shutting down we are Gonna fight and I like that I like that Because they're fighting for themselves

But also they're fighting for the entire Crypto community so right now it looks That they are That they are that they are fighting They're saying listen SEC and listen Carefully this is not Securities and you Have nothing to do with this because you Should work with Securities staking is Not a security and they're explaining That number one Staking do not constitute an investment Of money because when the customer asks Us to stake some of their crypto they Aren't giving up one thing to get Something else they own exactly the same Thing that that they did before so Basically what happens is that customer Has if let's say they want to get Staking rewards from that eth so someone Needs to take that if and put into the Staking contract and you can see by the Way this taking contract on Morales Money let me show you how this works so This is how the address looks like for The contract that does this taking and As you can see if you go to history here People are depositing 32 eth to this Contract and you can clearly see it on Morales money that's one of the features I love how good we show the history and The problem is if you don't have 32 if Yourself you cannot deposit into the Staking contract you cannot be staking Directly on the ethereum network so what

Happens is that instead Of staking directly you can go to Coinbase you can stake via them and Basically what they will do is that they Will take their eth and put it into Staking on the blockchain together with Other people's if and that's how it Works and basically they're saying that It's not that you want us coinbase to do Something entrepreneurial you're not Investing in coinbase you're not Speculating on coinbase you're you're Not here to trust us to do something Spectacular with your fans all you're Doing is to trust us to put your fans Into the smart contract that does the Staking that's it that's it and they're Saying these are I.T services not Investment Services and this is the big Debate that is happening right now Between the American crypto companies And the SEC and what's important here is That we need to take the fight if if You're looking at the US fighting there Actually works look at Ripple xrp They've been in this lawsuit now with The SEC for the past five years or Something or four years it's been going On forever which is good because if SEC Really wants to regulate okay let's do It let's figure things out you we can Figure it out for five four years but it Requires very strong financially strong Companies like Ripple like a coinbase uh

Like Kraken because of course such Process is a very expensive process and If it is the case that everyone just Gives up and settles and we never go to Court then SEC wins by default and That's why I like that coinbase they're Not giving up they're saying listen it's We have our own opinion on this we don't Read the law in the way you do we read It in our way the way we understand it You are wrong and we are right so let's Figure it out in court so that's that's What I hope will happen more and more That companies take the fight and the Whole crypto industry unites maybe they Can open some donation address so the Whole crypto industry can donate to Their fight maybe they can do something Else but the SEC needs to know that There is going to be some friction it's Not you come in here and you do whatever You want it's going to be some friction You want to do something okay five years In court let's let's figure it out if You want to figure things out and of Course everything would be much easier If they just had guidance if they said In the beginning this is how we think Staking should be you guys think it's IC Services we don't think so so this can All be figured out beforehand anyway This is the current situation that being Said let's go into the chart let's go And look at the Bitcoin worst case

Scenario that may happen where we may Actually see a new low so let me take Some coffee while we while we prepare Done What we're seeing on the screen is Wyckoff accumulation and it's all about The fact that if you are a big Institution you want to buy a bunch of Bitcoin you cannot just go and press the Buy button okay you cannot just go to Kraken or something or Point base and Buy billions of dollars in Bitcoin uh Normally you need the market to give you Opportunities to buy that Bitcoin you Need the market to think that Bitcoin is Going down so you can buy that Bitcoin You need the market to be in the other Direction when you want to accumulate The market needs to be bearish and the Whole idea with Wyckoff is how can you Repeat it how can you make people sell Bitcoin to you In a panic mode in some kind of panic Mode and how can you do it over and over Again that's the most important how can You have several dips several tries at This because let's say you manage it one Time where you think where you where you Fool the public into thinking that price Is going down and so you can accumulate And then price bounces because you've Accumulated there are no more sellers Surprise bounces okay how can you make How can you repeat this like like how

Can you make them Panic again because it May not be enough that you load up just One time you maybe have several dips so This is the whole idea and you can argue That this is exactly what happened On the at the top because Wyckoff has Two uh two models one is for selling the Top you just you because you don't want To sell all at once it's gonna crash the Price instead you want to create this Fake fake demand to the upside basically Want to fake the the trend you want to For people to think that the trend is up While you're selling and then the price Dips because you've sold but you cannot Sell everything at once because then It's gonna dip more so how can you make People think that the price is gonna Pump again and they follow in again and Then it dumps again so this is arguably What happened at the peak of the market In Bitcoin in in uh in the last Peak Where we saw something like this and you Can overlay it on the price chart this It's exactly like this where we did see A peak and then kind of sideways and Then another Peak people were forming And then kind of and then another pick And then people are following and then We collapse so of course if you are a Whale a big institution you want to sell Billions and billions and billions of Bitcoin and you cannot just you know Sell here and that's it it instead you

Want to fool the people fool the the Public into thinking that actually man This may go higher and they follow in And you sell more and then you don't Want it to crash so you ensure that it's Uh it comes back again and so this is What we're seeing and that there is a Way of doing it there is a standard way Of doing it uh and that's what we're Seeing right now on the on the screen This is the way of buying cheap and this Has been around this kind of model where You try to do this kind of pattern in The chart has been around for 100 over 100 years because this was created by This person bikov who worked over 100 Years ago In banking in investing and what Happened he saw that this is how people Manipulate the public in order to Accumulate or sell large quantities of Stock and because the human psychology Is the same you see that it still works It works exactly like this exactly like This and you see on the chart this is How the the chart needs to look like for People to have maximum maximum belief That we're going down and you can buy as Much as possible and the way it works is That you have the dump the first dump After the first dump you have automatic Rally this is AR because when there is a Big sell-off It automatically rails to the upside and

Here is where you accumulate as well in The in this first one after the some Kind of encapsulation event like we saw With SBF FTX there is a lot of dump uh Perfect for you to accumulate but you Don't want to for money you don't want To accumulate a lot just a bit then There's another Dam people still don't Understand that we're bottoming you give Them a bunch of hope that this is the Bottom uh so they don't lose they don't Lose their sight of the fact that this Thing is still not dead but then you Disappoint that then you drive it back Up then you disappoint them even more to A new low here is where everyone right Now is fully fully scared you can read The full model how it works like step by Step by step on this website I will put It in into in the description and if you Want a full explanation of it step by Step you can watch this video from Yesterday from City of Larson but on a Big picture level this is how it works You want people to believe that we're Going to go lower but in reality what You do is that you accumulate now when You look at the Bitcoin price you can Draw a bike of accumulation chart like This where we are right now in this in This phase right before the big dump to New lows You could argue that this may Happen and this is the worst case Scenario for me at least that when

You're looking at this chart let me put Them side by side so it's super clear That there is actually a lot of Similarity but it all depends on how you Draw it like for example here I draw I Drew the first dump and what they have Right here and the problem I have with This is that drawing the out the Automatic rally basically this rally That is that always happens after a big Dump you can either draw it like this or You can also draw it like this and then The whole model doesn't work anymore so A lot with this with these models and we See in general is how you draw it I mean You you can draw AR like this and then This whole model doesn't make sense so That's why personally for me this is not The number one scenario but there is a Way of drawing it where it does look Exactly like the model so that's why we Have to have it in our probabilities and Human psychology may not care about the Fact that we missed some weak here okay Human psychology looks at the big Picture and the big picture here is that Is not the exact you know we need this Pump to end before this high and then This pump needs to go above this High uh While the all of this detail add up Human psychology is more about the big Picture the fact that we did see a big Dump to massive lows then we did see a Lower low and now it looks like we're

Recovering and people are getting some Hope but then if we see another lower Low it's gonna be horrible I mean here's Where most people is gonna lose all Trust in Bitcoin and gonna fomo out and This is where the true bottom is and This is how it's worked for hundreds of Years and if this psychology works for Whales to accumulate they will repeat it So this is why it is a scenario that I'm Looking at and this is a scenario that If it happens it's important to be Cool-headed be fully fully cool in the Head understanding that it is Manipulation and it is meant to Manipulate us if we're gonna set a new a New let me know what you think the Reason why I this is not my first Scenario is because this is something That we've been discussing for quite Some time in this industry is ever since The last Peak everyone knows about Wyckoff Wyckoff became famous after the Peak and Wyckoff was kind of new for us In this industry we didn't see this kind Of manipulation before the peak in 2021 When we went to 69k and had that fake Out because that fake out in Bitcoin is Very unique it's for the first time that We set a new all-time high like like we Did after a massive dump so before the All time I remember we had the massive Dump during the summer Bitcoin fell by 50 then we had quite a natural recovery

That took months it took months to Recover then we finally went to Old Time High and it was a fake out so that's Where everyone started to speak about Wyckoff and the fact that everyone right Now is keeping an eye on the fact that This may also be a Wyckoff my bet is That it's not gonna be repeating According to the textbook again because Everyone has their eyes on it right now And the whales will find a way to Manipulate but the question is will it Be like this because everyone is looking At it CJ Larson has a video on this Which is brilliant and we're looking on It right now and everyone is speaking About it there's so many videos about Bike up you can just Google Bitcoin Wyckoff you're gonna find like hundreds Of them but right now right now it could Happen to the downside it's it's not my Highest probability but it's good to Have it's our responsibility for to our Capital to know about all the different Uh possibilities and this is a Possibility now the big question with All possibilities is when is it Invalidated and I think that this Possibility will be invalidated quickly If we just go and we pump above these Highs right here if it is the case that Bitcoin goes above 25k which we had Right here then this whole wike off you Can throw it in the trash because the

Whole idea here is that you don't go Above this high as you can see here There's a particular High which can be Mapped to this 25k high if we go above It then we just throw this in in the Trash can because then this doesn't make Sense anymore Um it's not Wyckoff then it's something Else then this may be the true bottom That we have right now so that's the That's the target Target and it's kind Of in line what we've been discussing Here on the channel if we start breaking From this from this high right here we Start breaking up then it is true signal That we've reached the bottom so the Plan doesn't really change for us but we Know we know that another low maybe in The in the play uh it's still possible If Wyckoff plays out uh so that's Something to keep an eye on and if it Happens we're cool we're cool with it we Know what what's going on and it's not News for us so there you go guys let me Know in the comment section what you Think will this play out or will this Not play out personally I want to Accumulate more at 20K if we go below 20K then I would be looking at bikofer's Number one scenario if we go below 20K I would uh remove my remove my position That I bought at approximately 20K Because my dry powder as you know right Now is waiting for 20K I'm gonna enter

If we keep falling we go to like 19.5 Even lower I'm gonna take that small Loss and on my dry powder and wait for Wyckoff because then that's my uh Scenario if we go below and it's all About having a plan having a plan Everyone has a plan Until they get hit in the face you know Mike Tyson he said that and that's why You got to stick to your plan you really Need to have all kinds of different ways To act because no one knows what's going To happen to the market it can go up it Can go it can go down we can only react And be psychologically prepared so That's very important That's very very cute to understand and Most people they want too much Efficiency they're saying is this the Bottom and the fact is it's all Probabilistic it's all probabilistic This this is the bottom most likely yes But there is a probability for Wyckoff So that's why we're keeping an eye on it And the whales are leveling up another Important important thing it's quite Interesting how this industry is Evolving because whales today are way Smarter than in the past wealth right Now is Wall Street Great whales I mean We are playing with Wall Street on the Highest levels and that's why we got to Be careful and that's why short term Speculation makes some less and less

Sense in this market because the fact That we are looking at so massive Players being involved in Bitcoin and It's it's so easy to get shaken out and They're really gonna mess with your Psychology now imagine that Wyckoff is The only such psychological play we know Of that is really really big that is That everyone knows of imagine how many More they have that we don't know of There may be many more so that's why Wild Wyckoff is Big it's not probably Not the only one they're gonna try to Mess with us in all kinds of ways we got To be prepared we don't know all the Strategies uh they may be all kinds of Other psychological ways to affect the Market and we don't know it because Wyckoff we wouldn't know Wyckoff if he Didn't come out and document it because The way that this uh this strategy came Out to the public is that he was working With uh all of the different banks and Uh and had a lot of experience and he Wanted to be to be useful to the public Where he said guys listen we are abusing You okay we are abusing you so beware This is how it works so he dedicated Himself to instructing the public about The real rules of the game as played by The large interest or smart money in the 30s he founded a school which would Later become the stock money Institute The school's essential offering was a

Course that integrated the concepts that Wyckoff had learned about how to Identify large operation operators Accumulation and distribution of stock And how they do it with big positions And I I find this quite brilliant that It's all about starting the engine it's All about you know getting the engine to Work what do I mean by that Let me draw something You know the price is all emotional like The price can really jump to biggest to A big extent to large price points uh With a few people with very few people Because if everyone is following in Everyone is buying no one is selling the Price just automatically goes up it's Just emotion and it's all about starting That emotion and and this is what I feel Wyckoff teaches us Let's see X Cali draw let me draw let me draw here This was this one was fast shot loading And so right now you can argue that we Are in this um Uh range so like you saw we had the low Then we pump up then we kind of dump Down here and then we pump here and then You know we set a new low and then we go Here but not to the highest and that we Set the spring here and then we go from Here so this is kind of let me see if I Drew it accurately but this is kind of What we saw here on this chart

Uh Ah what the hell I cannot copy it let's See I go here Can I copy this and then I go anyway I Cannot copy it but this is how it looks Like so this is an accumulation range You can say that the price comes down it Does something like this this kind of What we saw and as you can see this is Like an accumulation range right here And once we break out right here From this range so this would be a Breakout from this 25 25k so when we Break out the thing is people have so Much formula here that you can just sit Back and relax the market will drive Itself people are forming in Pension Funds are forming and VCS are following In the market just drives itself to the Upside and it doesn't need a lot of Economic energy to do that because People are speaking a lot about you know Oh you need so much money to pump up the Market I mean in reality when people are Forming there there's not a lot needed You you just pump and pump and pump when There is fomo So it's all about for big interest to be Able to accumulate a lot uh this is Where they need to do a lot of work Because they need to get in with a lot Of volume here without pumping the price Then the price can pump with uh with Less volume and then when they feel okay

Now it's time to take profit that is When they have to do a lot of work again But in the other direction because this Is accumulation This Is How They Accumulate Um and then they need to distribute so After the market has pumped maybe you Know 10x or something here here they Need to do something similar where they Have a peak and then it says like a fake Peak like we saw in the past and people Are following in and then like there are A bunch of stuff here in between and Then we go down here and here they need They don't have to do a lot of work Because during this 10x period if the Market is really pumped up and Market Has worldwide fomo there is not a lot of Volume or anything needed you you just Pump and pump and pump and that's why we Look at volume because volume normally Signals this this turning events because When you see a lot of volume it means That either big players are entering and That's why on this channel we've been Looking at the coinbase volume and we Were looking for big spikes and when the Big players are exiting I mean here is Where you see volume and that when they Do that's normally the the turn of the Market and then the psychology really Breaks uh breaks down and then the Market can just dump by itself until It's time to accumulate again so

Basically this kind of Institutions they Need to do their work like they have two Tasks per four years one task is to get In Like they're doing now another task is To get out like they will do in let's Say two years uh when when we see new Highs in Bitcoin and everything in Between the markets will take care of Itself as long as people are pumped They're going to pump up the price I I Find this very interesting how this Works and how Market psychology works And the fact that it's all about Emotions and if you can manipulate People people's emotions like they're Trying to do you can do wonders and it Works 100 years ago it works today Anyway guys hope it makes sense Exactly you gotta collect the business It's it's like the Kansas yes On that note guys we're going to q a Before we do I want to thank our Partners number one tap tap app which We're partnering with since The last week or so so if you want to Buy crypto you want to spend crypto with A card you want low fees you go to tap And the way you do it is by using the Link in the description or using the QR Code so you can just scan it with your Mobile and you will get instantly Redirected to download it so support the Channel by going to tap and also if you

Are trading use the buy bit link below To support the channel as well you can Go long you can go short you can do spot You can do nfts I mean they have Everything here it's it's really a One-Stop shop nowadays for Traders so if You want to get into crypto It's tap if You want to trade and and go go wild Dennis buy but using the link below as Well on that note guys We are going into q a and one thing I'm Very curious about is how we will we Will exit this uh this this bear market And let me know what you guys think Because my number one scenario I have Laid out my number two scenario is this More bearish one and it would be Interesting to to hear your opinions Uh you talked about thinking of Wyckoff When we go below to escape what what do You mean below to escape daily closures Weeks uh don't get too into details with That I I think that's another thing People are so aware oh is it weak is it Not weak I mean in reality you gotta Find your own way of doing that I mean Personally when I look at whether we go Below a certain level for me it's more Of a range uh and and see don't think of It as a science that's where many people Make the mistake they think okay here's The week here's the body it went one Cent above the week or above the body Into the week okay or it it didn't go by

One cent above I mean do you think human Psychology cares about that no it Doesn't so that's the number one thing I Think many people the mistake many People make they get so technical with It that okay it's exactly exactly when The price goes here but not above this Line to his exact Cent that's that's my Signal I mean in reality a lot of this Is a range so that's why for example When I'm speaking about 20K I have this Range and you never know exactly when in This range things are likely to happen So I have this range when we enter into This range I am buying here at 20K like I told you the same thing is if we go Below 20K if we go below this range then I'm selling and is it exact no if the Price touches your exact Cent below the Range no because this in this range you Can draw differently you can move it up A bit you can move it down a bit and This is the most important thing to Think in ranges number one is to think In probabilities never be certain about Anything and number two think in ranges Because there's it's never been the fact That you know if we go to the exact set And then the price is like okay I'm done The exact Cent has been hit and I'm Going down from here or exact sent has Been hit we're going up from here Because also these weeks are different On different exchanges you may have by

The Exchange where the week is like that Another change so anyway okay nothing is Hundred percent whether we're gonna go Up or down not 100 the weeks this and That don't that don't matter and it's All about for you to have a system that You can be consistent with so for Example I know tone ways has a system Where he draws when he draws his levels He's he's trying to draw uh through as Many weeks as possible without touching The candle body okay so that's that's I Think that's a strategy you could use if You want something like you just want Something that's a strategy you could Use to draw across as many weeks as Possible without touching the candle Body Um someone else may do it a bit Differently and it doesn't matter as Long as you have something that you can Use in your daily life it's good enough Because and because in reality what will Happen is that it's a range anyway but If if you're if it's easier for you to Draw like this and the reason why it Still works is because you're not gonna Do it exactly anyway so by you not doing It exactly you're kind of working with The range anyway but you're just Restricting yourself to specific levels Instead of allowing your brain to be More flexible by instead of drawing Specific level you draw a range anyway I

Hope it makes sense guys because That's one thing many people struggle With and they they think it's some kind Of science you think this is science This is not math this is not exact Science whatsoever this is human Psychology and uh that's why human Psychology and also this can be Manipulated by whales again so you have Some level you think it's gonna hit the Whale is going to turn back right before You hit it that's why you never know Where different levels are gonna get From Tran and that's the that's the fun Of it because otherwise if everything Would be a science the price would never Never have any kind of um any kind of Volatility if we know that we have a Level here and the price is going to go Here and it's a science okay the price Will go here instantly because everyone Knows that okay it's lower I will buy We're gonna go here and and as long as It's lower someone's gonna buy it so Instantly we're gonna be pushing Ourselves there so because no no one Knows it's not the science the price is Volatile and it's all about emotions Sometimes we're more confident sometimes We're less confident sometimes we're Scared so I hope it makes sense it's I Think this is one of the key things to Know in crypto and in general by the way In the markets how this works and uh how

Um how the psychology works because The markets are always affecting us We're always buying selling something We're always trading we're always we Have access to all of these markets uh Whether it's stocks or crypto so yeah I Mean you gotta know it I find it Endlessly interesting because also This is human psychology so it's not an Exact science and you can always learn More you can always learn more that's What I love about crypto overall that There's some something more to learn Is there any downside from watching your Stream from Twitch app instead of Morales uh yeah I mean soon there will Be because we're gonna have our own chat Here we use a street a twitch chat only Now um Temporarily because soon we can have our Own chat where you can log in with nfts And stuff and we're going to make the The website better for like mobile Responsiveness and all that so that's Coming but right now I think it's Exactly the same except that you get Reminded to claim the beanies if you if You're watching it on the website Because you see the button claim the Business Um Developer question what's a good Approach to select the right L1 chain to Be to build a project on well there are

Many there are many uh aspects I think The the biggest aspect is what kind of Project are you building let's say You're Building some kind of wallet If you're building a wallet I would Choose a an ecosystem which is up and Coming because You're not going to outcompete metamask And there are many chains trying to do That But let's say You go you build something on Aptos and You can do it using Morales by the way We provide all kinds of apis Aptos is a Full new ecosystem and it has a lot of Backing a lot of momentum a lot of People building and Here is where if you build a wallet you May actually you may actually become Quite big because it's a new ecosystem The same thing applies if you're Building marketplaces you want to build An NFC Marketplace I would build it on Aptos if I would if I would start right Now because if I build it on eth I need To compete with openc with Elios Marketplace which I love by the Way where gigamart but on Aptos you Don't compete with that many you compete With you know a couple of new of others And they also started recently so the The space is up for grabs and that's why The new ecosystems they have the best Risk reward the risk is high because the

Ecosystem is Young and proven but the Reward is bigger than the risk so that's Why this ratio between risk reward and The way I see it at least is very Lucrative and that's why we are betting On new ecosystems in morales as well Because we're thinking kind of like that As well because we're number one Provider in Aptos no one else provides Apis for Aptos in the way we do so we Have have the biggest potential to Capture the most amount of projects and Devs that build on Aptos so I'm not just Bullish on Aptos with them with my mouth I'm bullish on Aptos with what we're Doing at rails as well so we're thinking Kind of the same when we support new Chains what do we add well we add chains Where we see growth where there is I Mean there is risk of course if the Chain doesn't work out and the community Doesn't grow there's always a risk but You gotta take some risk and the reward Is fantastic and I feel that we picked The correct chain here because a few Months back when we picked it Aptos Wasn't that active like there are not Many videos about Aptos and Community Wasn't that big but it's proven itself To be correct because now the community Is growing like crazy so that's that's One way of looking at it Another way of looking at it is in case You need interoperability with existing

Projects so that's when the building on Something like Optus may make less sense Because everything is new if you want to Integrate let's say with things on Polygon that are already existing okay Go and build on polygon you can also use The Morales for that it's it's going to Be more difficult to compete because Everyone is on polygon But you can do it you can do it Absolutely and uh It has its own risk and reward uh but The problem with all of these EVMS Is that it's very crowded I mean as a Dev it's extremely crowded Um so it's up to you what you like and There are pros and cons also in terms of The talent there is more talent that Knows how to build on solidity than how To build on move let's say with Aptos Then there is Solana as well But Solana is kind of I mean the problem With Solana in my view is that It kind of has the worst of Both Worlds When it comes to risk reward because Number one it's still a big risk with Solana that the the the community will Not be as big as it or it will not reach Its final potential it's always a risk But Solana also is very crowded like it Has you know the potential is capped for You in terms of competition because it's Super crowded but also the risk is high So that's where personally

I am not as attracted to Solana as to Other ecosystems because sulan is so Massive already like you're not you're Not going to be the early Dev there but At the same time it's still unproven so If I was that that's kind of how how I'm Thinking about the that risk reward then There is cosmos And by the way Solana is great I'm not Saying it has its own its own upset it Is great but in terms of like risk Reward how I see it you can see it Differently let me know how you how you See it then there's Cosmos as well Cosmos is fully new very very big risk Because you gotta also decide on which Chain to build on Cosmos do you do your Own chain do you build on some other Chain but the potential is maybe even More massive because if you're if your Chain becomes big or your project Becomes big you're serving an Underserved ecosystem which really needs New stuff uh so yeah I hope it gives Some perspective Ivan you have no interest in building a Wallet uh not really I mean we are Building the Morales money site where You can view any address and you can Connect any wallet and here we're Looking into how we can integrate Aptos For example as well and Solana and Everything Um so I find this more interesting where

You can connect all different wallets so Right now we're looking at the Beacon Validator validating contract where People are depositing I find this Extremely interesting how can we decode On-chan data and show it even nicer like For example here you just see deposit it Would be nice if we could show more Metadata like we can say it's a validate Validation deposit this is a staking Contract and stuff like that I I find This way more interesting and then Because also there are so many and Because we uh we do a lot of of this Kind of things in the evm ecosystem and In evm you have metamask you have xd5 Wallet you have so many wallets there so Um if we do another wallet Nothing's Gonna Change Instead I like this approach of Connecting uh old wallets to what we Build so that's how how we're thinking And for us money is a big extent it's a Sandbox where we can try out our own Tech so everything you see here it's Using our own our own Tech and we can See how it works we can see the Different issues it has and stuff like That and we can improve it Once you build on one chain can you Build same project as a sister project On another chain uh yeah you can do it Many people do that so for example a Good example is pancake swap

Pancake swap you may know it as the Binance chain exchange next decision has Exchange they are moving to Aptos so Look at how they're doing it I'm not Sure how they're gonna do with the token Probably they're gonna wrap it or Something You need an Mev guy hunter what do you Mean what do you mean Someone that can see all of this like Sandwich attacks or or in what way Uh And uh What are we missing you think Can we talk about sui Network any Thoughts about adding apis with so with Sui we're trying to reach them I mean This is this is something that is Important to us when we Work with the chain it's important for Us to be in contact and to have a good Connection and we're trying to do that With sui because when we integrate I Mean of course we want to build the Ecosystem together we want to be in Touch we want to know how we can serve The projects on the Chain so if if they Themselves know a bunch of projects we Want to be introduced and stuff like That So um I think that's what is missing for Us with sui we need to get more in touch Minor extractable value they know how to Do code yeah I know what MVB is but what

Should we like what is the ideal Decoding of that Um let's say can you link some Transaction that we can check out on Etherscan and uh and see like what what Can we decode uh that has with Mev to do And what's the ideal UI like what do you Want to see you know this Miner Uh wrecked this trans this Miner Extracted this many eth from this Transaction by inserting their own Transfers but you don't know if they but Do you know it clearly on chain that They that it is the miner that because They can just use another address right That is not connected to them in order To do this Arbitrage and like replacing Transactions and stuff like that anyway I'm very interested in that so if you Can link something I can check Would it be possible to make apis for Yeah yeah Suzuki sync is coming so basic You think we're also in touch and the Issue is that they are still heads down They they are not ready yet they're Still heads down the same thing I think Is with Moonbeam that they're still Heads down so some chains were ready to Go we like the team everything is lined Up all the stars are lined up but they Need more time or something and there's Oh no sorry another another one is not It's erratics we're also speaking to Radix but there's still two heads down

Uh hey Ivan do you think it's possible To build L2 for Bitcoin since Bitcoin NFC yeah I mean there is uh Stacks which Is Layer Two on bitcoin Are you trying out any test chains IPhone Tech uh depends if it is another Evm I will not try it guys if it does That's what people ask asked me a few Days ago here on the channel hey Ivan Have you tried this uh chain but it's Like evm so why should I try it I know How ethereum chains work uh if but if It's something different yes if it's Something different yes I have I'll have to get back to my Computer good question I have some Construct addresses saved yeah yeah I Mean hunter listen let's uh uh how can We so Hunter How can we I'm thinking like what's the Easiest Where you can are are you on Discord A link your post your Discord name In in this chat let me write to you on Discord so you can you can give us all Of this interesting addresses Uh give me your handle let me write to You If you can link us all of this fund Addresses we can look at And figure stuff out it would be very Good Can you add short pie On Morales money oh yeah we're gonna

We're gonna do I guess we're gonna add Chart pie because people love uh people Have Pines number one but people like Charts and this is uh very important Even if the chart doesn't give you a Bunch of information just that it's the Chart it's fantastic we as humans will Love looking at it so we're gonna add a Bunch of charts into into Morales mining Like the portfolio net worth I mean that one is a bit more difficult To do into like snapshot and uh and go Back in time using archive node and all Of that so that one is a bit it's I is Going to be a bit in the future but Short term we can we could just do a pie Chart that's probably the simplest What's the best place to find back in Devs oh I don't know listen I need Backing devs some people come to me they Ask me hey Ivan can you recommend some Devs because you know many deaths I'm Like bro I cannot because I need devs Myself Can you recommend good backend that man No I can absolutely not recommend anyone But you're asking a bit different Question I think I mean you got to be Active in the community I think you need To post what you are doing on Twitter Kind of like I'm doing right now if you Are watching this guys and you like to Be part of Morales money you click here Back in devs wanted

And uh because we need we need devs who Like this kind of stuff you know going Into the history figuring stuff out uh And it's so fun I mean I love doing this It's so fun to decode onshine history Because it's quite complex as well What about transactions are Morales Helps metamask I mean we are a data provider cross Chain and we don't do any transactions Uh you you we don't uh You you need wallet to the transactions We're just for data Where can we learn about economics uh Wish economics With the business The beanies the only to economic is that You claim 500 per day with the beanies Uh Mm cryptos token shows up as a scam coin On Morales oh no no I I love him on Crypto I think the problem is that we Need to manually remove it so the the Way this scam label works Like here for example is that we look if The coin is not traded so I think with Vpat actually let me write it down we Need to fix that because The problem is that they have the coin On if and on binance chain and I believe The binance chain is now mistakenly uh Flagged because it has no volume Uh because people don't trade this Combiners chain and that's normally

What is a scam project in terms of Airdrop so airdrop tokens which are Scams they also don't have volume so if A coin doesn't have volume it may be Mistakenly labeled As a scam but we need to fix that and That's why our scam detection is not 100 Uh And it will improve If if I can project it with a oh no no Man don't don't go don't get any MDA to Share your project listen man don't Don't get that no one's gonna join your Project for NDA and No One's Gonna even Listen to with NDA never get NDA guys Never get a day when you're starting out Um because I I have experience with you Know when I was a Dev so many people Came to me hey Ivan you want to join our Startup this is the new Facebook or Something like all of this and Especially like this business guys they Think they're like the next Zuckerberg They're like the idea guy and when I was A Dev they approached me they say hey Ivan Do you want to join our project you're Going to be the CTO okay we're gonna be CTO I'm like okay uh what is the project I Cannot tell you you need the NDA I Cannot tell you I'm like man what the Hell I think I signed one NDA when I was In experience I signed it and he's like

Oh yeah it's like it's like Tinder but It's for dogs or he's like yeah it's Like uber but for coffee or something I'm a bro what the hell I signed and Dave for this what the hell uh That's number one number two is this Whole thing that I'm the CTO and he's The idea guy what the hell So Whenever you have a project don't have Any NDA and don't be the idea guy I mean At least you can kind of build the thing Yourself maybe you can learn some basic HTML or something so you have some Prototype maybe you can attract fund Fans and you can you can get going with That but yeah I mean I hate that like NDA stuff to hear the idea I mean most Probably the idea sucks I can tell you already your idea Probably sucks because if you just came Up came up with it yourself It probably sucks you need to try it you Need to test it like for example with Morales money I don't know what what is What is good here in terms of what People use the most but we're looking at Uh stats I mean are people viewing this Page more are people viewing the history More I have some ideas I mean I idea Starts with can we show some some nice History and uh portfolio and that that's It and then we need to test it because I Probably know that it's gonna suck I

Know probably the first idea without Before idea meets the real world and you Get real numbers on the idea it's gonna Be bad most likely but then when you get Real numbers you can adjust it a bit Um so we're so we're in the process of Doing that uh we're in the process of Seeing like what should we do do we Build more here Do we build more here do we build more Here uh you you can only do it with Numbers and it's surprising how numbers Sometimes are very different from What you what you think so we had this We had this thing with Morales where we Tested the daily limit we thought that Because with Morales the free plan that We have a problem a lot of people The free plan is to is so good that a Lot of people go to Pro production with The free plan and rad is that you know If you go if you become big you should Not be on the free plan because then uh We're basically burning cash and you're Going to production and if you're in Production our goal is that you should Pay us And when you use our infra and women Some people go to prod on the free plan And then we said that okay on the free Plan you have a certain amount of Requests per day we thought that it's Gonna Is gonna be enough but it wasn't enough

People are still going to prod on the Free plan so anyway it it's some it's Some interesting things you discover When you look at the data yeah and that You didn't think about before looking at The data when your gut feeling says this Is gonna work and then the data says no It doesn't work No one can copy Universe version 3 Because they limit the source code so The limitation will disappear in April Of 2023 so in two months there's gonna Be no limitation on the unusual version 3. that's also why they are launching on Binance chain now so that they can Become the biggest exchange on buying a Chain before all of the copycats can Start copying them in April so I'm very Sure that already right now a lot of Copycats are ready to launch they have Already coded everything they have a Version 3 copied and forked and adapted And now they're just waiting for the Launch and the launch will happen when The license expires and that's in April And this is by the way a news that I Didn't know a few weeks back that is Going to be in April I learned it from The binance chain discussion where they They said themselves that our license is Gonna expire in April so we better Launch now otherwise pancake swap is Gonna he's gonna take it and they're Gonna be the biggest exchange version 3

Exchange on binus Um Yeah by the way so instead of NGA you Can do the the open source license but We discussed it a few streams back Already that you can do open source License that restricts anyone from using It but it's still open source and people Can contribute to it and build on it but Only you can you can use it in Production and there is a fair license That I like yeah I think it's Maria DB Open source license they created this Kind of Open Source license that uni Swap uses That basically means you have exclusive Rights until a certain date Which makes it so that the community Wants to contribute and help you because They know that at the end of the day This will be a public good but they also Understand that you're a business you're Not a charity so some exclusivity makes Sense for a certain period of time and Normally it is four years or three years Or two years it depends but what I've Seen normally is four years and four Years it's quite a long time in Tech That if you have an advantage for four Years and you cannot use it to a good Business to get good business outcomes And good Advantage then you probably Will not be able to achieve anything Anyway so then it can become a public

Good I find it quite interesting and Normally normally in four years there is Another version in the works anyway so When version three becomes ready now for For anyone to use in April they probably Have version 4 already almost done and Maybe next year version 4 is Gonna Come And then they are always yeah I had so Yeah I like that I like that live Essence that the usual version 3 has And probably we're gonna do the same With Morales money we're thinking how we Can Go open source in terms of uh all of This decoding so for example you know That a lot of this history it's a lot of Custom code that needs to be done and A custom code for example how to decode Different functions uh like we saw for Example with this wallet before let me See if I can pull it up what's it here Where we saw the staking wallet you Could do custom code to decode the Contents of a transaction what really Happened you also need custom code to Decode what happened what happens with User balances overall do they have Everything in their wallet or do they Have a bunch of stuff locked up Somewhere in some uh in some defy in Some staking or Landing Um so we're thinking that we can have an Open source repo which is free for Everyone to see and contribute to but

Where we will have exclusive right for The coming year or so to use it in Release mining so we just don't see a Bunch of CopyCats in instant copycats Um so yeah that that's that's Interesting I like that I like that I Mean this is the way to do open source Because I mean obviously everyone has Their own interest with open source no One is just you know some kind of Jesus Doing everything for free but You need to align the incentives where You can do open source you have still Exclusivity to your open source thing That you're doing in public but it Becomes probably good at the end of the Day I mean there is something beautiful About that where we can serve our Interests we can serve our incentives And help the world at the same time That's how it needs to be because listen Humans by definition we're not Messiahs I mean we're not to tell anyone to spend Their time And money to build something without Getting any advantage I mean some people Are like that true altruists but it's Not how business or capitalism works if And how most people work and our Global Way of doing business like with capital Capitalism it reflects our uh human Nature that's why socialism and Communism doesn't work especially Communism because it's not human nature

To just uh you know do everything for Free for the common good and not get any Special Advantage for extra hard work Like we humans don't work like that we Don't like that so when you have a Government like that that tells you okay Everyone is fully fully Is fully fully here to do you know free Work people just relax it's kind of like You know Soviet Union you you cannot do Anything to get an advantage okay you Just you start cheating the system you Start you start cutting Corners left and Right so yeah Um Government chain with cbdc the biggest It will come yes the government chains Will come Um and they they will have to compete With public chains and that's kind of Like the internet versus intranet so the Intranet Microsoft tried to build the Controlled intranet but never worked out Uh so there's going to be a competition Between government coins and public Coins and uh that's the competition we Will witness in public In your opinion what with Shane is the Best at this time there's no best chain I mean all of them work so so Uh We have exactly Eric you are the true Altruist in this chat during the Timestamps for free we appreciate you

Very very much uh thanks a lot Eric Maybe yeah I mean Eric is the true Altruist that that we have here a big Shout out to you man and you you really Help a lot of people with the with the Timestamps uh Eric is King 100 Man my non-holder friends friends think That cbdc is a good idea uh exactly Exactly this uh salute uh salute uh Smiley Cbdc is uh easy it's going to be easy For people it's going to get a wide Adoption it's gonna be very big it's Gonna also be very controlling from the State I think it's inevitable that That's where the state is going and That's the kind of currency we will have In terms of the state currency but We will also have free currencies and That's the competition that will play Out uh and if your friend likes to only Use State currency okay it's a free Market let them use maybe they have some Problem with that at some point they Will switch to free currency I mean Everyone thinks that the current Situation is good until they face some The platform Some of the platforming event like for Example we saw with stripe And uh fleurally I don't know this Company I just read this horrible story Where stripe banned them and subjected Them to a fine of 400 000 because this

Was some kind of marketplace that used Stripe and Stripe didn't like a transaction so they Banned them and uh yeah and stripe Complains that it's not them that are Doing this but the card networks so this Is what's going to happen to a big Extent with uh Central bank's digital Currency that your money can be blocked Taken away from you at any time so if Your friend likes that good for him Congrats go ahead and use it But if you like true ownership you have Bitcoin you have eth so there is no Reason to really convince anyone because I think it's so clear listen if you like That go ahead I mean no one is stopping You go ahead use it fantastic good luck Have fun have fun staying poor not Really but kind of and then you have Three cryptocurrencies so that's why I'm Not really worried about CBC many people Are so worried they're saying oh is it Going to be better than it cannot Be better than crypto it's always going To be controlled so the question is Marked will they try to ban crypto And that's where we may see uh may see More of that but it's gonna be friction It's gonna be not easy to bankrupt uh It's gonna be a big fight so anyway Let's see what's gonna happen but cbdc To me it's uh it's uh no-brainer it's Gonna happen it's gonna happen on that

Note guys thanks a lot for this Fantastic Saturday stream uh very very Good hanging out with you today thanks a Lot for contributing to the stream with Great questions and Eric the hero of uh Of the stream doing the timestamps big Big shout out to you and if you're Watching Youtube be sure to smash the Like we're back tomorrow guys at 10 A.M Central time remember on weekdays we're At eight and at weekends we're at 10. Have a good day enjoy your Saturday and Goodbye guys goodbye good luck bye
