This Week In Bitcoin And Crypto – Incoming BTC Pump

By | February 20, 2023

A lot to talk about we have a lot of uh So what's this about 50 000 Bitcoin did I mention right I did see this and I did Uh pull this chart from that article And this is just looking at a Fibonacci Levels so 1.618 level and why this is Important is because previous times when Bitcoin has fallen down okay to its low After a bear market after a huge Correction right we tend to see these Tremendous Rises tremendous recovery Afterwards and that poor that point is Important because we have seen something Like that happen I mean actually not just once but very Often in 2019 it happened so take a look Right now the according to having cycle Right if you look at where we are we're Exactly exactly where we are supposed to Be coming off from the top going back Down to that very low bottom point and Recovering upwards right and in 2018 Leading to 2019 Bitcoin had a tremendous tremendous Tremendous run up did that same Fibonacci level right it went from 3 000 To 14 000 within a matter of months and then Unfortunately we came back down again a Little bit because it was just it was a Little bit too fast right so if you're Looking at our current trajectory which Is in red right now right we're at Exactly the point before

Uh Bitcoin tends to run up quite a lot Because we're coming off from bottom now The blue one that that was two cycles Ago so that one was uh it's a little bit Off because Bitcoin was much smaller Than with obviously no institutional Adoption no country adoption no any Adoption really just driven by retail Investors the 2017 cycle the one last Time you know a little bit more money Right a dollar amount obviously bigger And just you know D5 was getting started Um but this time around we have a whole Bunch more so this recovery up Could be quite tremendous right and We're talking about this is just this Year this is not even After the having event just the recovery Alone for this year could be Tremendous so this is showing if we get To that point we're talking about the 50 000 range and I know many people have Talked about this already 50 000 by this is projecting somewhere Around like September August September Time frame right which means we can Still have up and down movement but if We're following the same path as Previous Cycles right we could have that Tremendous upside from here Um And that'll be that'll be crazy and all And my camera is cutting it off but you Can also see on the bottom there let me

Remove my camera We're also in a bullish Divergence on The weekly chart too which As the name implies is bullish Um so something to look forward to We added tremendous tremendous January So far a pretty good February right will It continue into March while a few other People that are very bullish Mike Novograts at Galaxy digital says you'll Not be surprised Bitcoin has thirty Thousand by the end of this quarter that Means By the end of March can Bitcoin 30 000 See how we're at twenty four thousand Yeah we could be at 30 000 in no time Before I move on I want to talk about Privacy really quick are you concerned About your internet activity being Monitored or are you concerned that Central exchanges are tracking your Location through your IP if so and you Want to keep your activity and location Private then check out nordvpn nordvpn Helps protect your online privacy and Security through their virtual private Network spread across the world using Nordvpn you can hide your IP address Encrypt your internet connection Shielding your Digital Life from prying Eyes like internet service providers Network administrators crypto exchanges And even from the government nor VPN Uses military grade encryption and has a

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A stable coin maker in case people Didn't know binance is busd is crated And minted and basically uh managed by Paxos binance really has nothing to do With it they just gave they gave the Rights to paxos to do it so the SEC Decided to sue them and after that the New York New York Department of Financial Services also decided to go After them okay now what does this mean This comes right after the SEC Attacked staking right they went to Kraken they didn't go to coinbase they Didn't go to someone else that could Actually defend themselves they want to Kraken because they knew Kraken would Fold and it's the same thing same Playbook They went to paxos Okay they said basically uh people are Wondering what reason they gave but Overall they're trying to declare a Stable coin A security which there's no way it fits Their Howie test because no one buys a Stable coin as an investment because it Never goes up it's at one dollar how Could it go up you can't buy it as Investment you're buying a stable coin For means of transfer or just means of Storage of your your money in in in Crypto format but you're not buying Stable coins to make money right but it Seems like the SEC wants to declare

Stable coins as Securities and the Reason why they went to paxos just like The reason why they want to crack in Is because paxos is a smaller smaller Company they know they can force them to Comply right keep in mind coinbase also Works with circle and they both jointly Support usdc why didn't the SEC go after A circle or coinbase because they know That that would take much longer they Would that would take much much longer Maybe not even possible to shut down so That's why they decided again to go After one of the smaller guys because It's just much easier to win the case Right so unfortunately due to this paxos Has declared that they will not be Minting any more busd so in Approximately a week they will no longer Take in money and mint new busds and They said that they will support busd For over a year at least a year so They're not just getting rid of it so There's no mass panic right now in terms Of converting busd into something else People are still fed up right people are Still fed up Robert Kawasaki uh he Paints a gloomy picture almost every Single day but what he said is true Uh fed forced to print billions of fake Money well actually you just take that Back the few years you should say Trillions in fake money Uh he makes some predictions about

Bitcoin being at 500 000 silver at five Thousand uh or gold at five thousand Silver 500 Bitcoin 50 000 right people Are fed up because yes not only uh is Crypto being highly regulated but Mainly because the fed and the Governments around the world and central Banks they just continue to print money And print more money and more money and More money and more money and we're Going through that already we have a Debt ceiling crisis in the U.S right we Spend way more than we earn and if we Can't raise a ceiling well then Everything shuts down and we're in total Disaster so of course the city is going To be raised and that means the Irresponsibility of the fed and the Government will continue on and that Means more money is going to be printed And cause more inflation over time and Rob people of their buying power so People are fed up right so the this is Also just driving more people to bitcoin Ultimately right as more people learn About this and many people have they'll Just like I you know I can't trust Anything I can't trust anything that the Fed and Treasury Department or or the Governments do because they're just They're just being irresponsible really Extremely irresponsible we had several Months Several months now where inflation

Showed uh you know we were heading in The right direction which is lower but Now we're kind of coming to a halt Coming to a stop and that's that's That's no good so bring up all the Categories all the sectors that uh that Was measured what stood out the most Well this right here This right here stood out a lot I'm hiding highlighting it here there's A lot to see but Energy Services the Biggest one is utility piped gas service Went up 6.7 percent it's a huge huge rise I Don't know why piped gas service I'm Assuming like Natural Gas Uh went up almost seven percent in January There is the market Bell Best Bell in the industry Uh so overall that brought up Energy Services up quite a bit also energy went Up gasoline went up about 2.4 percent After falling seven percent in December So look at that we fell seven percent And then went up 2.4 so obviously that Brought the energy sector up a little Bit food is still on the rise a lot of You guys know like things like eggs are Still very expensive Um and then new car sales used car sales Commodities overall went up and shelter Also went up so shelter right here point Seven percent transportation services

Went up point nine percent so I think the biggest thing is energy with With gas service and then Um and then energy itself meaning like Fuel and gasoline went up but then you Know if you look at everything Everything pretty much went up we we Didn't see any significant declines Really uh used cars used car prices went Down 1.7 1.9 okay Uh fuel okay so fuel went down one point Two percent not counting gas and lean Which is strange like motor oil I don't know what that's measuring Gasoline went up but fuel went down I Don't know diesel maybe no that should Be I don't know if that counts under Gasoline but I I mean basically January Showed everything went up and that's not That's not good that's that's not good Overall you know there's more talks About this this debt ceiling right A lot Of people Saying hey you know what uh the us could Default bad things could happen if we Don't get some kind of deal to raise the Debt ceiling once again and you guys Know At least you you should know because I've been talking about this that that Ceiling is basically the US government Being Well the ceiling is there trying to make

Us be responsible but raising it Continuously forever is us being Irresponsible it's like having a credit Card debt that you max out every single Month so you call the credit card vendor And say hey can you lift my limit from 10 000 to 12 000 to 10 trillion or 30 Trillion let's up it to 40 trillion That's that's exactly what this means Were being physically irresponsible even Fed chair Paul he was asked this he did Not want to answer it but he's like well There's only one way forward and that's To raise a debt ceiling right uh and you May be wondering why this has something To do with what this has to do with Bitcoin well of course It has to do with Bitcoin because being Physically irresponsible with money with Dollars with hard earned cash right uh No one wants to see that no one wants to See their their dollars inflated away Because that's exactly what this means The government cannot pay its debts so We're we're we keep asking for the debt Ceiling to be raised but we go deeper And deeper into debt and what do we do We print more and more and more and more Money And this is what has been happening with People's purchasing power uh basically You go back to the 80s or 70s before you Know the dollar was taken off the gold Standard or after I should say

Immediately afterwards and and ever Since it's just been dropping and Dropping dropping and dropping and Dropping and dropping right and it will Continue and it escalate even more over The last few years so maybe number one Bitcoin pumped up today because you had Some people or maybe institutions or big Boys and I'll get to that a little bit They're like okay this is no good this Is no good we need to we need to spend Our dollars on something that won't Inflate away and its buying power won't Keep decreasing infinitely right and They turn to bitcoin so That's number one Number one I don't know if that's the Direct cause but I think it has Something to do with it at least it will Have something to do with the long term As more and more people realize even Keanu Reeves someone that lived in Matrix Says Bitcoin is an amazing tool for Exchange of resources criticizing it is Only going to make it better It sounds like piano Has gotten out of The Matrix
