Crypto Working FOR You – Top Defi Crypto Dexs for 2023

By | February 14, 2023

Where were you during the defy summer at 2020 I know most of you weren't even in Crypto but we were here making video for You guys covering the latest explosion In crypto decentralized finance that of Course led to yield farming that caused Mind-blowing results covered coins like Uniswap balancer one inch all kinds of D5 projects and they all trade our Portfolios very very nice said during That time but the year is 2023 we're Three years away from that D5 summer and What did we learn and what can we use in Order to know what's about to happen During possibly the next defy run so We're going to take a look at what the Top decentralized exchange is in defy Are today let's get it Welcome a bit more crypto my name is Ben Today we're going to be talking about The top dexes going around right now That stands for decentralized exchange Means they don't hold your crypto not Your keys not your crypto on dexes You're not handing over the keys or your Coins to those exchanges now if you do Still have to use centralized exchanges Which some people do especially if You're using them for trading make sure That you are taking your funds off of Centralized exchanges one way to do that Is through a hardware wallet we've got a Link down below we got several links Down below to Hardware wallets including

Ledger they've got The Ledger Stacks Coming out soon make sure to check that Out it's going to be their best offering Yet in my opinion of course there's Plenty of other great wallets out there But Ledger is tops so there you go link Down Below in the description the first Thing we got to look at when it comes to Dex's is liquid staking now you may have Heard of ethereum syncing where you have Your ethereum locked up on a validator Node on the new POS Network can't even Withdraw them right now liquid staking Allows you to be able to access Validator nodes and staking without Having to totally lose your crypto During that time where you can't touch It one of the top projects in that of Course is Lido Finance Lido Finance Works by using what's called as St Tokens or staging tokens like state eth Which looks like St eth so taking tokens Represent assets that are on other Exchanges like curve balance Ave maker Babylon Finance so users don't have to Just totally give up their crypto when They stake it can remain liquid and they Can earn even more returns a lot of Finance and State coins Works across Plenty of chains including ethereum Polka dot kusama polygon so SD tokens Are minted when they're deposited onto Those exchanges or platforms and then It's burned when it's redeemed and

Unstaked and Lido like all the exchange On this list well it's decentralized the Way the protocol works is even governed By the holders decisions are made by Voting by the token holders which means It operates similar to a doubt the Dow Set to keep parameters like fees node Operators and other things through Governance and the Dow token treasury Well it covers all the fees associated With the development and of course the Fees room using light up Finance well They're tucked into the treasury as well This is a completely decentralized Financial instrument that we haven't Ever seen before extremely Innovative Definitely haven't seen anything like This in mainstream finance and while Everything seems great with it and it's Decentralized you don't have to trust Anyone make sure to read all the fine Print before you go in using it because There are risks like if you don't Unstake if you lose your St eth you'll Lose all your funds but it's one I'm Definitely looking to put in my Arsenal For the next Bull Run a great Dex Outside of the major blockchains well That's spooky swap you have to say it That way every single time but it is on Phantom phantom you get it it's also but What we're single Phantom right now is Very interesting because Phantom is Getting a lot of hype and has been

Really moving lately but I've told a lot Of people that have asked me about it to Me Phantom has really got to prove its Value by its users and its adoption you Can talk about it and hype it up all you Want but spooky swap is the place where You can go and check out is that Happening how is it functioning what is The volume this is a good indicator of How Phantom is going to do but if you Want to trade Phantom tokens then you Gotta go to spooky swap and while spooky Swap says it's a DEX it's more like a One-Stop shop for decentralized finance It's got all the normal stuff like Swapping and yield farming but it also Allows users to bridge a huge amount of Chains over their platforms the original Tokens from ethereum BSE avax even Arbitrary now this building's been Around for a while and we actually Covered them in a video probably about Two years ago but they have a very large Twitter and also a very active GitHub Page for development and they're one of The few D5 projects that's actually been Audited by certic top auditing company In crypto for a long time Phantom's been An underdog in crypto it's I don't know Maybe a D tier blockchain compared to Some of the top ones but the point is It's not on par with ethereum and Cardano yet it just hasn't got the Adoption and the attention if that

Changes then who knows maybe Phantom Could see a Solana type run except for Without all the scams even though he's Never got that attention of the Mainstream and crypto While the teams have still been building The entire bear Market they've added a Ton of crypto Partnerships with crypto Behemoths like Shane Lee Ren the graph It's hot right now and waves if you like Low fees in a growing ecosystem then You're not scared of the dark check out Spooky swap on fandom now if you've made This far in the video then I already Know you like it you like it with your Heart but can you like this video With your thumb go ahead and hit that Like button for us really helps get out The word of these coins and much more Mainstream adoption here we come so Let's talk about osmosis no I'm not Talking about trying to give you Information by shoving a book into your Head but it's a D5 platform on Cosmos This is a Divi platform where liquidity Can flow easily from one blockchain to Another as mentioned it's on Cosmos it's Got inner chain liquidity and it's Killing it in this Niche it has 40 of All interchange transactions that occur On Cosmos these are cheap usually under A dollar and it's well positioned to Realize its goal of becoming the Internet of blockchains of course that's

Cosmos that's trying to become the Internet of blockchain Osmosis it's Helping it get there it's a proof state Blockchain that incentivizes users to Become liquidity providers delegators And down members State liquidity well That allows the pool operators to have Total sovereignty over their pools it's Kind of stuff I like it's like my pull At home the liquidity pool token Providers well they can vote on things By changing fees incentives and Algorithms now with this does is it Creates a competitive atmosphere within The ecosystem where those who have stake Skin in the game they have the say now The protocol has something that it calls Super liquid staking it's kind of like Liquid thinking he said it's where users Don't have to choose between staking or Providing liquidity to generate yield so With the osmo token token of Osmosis They can do both why choose this way you Maximize your returns osmosis well They're trying to be the core project of Cosmos I think they might be well on their way No list is complete without cardano in It am I right Cardinal is starting to Have some great projects developed on it And today we're going to look at one That is no different men's swap is the Largest card Auto decentralized Exchange By tvl and has made huge improvements

Over the last year so Diva right now is Still pretty new in cardano and I'll be Honest with you I'm seeing a really Sweet opportunity here similar to what We may have seen with ethereum in 2020 When it comes to D5 so mint swap is a Decentralized exchange that offers Something most decentralized exchanges Don't which is limit orders these allow You to be very strategic with the price Points you buy in at and you can enhance Your portfolio by making optimal moves It's important to note that one of the Largest and most successful AI projects Right now with all the hype Singularity Well they're on the Cardinal blockchain And if you want to get agix not Financial advice of course Get head on over to Min Swap and do it Right there you can swap agix For Singularity right there on the side And minswap is now also launching their Launch Bowl now what is this Continuation of the launch pad craze That occurred in the last Bull Run I'm Here to tell you this is a good sign That things are about to start going Crazy in the world of private round Investments and when it comes to getting In projects early they're launching on Cardano BCS are saying Core 2 and 3 of This year are gonna be the best and most Amazing opportunities for new projects Or at least for you to invest in new

Projects if that's what you want to do There's always risk and obviously Investing in startups it has a lot of Risk however they tend to also pay off The most when you hit and I think mint Swap is going to be a hit so with D5 Summer of 2020 Way back in the rear view can't even see It what's gonna happen in 2023 certainly Are not expecting new all-time highs for Bitcoin or all coins but are we shaving Up to see round two of D5 summer this Time it's going to be done cheaply and The transactions will be fast scalable Guys if you like D5 projects make sure To smash that like button also comment Down below what your favorite Decentralized exchanges love to hear Your thoughts so I gotta be blessed oh Yeah Thank you
